- as submodifier to such a great extent这么, 那么:
the words tumbled out so fast that I could barely hear them
话说得那么快, 我几乎都听不清
don't look so worried
I'm not so foolish as to say that.
- extremely; very much (used for emphasis)极为; 非常(用以表示强调):
she looked so pretty
I do love it so.
- informal used to emphasize a clause or negative statement〈非正式〉[用以强调从句或否定的陈述]太; 很:
that's so not fair
you are so going to regret this.
- informal used with a gesture to indicate size〈非正式〉这么(用手势示意大小):
the bird was about so long.
- as submodifier with negative to the same extent (used in comparisons)像这样, 像那样(用于比较):
he isn't so bad as you'd think
help without which he would not have done so well.
- referring back to something previously mentioned指以前提到的(事物):
- that is the case是那样的:
'Has somebody called an ambulance?' 'I believe so.'
if she notices, she never says so.
如果她注意到, 她也决不会那样说的。
- the truth事实:
I hear that you're a writer - is that so?
我听说你是个作家, 是真的吗?
- similarly; and also同样; 也一样:
times have changed and so have I.
时代在变, 我也同样在变。
- expressing agreement的确:
'There's another one. ' 'So there is.'
- Irish used for emphasis in a formula added at the end of a statement〈爱尔兰〉真的(用于陈述末尾的套语, 表强调):
your old man was the salt of the earth, so he was.
令尊是一位品德高尚的人, 真的。
- informal used to emphatically contradict a negative statement〈非正式〉当真, 确实(用于有力地反驳否定的陈述):
it is so!
- in the way described or demonstrated; thus像这样, 像那样:
hold your arms so
so it was that he was still a bachelor.
- and for this reason; therefore因此; 所以:
it was still painful so I went to see a specialist
它仍然很痛, 所以我去看了专家
you know I'm telling the truth, so don't interrupt.
你知道我正在讲真话, 所以不要打断我。
so that
with the result that结果是; 所以:it was overgrown with brambles, so that I had difficulty making any progress.
这里布满了荆棘, 所以我前进很困难。
so that
with the aim that; in order that旨在, 为了:they whisper to each other so that no one else can hear.
他们互相耳语, 是为了不让其他的人听到。
- and then; as the next step然后, 下一步:
and so to the final.
- introducing a question那么(引出, 提出问题的套话):
so, what did you do today?
那么, 你今天干什么了?
- introducing a question following on from what was said previously那么(承接上面的话引入下一个问题):
so what did he do about it?
- (亦作so what?)informal why should that be considered significant?〈非正式〉那又怎样?:
'He came into the shop this morning. ' 'So?'
so what if he failed?
- introducing a statement which is followed by a defensive comment是的, 不错(引入一个陈述, 后常跟辩护性评语):
so I'm a policeman - what's wrong with that?
不错, 我是个警察——这有什么不妥吗?
- introducing a concluding statement那么(引入结束语时用):
so that's that.
那么, 就这样了。
- in the same way; correspondingly同样; 相应地:
just as bad money drives out good, so does bad art drive out the good.
正如劣币排挤良币那样, 拙劣的艺术品也会排挤精美的艺术品。
and so on(或forth)
- and similar things; et cetera等等:
these savouries include cheeses, cold meats, and so on.
这些开胃食品包括干酪, 冷肉等等。
just so much
- chiefly derogatory emphasizing a large amount of something〈主贬〉(物)竟然那么多, 太多的:
it's just so much ideological cant.
not so much - as -
- not - but rather -与其说…, 还不如说:
the novel was not so much unfinished as unfinishable.
这部小说与其说未完成, 还不如说根本就完成不了。
only so much
- a limited amount有限的:
there is only so much you can do to protect yourself.
or so
- 见OR1.
so as to do something
- in order to do something为使, 以便:
she had put her hair up so as to look older.
so be it
- an expression of acceptance or resignation表示接受、顺从用语就这样吧。
so far
- 见FAR.
so far so good
- 见FAR.
so long!
- informal goodbye till we meet again〈非正式〉再见。
so long as
- 见LONG1.
so many(或much)
- indicating a particular but unspecified quantity那么多:
so many hours at such-and-such a speed.
so much as
- with negative even甚至:
he sat down without so much as a word to anyone.
so much for
- indicating that one has finished talking about something暗示谈话结束…到此为止:
So much for the melodic line. We now turn our attention to the accompaniment.
关于主旋律就到此为止吧, 我们现在把注意力转移到伴奏上。
- suggesting that something has not been successful or useful表示不成功或没用不过如此:
so much for that idea!
so much so that
- to such an extent that到这样的程度以至于:
I was fascinated by the company, so much so that I wrote a book about it.
我对这家公司非常着迷, 以至于写了一本关于它的书。
so to speak(或say)
- used to highlight the fact that one is describing something in an unusual or metaphorical way[表明以不同寻常或比喻的方式陈述事实]容许我打个譬喻; 可以说:
delving into the body's secrets, I looked death in the face, so to speak.
钻研人体的秘密, 打个比喻说, 就是直面死亡。