单词 | convince |
释义 |
第三人称单数:convinces 现在分词:convincing 过去式:convinced convince 显示所有例句 例句释义: 说服,使确信,使相信,使信服,使某人确信 1. We're going to go through several parts of it because what I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince them? 我们会分析几个部分,现在我要提出的问题是,保罗是如何说服他们的? open.163.com 2. This technique is often implemented during wartime to convince people of the need for sacrifices or to justify difficult decisions. 这种手段经常在战争时期使用,来说服人们接受牺牲的必要或者为困难的决定制造理由。 www.bing.com 3. The Arab League has been trying to convince the Syrian government to ease its violent crackdown on an uprising by demonstrators. 阿盟一直试图说服叙利亚政府放松对反政府抗议者发动的起义的镇压。 www.bing.com 4. Merlin must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excalibur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world. 梅尔林想尽一切办法使得他相信自己的真实身份,并要在巫师用邪恶的黑势力掌握整个世界之前回到他们自己的时代。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But the authorities have yet to convince the public that this is a real competition, rather than just a grandstanding event. 但当局尚未说服公众,这是一个真正的竞争,而不只是一个哗众取宠的事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I feel very depressed, later in the next I began to convince parents understand that work is the grand leveller. 我感到十分沮丧,后来在父母的开导下我开始明白工作是不分贵贱的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Negotiate the specific details of an order. Convince your client to choose your product over that of your competitor. 协商订货的细节。在众多竞争者中说服你的客户选择你的产品。 elearning.beiwaionline.com 8. It doesn't mean that if you are a Republican that I'm trying to convince you to be a Democrat. 这无关你是否是共和党人然后我要说服你变成一个民主党人士。 www.ted.com 9. On the face of it, the ad is an attempt to convince people that you're the good guys in this fight. 乍一看来,这则广告是说服人们你在这场战斗中是好人。 www.bing.com 10. So I got to read the exact words he used to convince psychiatrists back in 1998 that he was mentally ill. 这使我有机会了解到1998年他到底是怎么说服精神病专家们他确实是疯了。 www.bing.com 1. We do not in the middle reaches - and I hope we do enough to convince him to stay. 我们做这些不是为了处于中游――而我希望我们做的已经足够说服他留下来。 g5.baidu.com 2. Before he goes public, he's got to convince everybody that he's telling the truth. 在公开秘密之前,他必须使大家相信他是准备说实话的。 www.exam8.com 3. This will help convince the bank that your firm will generate the cash flow necessary to repay the business loan. 这样做可以使银行信服,你的公司会赚取一定的现金来偿还商业贷款。 www.hjenglish.com 4. How many times has someone said to you, "look what you get for the money, " when trying to convince you to buy? 当别人试图劝服你买时,有多少次别人会跟你说“看看你在金钱上得到什么”。 www.bing.com 5. And for 45 minutes myself and the rest of the staff tried to convince them as members of the French team not to behave in such a way. 在45分钟的时间里,我和其他工作人员试图说服他们,作为法国队的成员,不应该做出这样的举动。 club.topsage.com 6. He said he would try to convince Hamas to halt attacks against Israeli civilians, but in an unofficial capacity. 他说,他会立以非官方的身份,努力说服哈马斯停止袭击以色列平民。 www.kekenet.com 7. She tried to convince parents to send their children to pay out, but parents have to ask: Can you guarantee the child will be able to live? 她试图说服家长把孩子交出来,可是家长们反问道:你能保证孩子一定能活下去吗? www.englishtang.com 8. "So what do you think? " he said. His voice lacked enthusiasm, as if he were trying to convince himself. “你看这蛇怎么样”,他用冰冷的声音问道,好象在说服自己。 www.bing.com 9. Presents logical opinions in an assertive way when trying to persuade and convince others. 信心坚定,提出合理的意见劝导和说服其他人。 