单词 | economic thinking | ||||
释义 | economic thinking
例句释义: 经济思维,经济头脑 1. Chapter II, "not just a question of, do not rely on only focus is" pragmatic economic thinking. 第二章,“不唯上、不唯书、只唯实”的务实经济思想。 www.fabiao.net 2. 'Paul did not indulge some of my more heterodox economic thinking. 保罗没有过分迁就我某些更显异端的经济学思路。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Therefore, it is safe to say that, originating in history and base on the reality, Ye's economic thinking is by no means created blindly. 可以说,叶适的经济思想既源于历史又基于现实,决非闭门造车之论。 www.fabiao.net 4. Mr Krugman has always been an exemplar of clear economic thinking and a champion of data over anecdote. 克鲁格曼一直是清晰经济思考的典范,同时也是“用数据而非迹象说话”的捍卫者。 www.ftchinese.com 5. AT A guess, the target audiences for visionary economic thinking and oompah music do not overlap much. 据推测,有远见的经济思想和经典的音乐的听众是不同的。 club.topsage.com 6. The chaos seems to undermine decades of economic thinking. 在混乱似乎破坏经济思想几十年。 source.yeeyan.org 7. Only with sound economic thinking will you be able to make sense of how the world works. 因为只有具备健全的经济思维能力,你才能真正理解这个世界。 www.bing.com 8. Grasp the main models and analyzing methods of the theory of Industrial Organization, to improve the ability of economic thinking. 掌握产业组织理论的主要模型和分析方法,提高经济思维能力; www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn 9. More in China are beginning to question "mainstream" economic thinking that favours open markets and private enterprise. 越来越多的中国人开始质疑赞同市场开放和私营经济的主流经济学说。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking. 这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。 www.kekenet.com 1. As the cold war ended and Communism retreated, the invisible hand seemed to monopolize economic thinking. 随着冷战结束,共产主义退却,“看不见的手”似乎在经济思想领域呈垄断之势。 www.bing.com 2. 'The euro was a victory of political romanticism over economic thinking and reality, ' Mr. Bolkestein says. 博尔克斯泰因说,欧元是政治浪漫主义对经济见解和社会现实的胜利。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Krugman congratulated today's winners, saying that Williamson's work "underlies a tremendous amount of modern economic thinking" . 克鲁格曼向今天诺贝尔经济学奖得主表示祝贺,评价威廉姆森的成就为“大量现代经济思想的基础”。 www.bing.com 4. He spoke at a conference sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, which Soros helped found and supports. 索罗斯是在新经济思维研究所主办的会议上发表这些看法的,他也是该研究所的其创立人和支持者。 www.bing.com 5. On the back of such tales, conventional economic thinking says, dangerous speculative bubbles are built. 在这个故事的背后,传统的经济思维会说危险的投机泡沫正在产生。 www.bing.com 6. Chapter III, "focused on a planned economy, market regulation by the" economic thinking. 第三章,“计划经济为主,市场调节为辅”的经济思想。 www.fabiao.net 7. But it also led to a revolution in economic thinking. 但是那场大萧条也促成了经济思想的革命。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In both cases, the Tories may have subordinated sensible economic thinking to political positioning. 在这两个问题上,保守党应该将理性的经济思考置于政治定位之下。 club.topsage.com 9. Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. 有条出版资讯:这本新的米塞斯研究所版经典著作,已给数百万读者上了一堂良好的经济思想课。 dongxi.net 10. The main contents of this paper is Wu Lanfu's national economic thinking and it's importance for building a harmonious Inner Mongolia. 本文研究的主要内容是乌兰夫民族经济思想以及对和谐内蒙古建设的重要启迪,论文由以下几部分构成。 www.zidir.com 1. Economic thinking in this sphere is not so securely fixed as to provide firm guidance on when to intervene. 这一领域的经济思想并不完全固定以给出确定的指导在何时进行干涉。 www.ecocn.org 2. Have the modern physics and chemistry knowledge and economic thinking habit certainly. 具有一定现代理化知识和经济思维习惯。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. So what now? The answer depends in part on your school of economic thinking. 那么现在应该怎么办?答案部分取决于你所属的经济学派。 cn.nytimes.com 4. Economic Thinking on the Phenomenon "Travel Backhander" 对“旅游回扣”现象的经济学思考 ilib.cn 5. This prospect probably explains a lot of the resistance to new economic thinking. 这个假设或许能解释很多来自新经济观点的阻力。 www.ecolion.cn 6. Ye Shi is an important figure in the development of economic thinking in Chinese history. 叶适是中国经济思想发展史上的一个重要人物。 www.fabiao.net 7. Ron Paul: Well, I would think that the easiest explanation is that Washington, DC is permeated by Keynesian economic thinking. 罗恩·保罗:怎么说呢,我觉得最简单的解释是华盛顿被凯恩斯经济学派的思维方式所主宰了。 