- form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create做, 制作, 制造; 建造; 创造:
my grandmother made a dress for me
the body is made from four pieces of maple
cricket bats are made of willow.
make something into
alter something so that it forms or constitutes (something else)把…制成; 将…变成:buffalo's milk can be made into cheese.
- compose, prepare, or draw up (something written or abstract)构思; 拟订; 起草; 制订:
she made her will.
- prepare (a dish, drink, or meal) for consumption做(饭或菜); 准备(饮料):
she was making lunch for Lucy and Francis
with two objs I'll make us both a cup of tea.我来为咱俩各沏一杯茶。
- arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use整理(床铺), 铺(床)。
- arrange and light materials for (a fire)生(火)。
- (in sport, especially soccer) enable a teammate to score (a goal) by one's play(体育比赛, 尤指足球)助攻得(分)。
- Electronics complete or close (a circuit)【电子】接通(电路), 闭合(电路)。
- cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about使存在, 使形成; 带来:
the drips had made a pool on the floor.
- with obj. and complement or infinitive cause to become or seem使变得, 使显得:
decorative features make brickwork more interesting
the best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.
- carry out, perform, or produce (a specified action, movement, or sound)作出(行为, 动作); 发出(声音); 实施, 履行; 产生:
Asquith made a speech of forty minutes
anyone can make a mistake.
- communicate or express (an idea, request, or requirement)传达, 表达(想法、请求或要求):
I tend to make heavy demands on people
with two objs make him an offer he can't refuse.向他提出一个他无法拒绝的建议。
- undertake or agree to (an aim or purpose)承诺(或同意)为(某一目标)而努力:
we made a deal.
- chiefly archaic enter into a contract of (marriage)〈主旧〉达成(婚约):
a marriage made in heaven.
- with obj. and complement appoint or designate (someone) to a position任命, 指派:
he was made a fellow of the Royal Institute.
- with obj. and complement represent or cause to appear in a specified way把…描绘成…, 使…显得:
the issue price makes them good value.
- cause or ensure the success or advancement of带来(成功); 保证…的进展:
the work which really made Wordsworth's reputation.
- with obj. and infinitive compel (someone) to do something迫使做:
she bought me a brandy and made me drink it.
- constitute; amount to组成; 合计, 共计:
they made an unusual duo.
- serve as or become through development or adaptation可以用作; 可发展为; 可以制成:
this fern makes a good house plant.
- consider to be; estimate as认为; 估计:
How many are there? I make it sixteen.
- agree or decide on (a specified arrangement), typically one concerning a time or place确定(具体安排, 尤指时间或地点):
let's make it 7.30.
- gain or earn (money or profit)挣得, 赚得(钱或利润):
he'd made a lot of money out of hardware.
- Cricket score (a specified number of runs)【板球】得(分):
he made a century.
- arrive at (a place) within a specified time or in time for (a train or other transport)赶上(火车等); 及时到达(某个地点):
we've got a lot to do if you're going to make the shuttle
如果你想赶上班车的话, 我们要做很多准备
they didn't always make it on time.
make it
succeed in something; become successful成功; 成名:he waited confidently for his band to make it.
- achieve a place in在…占一席之地; 打入:
these dogs seldom make the news
they made it to the semi-final.
- chiefly N. Amer. achieve the rank of〈主北美〉获得…级别:
he wasn't going to make captain.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction go or prepare to go in a particular direction(准备)朝(特定方向)走去:
he struggled to his feet and made towards the car.
- with infinitive act as if one is about to perform an action似乎要做:
she made as if to leave the room.
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. induce (someone) to have sexual intercourse with one〈非正式, 主北美〉求欢; 诱奸:
he had been trying to make Cynthia for two years now
his alleged quest to make it with the world's most attractive women.
- (in bridge, whist, and similar games) win (a trick)(桥牌、惠斯特牌等)赢(一墩牌)。
- win a trick with (a card)打出(一张牌)赢一墩牌。
- win the number of tricks that fulfils (a contract)打满(所叫牌的墩数); 做成(合约)。
- shuffle (a pack of cards) for dealing洗(牌)。
- no obj.(of the tide) begin to flow or ebb(潮)涨; (潮)退。
- the manufacturer or trade name of a particular product(产品)制造者; 牌子:
the make, model, and year of his car.
- the structure or composition of something结构, 构成。
- the making of electrical contact通电, 接电。
- the position in which this is made接电位置。
be made of money
- often with negative informal be very rich〈非正式〉非常富有。
be made up
- N. English informal be very pleased; be delighted〈北英格兰, 非正式〉很高兴, 很愉快:
we're made up about the baby.
have (got) it made
- informal be in a position where success is certain〈非正式〉注定成功:
because your dad's a manager, he's got it made.
因为你爸爸是经理, 他肯定能成功。
make a day (或night) of it
- devote a whole day (or night) to an activity, especially an enjoyable one(尤指愉快地)干(或玩)一整天(或一整夜)。
make someone's day
- make an otherwise ordinary or dull day pleasingly memorable for someone使某人的一天过得难忘(或愉快); 使某人的一天生色。
make a House
- Brit. secure the presence of enough members for a quorum or support in the House of Commons〈英〉(下议院中)获得达到法定人数的议员到场。
make do
- manage with the limited or inadequate means available将就, 凑合, 勉强对付:
Dad would have to make do with an old car.
make like
- N. Amer. informal pretend to be; imitate〈北美, 非正式〉假装; 模仿:
tell the whole group to make like a bird by putting their arms out.
make or break
- be the factor which decides whether (something) will succeed or fail要么就使成功, 要么就让…失败。
make sail
- Sailing spread a sail or sails【航海】张帆, 扬帆。
- start a voyage起航。
make time
- find an occasion when time is available to do something抽时间, 抽空:
the nurse should make time to talk to the patient.
