- the name of three kings of Assyria, notably提革拉-帕拉萨(亚述三位国王的名字), 最著名的有:
- Tiglath-pileser I, reigned c. 1115-c. 1077 BC. He extended Assyrian territory, taking Cappadocia, reaching Syria, and defeating the king of Babylonia.提革拉-帕拉萨一世(约前1115-约前1077在位, 拓展了亚述疆域, 攻取了卡帕多恰, 到达叙利亚, 打败了巴比伦国王)。
- Tiglath-pileser III, reigned c. 745-727 BC. He brought the Assyrian empire to the height of its power, subduing large parts of Syria and Palestine, and conquered Babylonia.提革拉-帕拉萨三世(约公元前745-前727在位, 使亚述帝国达到鼎盛, 征服了叙利亚和巴勒斯坦的大部分地区, 攻占了巴比伦)。