the Stars and Stripes
the statute book
the still of the night
the Stone Age
the story goes
the story of my life
the straight and narrow
the straight dope
the straight skinny
the Strait of Juan de Fuca
the Strait of Magellan
the Straits of Mackinac
the stratosphere
the straw that breaks/broke the camel's back
the straw that breaks the camel's back
the straw that broke the camel's back
the strike zone
the strings
the string section
the strong, silent type
the stuff of greatness
the stuff of legend
the sublime
the subtropics
the suburbs
the Suez Canal
the sulks
the sum of
the sum total
the Sunbelt
the sun was in my eyes
the supernatural
the Supreme Being
the Supreme Court
the supreme sacrifice
the suspense is killing me
the Suwannee
the Suwannee River
the Swiss
the Syr Dar'ya
the tail end
the tail wagging the dog
the talk of the town
the Talmud
the Tappan Zee
the tarmac
the task at hand
the Territorial Army
the Teton Range
the Tetons
the Thames
the Thames River
the thin end of the wedge
The thing about
The thing is
the thing is
The thing is that
The thing with
The thing with/about
the third degree
the third time is the charm
the three R's
the thrill of the chase
the tide turned
the Tigris
the Tigris River
the tip of the iceberg
the Tirol
the toast of
the tooth fairy
the Torah
the Treasury
the trenches
the triple jump
The Tropic of Cancer
the Tropic of Capricorn
the truth be known
the truth be told
(the) truth be told/known
the truth of the matter
The truth of the matter is
The truth of the matter is (that)
The truth of the matter is that
the tube
the turn of the century
the Tyrol
the ultimate in
the underneath
the underprivileged
the undersigned
the understatement of the year!
the unemployed
the unexpected
the Ungava Peninsula
the uninitiated
the uninsured
the Union Jack
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
the United Arab Emirates
the United Kingdom
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the United Nations
the United States
the United States of America
the unthinkable
the unwashed
the upper crust
the upper hand
the Upper Peninsula
the upshot
the upstairs
the Ural
the Urals
the (U.S.) Supreme Court
the U.S. Supreme Court
the usual
the usual suspects
the Vatican
the villain of the piece
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