- a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun星; 恒星。
- True stars were formerly known as the fixed stars, to distinguish them from the planets or wandering stars. They are gaseous spheres consisting primarily of hydrogen and helium, there being an equilibrium between the compressional force of gravity and the outward pressure of radiation resulting from internal thermonuclear fusion reactions. Some six thousand stars are visible to the naked eye, but there are actually more than a hundred thousand million in our own Galaxy, while billions of other galaxies are known.
- a conventional or stylized representation of a star, typically one having five or more points星形:
the walls were painted with silver moons and stars.
- a symbol of this shape used to indicate a category of excellence(表示等级的)星形标志:
the hotel has three stars
as modifier MPs suggested giving ferries star ratings.国会议员建议给渡船标上星级。
- an asterisk星号。
- used in names of starfishes and similar echinoderms with five or more radiating arms, e.g. cushion star, brittlestar[用于海星或类似的棘皮动物的名字中, 如: cushion star, brittlestar]。
- a white patch on the forehead of a horse or other animal(马或别的动物前额的)白斑。
- [亦作star connection] [usu. as modifier] a Y-shaped arrangement of three-phase electrical windingsY形三相电绕组。
- (亦作star network)[usu. as modifier] a data or communication network in which all nodes are independently connected to one central unit星状网(所有的节点各自独立地连接到中央处理器上的数据网络或通讯网络)。
- a famous or exceptionally talented performer in the world of entertainment or sport(娱乐或体育中的)明星, 主角:
a pop star
as modifier singers of star quality.明星级的歌手。
- an outstandingly good or successful person or thing in a group杰出人才, 成功人士; 品质出众之物:
a rising star in the party
as modifier Elinor was a star pupil.埃莉诺是一个非常优秀的学生。
- Astrology a planet, constellation, or configuration regarded as influencing someone's fortunes or personality【占星】星宿, 命运, 运气:
his golf destiny was written in the stars.
a horoscope published in a newspaper or magazine报纸(或杂志)上刊登的天宫图; 星象:what do my stars say?
- (of a film, play, or other show) have (someone) as a principal performer(在电影、戏剧等演出中)使担任主角; 使成为明星:
a film starring Liza Minnelli.
- no obj.(of a performer) have a principal role in a film, play, or other show(演员)主演, 担任主角:
McQueen had starred in such epics as The Magnificent Seven
as adj. starring his first starring role.他的第一个主演角色。
- no obj.(of a person) perform brilliantly or prominently in a game or other event(某人在比赛等事件中)表现出色, 表现杰出:
Bernie Slaven starred in the win over Leeds.
- decorate or cover with star-shaped marks or objects用星形物装饰(或覆盖):
thick grass starred with flowers.
- mark (something) for special notice or recommendation with an asterisk or other star-shaped symbol用星号(或星形标识)标示:
the activities listed below are starred according to their fitness ratings
as adj., in combination -starred Michelin-starred restaurants.有米其林星级标志的餐馆。
- make a radiating crack in (glass, ice, etc.)使(玻璃、冰等)成辐射状裂开:
the third bullet starred the windshield.
my stars!
- informal, dated an expression of astonishment〈非正式, 旧〉[表示惊讶]哎呀!
reach for the stars
- have high or ambitious aims有崇高的目标, 雄心勃勃。
see stars
- see flashes of light, especially as a result of being hit on the head眼冒金星, 目眩。
someone's star is rising
- 见RISE.
stars in one's eyes
- used to describe someone who is idealistically hopeful or enthusiastic about their future充满憧憬的, 满怀希望的:
a singer selected from hundreds of applicants with stars in their eyes.