- N. Amer. informal make sexual advances to someone〈北美, 非正式〉向…求欢, 要求同…发生性关系:
I couldn't make time with Marilyn because she was already a senior.
我没法向玛里琳求欢, 因为她已经成了我的上司。
make up one's mind
- make a decision; decide下定决心, 决定:
he made up his mind to attend the meeting.
make way
- allow room for someone or something else让路, 腾出地方:
the land is due to be concreted over to make way for a car park.
- chiefly Nautical make progress; travel【主航海】前进; 航行。
on the make
- informal intent on gain, typically in an unscrupulous way〈非正式〉(尤指肆无忌惮地)追逐名利。
- looking for a sexual partner寻找性伙伴。
put the make on
- N. Amer. informal make sexual advances to (someone)〈北美, 非正式〉向…求欢, 要求同…发生性关系。
(亦作makeable)adjectivemake after
- archaic pursue (someone)〈古〉追逐, 追捕。
make away
- another way of saying make off.同make off.
make away with
- another way of saying make off with.同make off with.
- kill (someone) furtively and illicitly暗杀:
for all we know she could have been made away with.
据我们所知, 她可能已被暗杀。
make for
- move or head towards (a place)走向, 前往:
I made for the life raft and hung on for dear life.
我向救生筏游去, 死命地抓住它。
- approach (someone) to attack them袭击; 扑向。
- tend to result in or be received as (a particular thing)产生…的结果; 被认为是:
job descriptions never make for exciting reading.
be made for
be eminently suited for (a particular function)非常适合(某一方面): a man made for action.
- form an ideal partnership; be ideally suited非常相配:
you two were just made for each other.
make something of
- give or ascribe a specified amount of attention or importance to重视; 在意:
oddly, he makes little of America's low investment rates.
奇怪的是, 他并不重视美国的低投资率。
- understand or derive advantage from理解, 懂得; 利用:
they stared at the stone but could make nothing of it.
他们盯着那石头看, 不知是什么东西。
- with negative or in questions conclude to be the meaning or character of评价:
he wasn't sure what to make of Russell.
make off
- leave hurriedly, especially in order to avoid duty or punishment(尤指为了避开责任或惩罚)匆忙离开, 逃脱:
they made off without paying.
make off with
- carry (something) away illicitly拿走; 偷走:
burglars made off with all their wedding presents.
make out
- make progress; fare进展; 过日子:
how are you making out, now that the summer's over?
夏天过去了, 你们现在生活得如何啊?
- N. Amer. informal engage in sexual activity〈北美, 非正式〉搞性关系:
Ernie was making out with Berenice.
make someone/thing out
- manage with some difficulty to see or hear something看出; 听出; 辨认出:
in the dim light it was difficult to make out the illustration.
- understand the character or motivation of理解, 了解(性格或动机):
I can't make her out -- she's so inconsistent.
- with infinitive or clause assert; represent断言; 描绘:
I'm not as bad as I'm made out to be.
- try to give a specified impression; pretend装出, 假装:
he made out he was leaving.
- draw up or write out a list or document, especially an official one起草, 写出(尤指正式的名单或文件):
advice about making out a will
send a cheque made out to Trinity College.
make something over
- transfer the possession of something to someone转让某物:
if he dies childless he is to make over his share of the estate to his brother.
如果他去世时没有子女, 他将把自己的那份财产转给他的兄弟。
- completely transform or remodel something, especially a person's hairstyle, make-up, or clothes将某物翻新; 改做; 重做某物(尤指发型、化妆或衣服)。
make up
- be reconciled after a quarrel和好, 和解:
let's kiss and make up.
我们亲一下, 和好吧。
make someone up
- apply cosmetics to oneself or another为…化妆。
make something up
- (亦作make up for)serve or act to compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient补充某物, 补足某物; 弥补某物:
I'll make up the time tomorrow.
make it up to
compensate someone for negligent or unfair treatment补偿: I'll try to make it up to you in the future.
make up
(of parts) compose or constitute (a whole)组成, 构成: women make up 56 per cent of the student body
the team is made up of three women and two men.
- complete an amount or group凑成:
he brought along a girl to make up a foursome.
- put together or prepare something from parts or ingredients合成, 配制:
make up the mortar to a consistency that can be moulded in the hands.
- get an amount or group together召集:
he was trying to make up a party to go dancing.
- prepare a bed for use with fresh sheets and bedclothes铺床。
- Printing arrange type and illustrations into pages or arrange the type and illustrations on a page【印刷】排(版); 将…拼版。
- concoct or invent a story, lie, or plan编造; 捏造:
she enjoyed making up tall tales.
make up to
- informal attempt to win the favour of (someone) by being pleasant〈非正式〉讨好, 奉承:
you can't go on about morals when you're making up to Adam like that.
你是不能多谈道德品行的, 如果你真是那样想讨好亚当。
make with
- US informal proceed to use or supply〈美, 非正式〉使用; 提供:
make with the feet, honey - you're embarrassing Jim.
走吧, 亲爱的——你让吉姆难堪了。