wenku.baidu.com 10. In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence. 既使没有任何其他的证据,光是大拇指就足够让我相信上帝的存在。 www.engworld.org 1. And if that was not enough to convince you to try pomegranate, the fruit is now being hailed as the elixir of youth. 如果这些都还不足以说服你尝尝石榴,那么我要告诉你:石榴现在已经被誉为是永葆青春的长生不老药。 www.hxen.com 2. A relief effort led by the U. S. and Pakistani governments would do much to convince Pakistanis to reject groups like the Taliban. 美国和巴斯坦政府主导的救灾行动将使巴基斯坦人远离塔利班这样的组织。 www.bing.com 3. If lucky (or good) enough, the developer is able to convince the rest of the team (or at least the team leader) to use this technology. 如果够幸运(或优秀)的话,这位开发人员能够说服团队其余的人(或至少是团队领导)使用这项技术。 www.ibm.com 4. You know who you are better than any recruiter, so don't let someone convince you to take something you don't feel certain about. 你比任何应征者都了解自己,所以不要让别人说服你做去对你感觉没把握的事情。 www.bing.com 5. We were having lunch and I was trying to convince him that everybody has a dream. 我尝试说服他,每个人都有梦想。 hourofpower.org.hk 6. That should be enough to convince you to use this Globalize plugin instead of any other homemade plugin you may have tried. 这足以说服您使用Globalize插件而不是您曾尝试使用的其他自制插件。 www.ibm.com 7. Krishnamurti: It is so easy to deceive oneself, so easy to convince oneself of anything at all. 克:自欺太容易了,让自己相信点什么真是太容易了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They tried to convince her to sing in the talent show but she said she couldn't do it for the world. 他们力劝它在艺人表演节目上演唱,但她说她无论如何都不能那么做。 www.wwenglish.com 9. That second angel will attempt to convince you that it is the first, he said, and I suppose I fell for it. 第二个会企图证明自己才是守护天使。我想自己可能正因此堕落了。 www.elanso.com 10. Wayne knows Fergie will try to convince him to make peace with Ronaldo for the good of United but that won't wash with him. 韦恩知道弗格森将会劝说他为了俱乐部的利益与罗纳尔多和平共处,但是这不会阻止住鲁尼。 www.thefa.cn 1. We guide you to turn away from trying to convince others of your truth, and rather become your truth by self mastering and ascending. 我们建议你离开对使别人信服你的真相的尝试,而经由自我掌握和提升成为你的真相。 hi.baidu.com 2. If you've got to convince visitors to sign up for your killer app, giving away FREE accounts surely can't hurt. 如果你已吸引访问者注册了你的终极程序,送给他们免费的账户而不要心疼。 www.cgfinal.com 3. Maybe I can convince you to stay if I offer you a few more incentives. 如果我向你多提供几条有激励作用的条件,也许能说服你留下来。 www.bing.com 4. Paul said he had worked for two days to convince Jones that burning Qurans was the wrong thing to do, and that Jones had finally agreed. 保罗说,他两天来都在说服琼斯,焚烧《可兰经》是不对的,琼斯最终也表示同意。 www.voanews.cn 5. He said: 'He said: 'Amazon has worked long and hard to convince folks that their services were robust. This does not help the cause. ' 他说:“他说,‘为了说服别人自己的服务是健壮的,亚马逊已经进行了长久和艰苦的工作。这对于事情的原因没有帮助”。 www.bing.com 6. But even as I felt the nausea of guilt return, I was trying to convince myself I was right to let go. 但即便我心中感到内疚和憎恶,我仍试图让自己相信,我松手是对的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The fact that the price of her apartment had dropped by nearly 15% from the peak helped convince her to take the plunge. 后来黄阳看到现在房子的价格较峰值下跌了将近15%,这促使她决定买下来。 www.ebigear.com 8. Try to convince a friend or family member tocome along with you -- even if it's just once a week. 试着说服一个朋友或者一个家庭成员和你一起跑--即使仅仅是一周一次。 www.bing.com 9. It won't be easy to convince a hiring manager that you can transfer your sales skills from life insurance to living room furniture. 