

the Virgin Islands the Virgin Mary the vogue the voice of reason the Volga
the Volga River the walking wounded the warm the wave of the future the way
The way he sees it the way it goes the way it/life goes the way life goes the way of the world
the ways of the world the way things are The way things are going the way/ways of the world the weak
the wealthy the welfare state the Welland Canal the West Bank the Western Hemisphere
the Western Sahara the West Indies the whip hand the White House the white pages
the White Pages the whole bit the whole caboodle the whole enchilada the whole/entire way
the whole (kit and) caboodle the whole kit and caboodle the whole nine yards the whole shebang the whole shooting match
the whole time the whole truth the whole way the whole works the whole world
the (whole) world over the whole world over the whys and (the) wherefores the whys and the wherefores the whys and wherefores
the Wild West the willies the witching hour the woman of my dreams the working class
the working classes the world is your oyster the world over the world revolves around the world revolves around you
the (world's) oldest profession the world's oldest profession the World Wide Web the worm turns the worse
the worst of both worlds The worst of it is the wounded the writing/handwriting is on the wall the writing is on the wall
the wrong end of the stick the wrong horse the wrong place at the wrong time the wrong side of the tracks acidifies
acidify acidifying acid indigestion acidity acidly
acid rain acids acid test acing acknowledge
acknowledged acknowledge her existence acknowledge her existence/presence acknowledge her presence acknowledgement
acknowledges acknowledging acknowledgment acknowledgments a clip round the ear
a closed book a close second a cloud of controversy a cloud of controversy/uncertainty/doubt a cloud of doubt
a cloud of uncertainty acme acne a cog in the machine acolyte
acolytes Aconcagua acorn acorns acorn squash
acorn squashes a couple a couple of acoustic acoustical
acoustically acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquaintances
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