/ˈsɒkrətiːz/- (469-399 BC) , ancient Athenian philosopher. As represented in the writings of his disciple Plato, he engaged in dialogue with others in an attempt to reach understanding and ethical concepts by exposing and dispelling error (the Socratic method). Charged with introducing strange gods and corrupting the young, Socrates was sentenced to death and died by drinking hemlock.苏格拉底(公元前469-前399, 古雅典哲学家; 根据他的学生柏拉图著作的记叙, 他通过与人谈话来发现和改正别人的错误, 从而达到相互理解, 探索美德, 即苏格拉底对话法; 由于被指控介绍异端神论和腐化年轻人, 苏格拉底被判死刑, 饮毒药而死)。