要说服一个招聘主管你的销售技能可以从保险行业转换到生活家具不是一件容易的事情。 www.bing.com 10. Despite recent frenetic summitry the politicians have failed to convince markets that this rescue fund will ever be adequately resourced. 虽然最近各国领导人疯狂地召开峰会,但仍然未能让市场相信这个纾困基金将会拥有充足的资源。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The measures he took helped to convince investors that his country was not a potential default risk. 他采取的措施有利于他让投资者确信他的国家不是一个有着潜在违约风险的国家。 www.ecocn.org 2. Having growing up in the spotlight as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up. 凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。 edu.163.com 3. The bank employee tries to convince him that the half million he has in his bag is more than enough for him to just walk away. 银行职员试图让他相信他包里的五十万美元已足够让他离开了,听到警笛声后,她停下了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But the global recession seemed to convince China that absolute reliance on exports for growth was a "risky strategy, " he said. “但是全球衰退看上去使中国绝对的依赖出口增长是一个危险的战略,”他说到。 www.bing.com 5. Hollywood's latest tactic for trying to convince men to watch romantic comedies is to deny that the movies are romantic comedies at all. 最近,为了劝说男性观看浪漫喜剧,好莱坞采用了决然否认即将上演的电影是浪漫喜剧的策略。 chinese.wsj.com 6. He tried to convince anyone to remove the bone. "I would give anything, " he said, "if you would take it out. " 他试图说服别人帮他取出骨头。“让我给什么都行,”他说,“只要你把它取出来。” bbs.24en.com 7. She was not able to convince me of her beliefs. 她无法使我相信她的信仰。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. Now that your listeners know your specific purpose, the next step is to present evidence that will convince them to agree with you. 现在你的听众知道了你的具体目标,下一步要拿出证据来说服他们同意你的观点。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. When I tried to convince those people to set Daniel free but they kept on telling me that it was the law and it couldn't be changed! 在我与那些人谈判的时候,他们总是以签署的法规不能更改为由拒绝放了丹尼尔。 www.bing.com 10. You can convince her to go out with me. 你可以说服她跟我约会 www.tingroom.com 1. If Germany was going to support such a fund, it should be a blow-out that would convince markets, she had decided. 默克尔认为,如果德国能够支持该基金,肯定就能说服市场。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Companies spend millions of dollars trying to convince customers that their products are superior to those of other companies. 公司花费了几百万美元试图使客户相信他们的产品比其他公司的好。 www.hstc.edu.cn 3. First of all, I will try to do well in the trainings to convince the coach to let me play, it would already be a huge achievement for me. 首先,我要认真训练,让教练认识到我的能力,这对我来说已经是一项巨大的成就了。 www.milanchina.com 4. I spent the last 5 years trying to convince him that college was the smarter way to go. 过去五年我一直尝试说服他,大学才是最明智的选择。 www.bing.com 5. They convince you, by continuously putting these issues before you, that a woman has no control over the birthing process in her body. 他们使你们相信,通过将这些争端不断的贴近你们,一位女性在她的体内没有控制出生的程序。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Even with everything Jennifer had read about him, she could not convince herself that Michael Moretti was a murderer. 她看过关于他的全部材料;尽管如此,她无法使自己相信迈克尔·莫雷蒂是一名杀人犯。 english.31931.cn 7. Mr. Paulson said he had to convince a reluctant Mr. Bush that saving AIG was the right decision. 鲍尔森说自己必须劝说原想袖手旁观的布什相信现在救AIG一命才是正途。 c.wsj.com 8. We were able to convince them that they weren't interested in a completion milestone so much as a confidence milestone. 