/ˈsɪlə/- Greek Mythology a female sea monster who devoured sailors when they tried to navigate the narrow channel between her cave and the whirlpool Charybdis. In later legend Scylla was a dangerous rock, located on the Italian side of the Strait of Messina.【希腊神话】斯库拉(海上女妖, 曾吞食试图航行通过她的洞穴和卡律布狄斯漩涡之间水道的水手; 后来的传说中斯库拉成为一块危险的礁石, 位于墨西拿海峡的意大利一边)。
Scylla and Charybdis
- used to refer to a situation involving two dangers in which an attempt to avoid one increases the risk from the other斯库拉和卡律布狄斯(指处于两种危险的境遇, 想要避免一种危险, 另一种危险就会增加); 进退维谷。