www.bing.com 8. The economic thinking on aquatic ecological rehabilitation--suggestions on Haihe River Basin aquatic ecological rehabilitation research 水生态恢复的经济学思考--对海河流域水生态恢复研究的几点建议 www.ilib.cn 9. Economic thinking on preserving the effectiveness of "final explanation" article and its explanation 对保留“最终解释权”条款的效力与解释的经济思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Mr Weidmann's views are similarly circumscribed by the tenets of German economic thinking: a distrust of policy discretion; Weidmann的观点同样有些局限性,通过对德国经济原则的思考:不信任政策的处置权; www.bing.com 1. Wu Lanfu; National economic thinking; Constructing harmonious Inner Mongolia; Important enlightenment; 乌兰夫;民族经济思想;建设和谐内蒙古;重要启迪; www.zidir.com 2. The economic thinking on change of the system of residence registration 对我国户籍制度变迁的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 3. Economic Thinking about Designing Incentive Contracts in Organization 组织中激励契约设计的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 4. Economic thinking of western district countryside land desolation phenomena 西部地区农村土地撂荒现象的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Economic Thinking about Uncertainties and Their Risks of Political Institution 政治制度不确定性及其风险的经济学思考 ilib.cn 6. Remarks at the Institute for New Economic Thinking Annual Plenary Conference in Berlin, Germany 新经济思维研究所德国柏林年度全体会议上的发言 www.bing.com 7. Discussion on the Adaptation Between Islamic Economic Thinking and Socialism 试论伊斯兰经济思想与社会主义相适应 www.ilib.cn 8. Economic Thinking about Setting up Modern Agriculture Insurance System 关于建立现代农业保险制度的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 9. Economic thinking of government lack of credit under market economy condition 市场经济条件下政府信用缺失原因的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 10. The Economic Thinking of Direct External Investment of Middle-small-sized Enterprises 中小企业对外直接投资的经济学思考 ilib.cn 1. On land transfer mode of Zhejiang country and its economic thinking 浙江农村土地流转方式及其经济思想 www.ilib.cn 2. An Economic Thinking about Chinese New Agricultural Technology Reform 关于农业新科技革命的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 3. Lacking of health security system for rural farmers under the dominance of economic thinking and the reconstruction of accountability 经济因素决定论主导下的农民健康保障缺失与责任机制重建 www.ilib.cn 4. Economic Thinking on the System of Government Purchase 对政府采购制度的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 5. Economic Thinking on Establishment of Honest and Clean Government Culture 廉政文化建设的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 6. John Kay is a member of the advisory board of the Institute for New Economic Thinking 约翰?凯是新经济思维研究所顾问委员会成员之一。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Economic thinking of relation between China fairness and efficiency 对于我国公平与效率关系的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 8. The Economic Thinking on the Investment in Flood Control of the Yangtze River 关于长江防洪投资的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 9. Economic Thinking about the Evolution of Personification of Enterprises 人格化企业演进的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 10. Economic Thinking with Enlarging Internal Demands 对扩大内需的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 1. Putin's Economic Thinking and Prospect of Russian Economic Development 普京经济思想与俄经济发展前景 www.ilib.cn 2. Economic thinking of college graduate employment 大学毕业生就业的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 3. Leaders of University Should Have Economic Thinking 高校领导要有经济头脑 www.ilib.cn 4. Economic Thinking on Accounting Policy Option 会计政策选择权的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Economic Thinking and Analysis on Land Protection Law System 土地保护法律制度的经济思考与分析 service.ilib.cn 6. The Economic Thinking of the Biggest Penalty Note 第一罚款大单背后的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Economic Thinking of Improving Effect of Moral Education 提高德育实效性的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 8. Economic thinking on credit governance's system 信用治理的制度经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 9. The economic thinking on investing rural health 投资农村卫生的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 10. The Economic Thinking about China's Economic Reform 中国经济改革的经济学思考 1. Economic Thinking of County Economy 县域经济的经济学思考 service.ilib.cn 2. The Economic Thinking on the Norms of Accountant 会计准则的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn 3. A Brief Survey on Xue Xianzhou's Cooperative Economic Thinking 薛仙舟的合作经济思想初探 www.ilib.cn 4. Two Problems of Sun Yat-sen's Economic Thinking 对孙中山经济思想中两个问题的述评 service.ilib.cn 5. Jinan City Buildings for the Development of New Economic Thinking 对发展济南市楼宇经济的几点新思考 www.ilib.cn 6. An Eco-economic Thinking on the Development of Eco-tourism in the Western Parts 西部发展生态旅游的生态经济学思考 ilib.cn 7. Economic Thinking about the Problem of Unemployment of Our Country 关于我国失业问题的经济学思考 www.ilib.cn |
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