我们说服了他们,他们不会对完成的里程碑甚至是自信的里程碑感兴趣。 www.ibm.com 9. But Molchanov predicts that the potential money coming out of this project will convince most shareholders to put concerns over image aside. 莫尔恰诺夫预测道,这个项目的潜在利润将说服大多数股东,把对公司形象的担心暂时抛在一边。 www.bing.com 10. how mny of us can put the screws on a son and convince him that he must abandon his idea of a career and take up the idea of finding work? 我们当中又有多少人能强迫儿子认识到他必须抛弃他有关事业的想法而抱着寻找工作的念头? www.rrting.com 1. My lazy tendencies stirred long enough to convince me of the virtue in the last option. . . But I wasn't completely unproductive. 我懒惰的秉性引起足够长的时间去证明我最近的选择所体现的优点。。。但是,我不是完全没有成效。 www.bing.com 2. It has been a bumpy year, but no one will convince me that, at full strength, this squad is anything other than extremely capable. 这是坎坷不平的一年,没有人能够想象,我们充满力量,我们的球队实力非凡。 groups.tianya.cn 3. A faint vision of a new teacher trying to convince pupils that he is "one of the guys" . 我隐约想到(这就像)——一位新老师试图说服小学生他“是一个男人。” www.ecocn.org 4. I've been trying to convince him to come with me. 我一直在说服他与我一起过来。 des.cmu.edu.cn 5. You might be frustrated as you rely on common values when trying to convince others to take up your favorite cause. 当你试图说服别人采取你的建议时你可能会沮丧因为你总是持有相同的价值观。 www.douban.com 6. The company has also tried to market its products in a variety of different ways to convince users to switch away from rival engines. 微软还曾试图以各种不同的方式推销其产品以说服用户从劲敌的搜索引擎转换过来。 www.bing.com 7. By announcing new measures almost daily, the authorities are trying to convince would-be investors that they are really serious. 政府试图通过几乎每天公布新措施的做法,让潜在投资者相信政府确实动了真格。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She did her best to convince me that she was still in love with me, but that was all over long ago. 她尽全力让我相信她仍然爱着我,那在很久以前就结束了。 movie.douban.com 9. You convince me that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for me to open it. 你让我确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着我去开启。 swall0w.blogchina.com 10. trying to convince an America hit by an economic downturn and fighting an unpopular war in Iraq. . . 尝试让饱受经济衰退打击和在伊拉克进行劣势战争的美国相信… qac.yappr.cn 1. When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law, the only effect it produces on me is to convince me that he is an unalterable fool. 当我听人谈论不可变更的法时,唯一的印象是使我确信他是一个不折不扣的白痴。 www.hao360.com 2. I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor. 我试图说服他去看医生。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Some students convince themselves that they are not able to understand spoken English well and create problems for themselves. 有些学生太不自信,认为自己没有听力天赋,听不懂英语口语。这也给他们自己造成了很多麻烦。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Ross toured 25 regional Disney Channels around the globe two years ago, trying to convince them of HSM's potential. Rose两年前走遍迪斯尼的25个频道试图让他们相信歌舞青春的潜力。 www.bing.com 5. The fact that Henry Armstrong was buried did not seem to him to prove that he was dead: he had always been a hard man to convince. 亨利·阿姆斯特朗已经入葬了,但对他本人来讲,这个事实似乎并不能证明他已经死了:他永远都是一个杠头。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. How do I convince her to stop forwarding all this crap? 我怎么才能说服她停止传阅这些无聊的东西? www.bing.com 7. Throughout the next year or two, many vegans tried to convince me that vegetarianism wasn't enough, but I wouldn't listen. 