- Roman Mythology the Roman god of eloquence, skill, trading, and thieving, herald and messenger of the gods, who was identified with Hermes【罗马神话】墨丘利(司辩才、技艺、商业以及盗窃的神, 是众神的信使, 等同于赫耳墨斯)。
- ORIGIN: from Latin Mercurius, from merx, merc- 'merchandise'.
- used in names of newspapers and journals用于报纸和杂志名信使报:
the Leicester Mercury.
- Astronomy a small planet that is the closest to the sun in the solar system, sometimes visible to the naked eye just after sunset.【天文】水星。
Mercury orbits within the orbit of Venus at an average distance of 57.9 million km from the sun. With a diameter of 4,878 km it is only a third larger than earth's moon, which it resembles in having a heavily cratered surface. Its 'day' of 58.65 days is precisely two thirds the length of its 'year' of 87.97 days. Daytime temperatures average 170℃. There is no atmosphere and the planet has no satellites.