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Rutherford1, Sir Ernest, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson (1871-1937), New Zealand physicist, regarded as the founder of nuclear physics. As a result of his experiments on the scattering of alpha particles, he proposed that the positive charge in an atom, and virtually all its mass, is concentrated in a central nucleus. He also performed the first artificial transmutation of matter. Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1908). 卢瑟福, 欧内斯特爵士, 纳尔逊的卢瑟福男爵(第一)(1871-1937, 新西兰物理学家, 被认为是核物理学之父; 通过对阿尔法[α]粒子散射的试验他提出了原子的正电荷和实际上整个原子的质量都集中在中心核上, 同时他还完成首次物质的人工蜕变。1908年获诺贝尔化学奖)。
Rutherford2, Dame Margaret (1892-1972), English actress. Chiefly remembered for her roles as a formidable but jovial eccentric, she won an Oscar for The VIPs (1963). 拉瑟福德夫人, 玛格丽特(1892-1972, 英国女演员, 她主要由于扮演令人畏惧但快活而古怪的角色而留在人们的记忆里, 因出演《大人物们》[1963]获奥斯卡奖)。