后来的一到两年里,许多吃严格全素的人,试著说服我吃素是不够的,但我并未听从。 glotus.org 8. And I'm going to spend the next few minutes trying to convince you that physics can teach us something about marketing. 接下来我要花上几分钟的时间要你们相信物理学可以教给我们一些关于市场营销的知识。 www.ted.com 9. Come on. This is perfect. You get to spend an hour with her every other day. You can convince her to go out with me. 嘿,这样就太完美了。你隔一天就能和她一起呆上一个小时,你能帮我说服她和我约会啊。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. You can see Apple and its board desperately trying to convince us that Tim Cook is great, and I'm sure he is and will do fine. 你可以看到苹果及其董事会千方百计地让人们相信提姆·库克非常优秀,并且我相信他确实优秀,能够胜任CEO一职。 www.bing.com 1. you convince me that there really is unlocked door just waiting for me to open it. 你说服了我,使我相信真的有一扇没有上锁的门在等待我的开启 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The best revenge on a liar is to convince him that you believe what he said. 要说服傻子使之明白他是错的最佳途径,是让他走自己的途径。 www.bing.com 3. And then he had to convince her to go back with him to a country she'd never been to and marry a complete stranger. 最后,他得说服她和他一起返回那个她从未去过的国土并且和他这样一个陌生人结婚。 www.bing.com 4. A diplomat is a man who can convince his wife that she looks stout in a mink coat. 外交官,就是能让老婆相信那件貂皮大衣会令她显得臃肿的那种人。 www.haiguinet.com 5. It tries desperately to convince me that I shouldn't keep going; that it just wants me to be safe. 它拼命地想要说服我不要再继续那样做了;那仅仅是想要让我身处安全。 www.bing.com 6. Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice. 认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢? www.hxen.com 7. It's done sort of to convince this congregation that you don't need to go back to that, you've got something superior. 就像是为了说服教众,你不需要遵守原来的仪式,你有了更优越的仪式。 open.163.com 8. After the war, it was not easy for Seward to convince the Senate that Alaska would be an important addition to the United States. 战争退出之后,西华花了很多心力说服参议院,让议员们相信阿拉斯加对美国是相当重要的。 www.24en.com 9. I try to convince myself that's all that it is, and if she really concentrated, she would not repeat herself so much. 我试着说服自己,就是这点问题,如果她真能集中精力,就不会这么一遍遍地唠叨了。 www.ebigear.com 10. He added he did not want to leave through the "back door, " but fight to convince coach Fabio Capello of his worth. 贝克汉姆说他不会灰溜溜地离开,而是会努力让教练卡佩罗相信他的价值所在。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Maybe she would let him drive her back for her return flight. Or, better yet, maybe he could convince her not to leave at all. 也许在返程时她也会坐他的车去机场,或者,最好是他能说服她不要走了。 www.dreye.com.cn 2. The point of this list is to convince you to try to accept as few characters as possible, and to think carefully before accepting another. 给出这个清单的目的是说服您尝试去接受尽可能少的数据,并且在接受另一个字符之前要慎重考虑。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Yes. She'll be gone for a while. She was trying to convince him to go to Denali. 是的,她会离开一段时间,设法说服他去德纳利。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. That did not mean trying to convince our adversaries they were wrong, but trying to unite ourselves with them at a higher level of insight. 这并不意味着试图使反对者认识到自己错了,而是试图在更高的认识层面上与他们达成一致。 www.who.int 5. he kept trying to convince me to let him in. 他一直让我要他进屋 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Trying to convince the robbers that he was just a poor puppet and hadn't a penny in his pocket. 让他们知道自己是个穷人,口袋里一个钱也没有。 www.soflash.net 7. It was during this detainment that Lo was turned and sent back to Taiwan to convince his handler, Lo Chi-Cheng, to sell out his country. 