- (in the Bible) a Hebrew minor prophet. He was called by God to preach in Nineveh, but disobeyed and attempted to escape by sea; in a storm he was thrown overboard as a bringer of bad luck and swallowed by a great fish, only to be saved and finally succeed in his mission.约拿(《圣经》中的一位小先知, 上帝要他去尼尼微传教, 他没有照办并试图从海上逃跑, 暴风雨中他被看作是厄运的祸首, 因此被扔出船外, 被一条大鱼吞噬, 后来却侥幸逃生, 终于完成了使命)。
- a book of the Bible telling of Jonah《约拿书》。