/ˈbaɪərən/- Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron (1788-1824), English poet. Byron's poetry exerted considerable influence on the romantic movement, particularly on the Continent. Having joined the fight for Greek independence, he died of malaria before seeing serious action. Notable works: Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18) and Don Juan (1819-24).拜伦, 乔治·戈登, 男爵(第六)(1788-1824, 英国诗人, 其诗对浪漫主义运动, 尤其对欧洲大陆有很深的影响; 参加了希腊独立战争, 但在大战前死于疟疾; 代表作品:《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》 [1812-1818] 及《唐璜》 [1819-1824])。