就在这段时期里,罗彬成了反间谍并且回到台湾说服他的长官,罗正奇,出卖自己的国家。 times.hinet.net 8. But now more than ever, it is hard to see what sort of assurance could convince Kim to disarm. 但是现在更难知道给予金正日何种保证才能劝服其裁军。 m.yeeyan.org 9. It does not seem easy to convince people this can be a win-win program. 想说服大家这是个双赢的项目似乎并不轻易。 bbs.readnovel.com 10. Totally obsessed by the idea that virginity should be preserved, he spent his whole life trying to convince girls to abstain from sex. 终其一生他致力于说服年轻女孩戒除性爱,着魔般地秉持处女应一直保持贞操的信念。 www.bing.com 1. It was a long shot, but maybe I could convince the hijacker to get off the plane with me in New Jersey. 航程很长,但是我有可能说服劫机者随我在新泽西下飞机。 www.2r2y.com 2. Now, if I can only convince my wife that it makes sense to add a room or two onto the house for book storage. . . 现在,如果我能够说服我的妻子在房子上再加一两间房子作为图书储存室的话…… www.ibm.com 3. Let me try to convince you of that in a few seconds. 让我试着在几秒钟内说服你们相信它。 www.ted.com 4. But I would try to convince him to turn himself in. 不过我会劝他去投案。 www.kekenet.com 5. Some spend so much time and energy trying to convince others of their truth, when no one group holds it all. 一些人花费了这么多的时间和能量,试着说服其他人相信他们的真相,当没有一个团体理解它的时候。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Occasionally, we put on a show as if to convince ourselves our secrets are really all that terrible. 有时,我们制造假象,说服自己我们的秘密并没有那么糟糕。 wyqhwp.blog.163.com 7. But I love my awful life so much right now, that I find it hilarious when I am unable to convince anyone else of it. 即时它摧毁了我的家,但现在十分我喜欢我糟糕的生活,当我不能使其他人确信是我发现它是欢闹的。 www.bing.com 8. We would not spend any time trying to convince anybody of anything because if they're not asking, your answers are just irritating. 我们不会花时间试图说服任何相信任何事,因为如果他们没有要求,你的答案会惹恼他们的。 songtaowang.com 9. The hunters Sat. stuffing themselves with this easy meal, trying to convince themselves that they got sufficient kick out of bananas. 猎手们坐在地上大嚼这种来得容易的饭食,自欺欺人地以为只要用香蕉填满肚子,他们就会精力充沛起来。 dict.ebigear.com 10. as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. 有时我们刻意掩饰,似乎这样能安慰自己秘密并不是真的那么可怕。 katrinekkmak.blog.163.com 1. Please keep sharing this page and help the Rebellion convince Volkswagen to turn away from the Dark Side. 请继续分享这个网页,帮助反抗军说服大众汽车离开黑暗势力。 www.bing.com 2. You've got to be able to convince us that you either have developed a team that has all those factors in it, or else you can. 你要能说服我们,你,或者你的团队拥有了所有这些技能。 www.ted.com 3. For ages you've been trying to convince those you're closest to that certain issues are pressing. 你一直尝试说服周围的那些人,已经有迫在眉睫的问题了。 www.douban.com 4. He went to the Mosque to try to convince her to leave. 他冒着生命危险进入红色清真寺是为了劝说女儿尽快离开。 www.kekenet.com 5. Anything is possible. You need to convince me that you are reasonable. 没有不可能的,但是你得说服我你是有道理的。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Still, it's up to Ms. Lagarde to convince emerging markets that it's their interest and responsibility to help Europe in some fashion. 不过依然要靠拉嘉德来说服新兴市场,让他们认为有责任以某种方式帮助欧洲,而此举也符合他们的利益。 chinese.wsj.com 7. At least not enough to convince audiences and publishers that they remain relevant. 至少,这还不以让读者和那些与他们有关联的出版商们信服。 www.ecocn.org 8. This is a fact, and I would be deluding myself if I tried to convince myself that all is well when it definitely isn't. 