( Brit. <英> 亦作jerrymander)
with obj.[often as noun gerrymandering]
1- manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favour one party or class(为助某政党或阶级)对(选区)重新划分。
- achieve (a result) by such manipulation靠重划选区获得(某种结果):
a total freedom to gerrymander the results they want.
- an instance of such a practice对选区重新划分以获利的行为。
early 19th cent.: from the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts + SALAMANDER, from the supposed similarity between a salamander and the shape of a new voting district on a map drawn when he was in office (1812), the creation of which was felt to favour his party: the map (with claws, wings, and fangs added), was published in the Boston Weekly Messenger, with the title The Gerry-Mander.