/ˈpætnə/- a city in NE India, on the Ganges, capital of the state of Bihar; pop. 1,814,000 (est. 2009). An important city in ancient times, it had become deserted by the 7th century but was refounded in 1541 by the Moguls and became a viceregal capital. Former name PATALIPUTRA.巴特那(印度东北部、恒河岸边一城市, 比哈尔邦首府; 2009年估计人口1,814,000; 古时为一重要城市, 公元7世纪时已荒废, 但1541年由莫卧尔王朝重建, 而且成为总督府; 原称PATALIPUTRA)。