这是一个事实,如果我要说服自己一切都好而其实绝对不那样时我就等于在迷惑自己了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The "lesser of two evils" technique tries to convince us of an idea or proposal by presenting it as the least offensive option. 两害之轻这种手段将一种想法或者提议展示为最不令人厌恶的选择而试图使我们接受它。 www.bing.com 10. But if he told his family that he intended to be an author, he did not convince Papa Sol. 但是,如果他打算跟他家人说他想当个作家,那么他是不会说服自己的爸爸索尔的。 www.bing.com 1. Occasionally we put a show as if to convince ourselves our secrets are really off that terrible. 甚至有时候,我们自导自演一出戏剧,似乎是为了说服自己,其实我们的秘密并非那么可怕。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Why? In short, because rescues need a bit of "shock and awe" to convince investors. 为什么会这样?简单说来,就是援助需要一点“震惊与恐惧”以使投资者心悦诚服。 www.ecocn.org 3. Your goal is to convince him that just as he needs to meet deadlines, you have personal responsibilities that are equally important. 你的目标就是说服他:就好像他需要在规定时间内完成工作一样,你的个人责任也同样重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I asked you to talk to her, to convince her to. 我要你和她谈谈说服她。 www.tingclass.net 5. You cannot convince a woman to feel differently about you by means of "logic and reasoning. " 你不能通过常理和逻辑去试图让一个女人对你感觉不一样。 www.bing.com 6. One of the hunger strikers argues with a senior opposition politician who has come to try to convince them to end the strike. 一位参加绝食活动的人与前来劝他们结束绝食的一位反对派高级政治人物进行辩论。 www.tingroom.com 7. It took me a day or two to convince her that I wasn't going to harm her. 我用了一两天的时间才使她相信我不会伤害她。 www.kekenet.com 8. He dashes about Death's room, trying to convince himself that the entity is not real. 医生冲进死神的房间,用尽全力试图说服自己相信这一切都不是真的。 hi.baidu.com 9. And I must tell Linton it is not my fault that I don't write, and convince him that I shall not change. 我必须告诉林惇,我不写信不是我的错,我要让他知道我是不会变心的。 hlj7.com 10. The main goal of that plan is to convince Chinese-born professionals, academics and experts to return and contribute to the economy . 千人计划的主要目的是说服中国移居海外的专家学者回国效力。 www.bing.com 1. Amazingly, I find that in that short 10 min, we were able to convince the audience there was a special chemistry between us. 很出奇地,我发觉在那短短的十分钟,我们能够令观众认同我们之间有一种特殊的化学作用呢。 www.alivenotdead.com 2. a British archeologist who has spent many years trying to convince people that Atlantis could have existed. 他是一位英国考古学家,他已经花费了很多年时间试图让人们相信亚特兰蒂斯很可能是存在的。 www.jukuu.com 3. If someone with Mr Dangeard's background could not convince the board of that, it is hard to see who will. 如果唐夏先生这样背景的人都不能使董事会心悦诚服,其他人就更难办到了。 www.ecocn.org 4. To do this, they had to convince investors that the perception of hedge funds as a risky investment is no longer valid. 为此,它们必须使投资者确信,认为对冲基金是一种高风险投资的观点已经不再正确。 www.ftchinese.com 5. in trying to convince you to place your cars in the movie? 是你在这部电影里投入广告的原因吗 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That might just be an illusion. Just try to convince yourself that we did not see nothing. 那可能只是一个幻觉。你就试图劝服自己,我们什么都没有看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the next two months Serbia will have to convince sceptics like Germany that it is committed to a lasting settlement with Kosovo. 在接下来两个月,塞尔维亚必须说服像德国这样的怀疑者,让它们相信它一定会与科索沃达成长久的解决方案。 www.ecocn.org 8. Just a bit disappointed because I always convince myself that Rooney will be a Red for life, just like Giggs and Scholes. 我一直以为鲁尼会在曼联奋斗终生,就像吉格斯和斯科尔斯。 tieba.baidu.com 9. I frankly do not see the kind of answers that would really convince me that that is the case. 