- an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, especially over what is normally dry land洪水, 水灾:
the flood caused tremendous havoc
mass noun people uprooted by drought or flood因干旱或水灾而背井离乡的人们
as modifier a flood barrier.防洪堤。
the Flood
the biblical flood brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of the human race (Gen. 6 ff.)灭世洪水(《创世纪》6 ff.)。
- the inflow of the tide涨潮。
- poetic/literary a river, stream, or sea〈诗/文〉江河, 溪流, 海洋。
- an outpouring of tears or emotion眼泪的涌出; 感情的迸发:
she burst into floods of tears.
- a very large quantity of things or people that appear or need to be dealt with(出现或待处理的)大量的事, 大批人:
a constant flood of callers.
- with obj. cover or submerge (a place or area) with water in a flood使(地方)淹没在洪水中:
the dam burst, flooding a small town
水坝决口, 淹没了一个小镇
as noun flooding a serious risk of flooding严重的洪水泛滥危险。
- no obj. become covered or submerged in this way被水淹没:
part of the vessel flooded
figurative 〈喻〉Sarah's eyes flooded with tears.
- (一般作be flooded out)drive someone out of their home or business with a flood(因洪水)迫使(某人)离开家园(或生意)。
- (of a river or sea) become swollen and overflow (its banks)(江河, 海洋)泛滥:
the river flooded its banks
no obj. the river will flood if it gets much worse.如果情况更坏, 河水将会泛滥。
- overfill the carburettor of (an engine) with petrol, causing the engine to fail to start使(引擎)汽化器溢油(从而无法启动)。
- no obj.(of a woman) experience a uterine haemorrhage子宫出血, 血崩。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction arrive in overwhelming amounts or quantities(洪水般)涌现, 涌至:
congratulatory messages flooded in
his old fears came flooding back.
- with obj. overwhelm or swamp with large amounts or quantities充斥:
our switchboard was flooded with calls.
- with obj. fill or suffuse completely把…装满(或充满):
she flooded the room with light.
be in (full) flood
- (of a river) be swollen and overflowing its banks(江河)泛滥。
be in full flood
figurative (of a person or action) have gained momentum; be at the height of activity〈喻〉(人, 行动)充满活力; 处于高潮:discussion was already in full flood and refused to be dammed.
讨论进入高潮, 挡也挡不住。