我可以坦率地说,我还没有看到有真正能说服我,使我相信情况果真是如此的那种回答。 www.jukuu.com 10. The president is trying to convince voters that better days are ahead. 奥巴马总统试图说服选民,更好的日子即将来临。 www.24en.com 1. Until then it is no earthly good trying to convince him by rational argument. 迄今为止,企图用理性论证去说服他,丝毫没有用处。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This did not convince left-of-centre parties, which think education should be free from kindergarten to colloquium. 这不能打动中间偏左联盟,他们认为教育从幼儿园到学术讨论会都该免费。 www.ecocn.org 3. Detail the features of your product and convince the client of its merits. Arrange an appointment for a product demonstration. 详细地说明你的产品性能并且就产品的优势说服客户。 www.bpc-edu.com 4. After the speech, I worked the crowd, shaking hands with supporters and trying to convince the dissenters. 演讲结束之后,我向人群作宣传,和支持者握手,试图说服与我意见相左的人。 www.bing.com 5. She is trying to convince magazine editors and advertisers to stop using digitally altered photographs and underweight models. 她尝试着说服杂志编辑和广告商停止使用修改过的数码相片以及太瘦的模特。 www.bing.com 6. One of the difficult tasks in this world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money. --Immanuel Kant. 这个世界上最难办的事情之一,是使女人相信便宜货也是要花钱的。——豪。 www.jukuu.com 7. Maybe he'd be able to convince Billy of this much, at least. 至少,也许他能把比利说服到这种程度。 putclub.com 8. We hope too, Candace is smiling, to convince people that Esu will not ride his white horse across the sky to pick up his favorites . 我们也希望,坎迪斯在微笑,使人们确信伊苏(耶稣)不会骑着他的白马从天空越过来接收他的追随者。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He also thought and tried to convince others that the spinal cord was what brought the nerves, the sensations of pain, throughout the body. 他还认为并且说服别人相信是脊髓在人体中造成了紧张和痛苦的感觉。 www.elanso.com 10. Then my inner-brain kicks in and thoughts of portion size, calories, fats, & sugars, slowly convince me to make a smart choice. 然后才是我吃的东西的份量(大小),热量,脂肪及糖。在对他们进行一番比较之后,我的大脑慢慢地说服我作出聪明的选择。 www.bing.com 1. A good salesperson really has to have a way with words. They have to be able to convince the customer that they should buy the thing. 好的销售员一定要有表达能力.他们要能说服顾客购买产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Convince stakeholders that it is in the long term regional economic interest to promote investments by ethical and sustainable industries . 说服股东投资道德的与可持续的产业在长期来看符合地区的经济利益。 www.bing.com 3. Notice that she is not trying to convince him but Is simply, matching his resistance. 注意,她不再试图说服他,但却抵御他的反抗。 gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 4. I am going to challenge you to convince me that you simply cannot pursue your genuine dreams right now. 我要你马上坚定地告诉我:你就是无法追求自己真实的梦想。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Oh. well, based on what you told me, I am not surprised. But we did convince him to leave the motel. 基于你昨天跟我说的那些,我一点都不惊讶。但我们说服他搬出汽车旅馆了。 www.bing.com 6. Parties may be more concerned to denigrate an opponent than with an attempt to convince electors of the virtues of their own policies. 政党可能更关注诋毁对手而不是力图使选民相信他们自己政策的优点。 www.7781.org 7. But the long-term consequences of sleep deprivation should be enough to convince anyone to hit the sack. 但如果是长期的睡眠剥夺其所带来的后果应该足够能说服任何人赶紧上床睡觉。 www.bing.com 8. Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt. 野牛比尔认识许多印地安人,而且他也能说服一位名叫斑纹尾巴(SpottedTail)的着名苏族印地安人及他村庄内的人添加这场狩猎行动。 www.24en.com 9. Much similar to Media Manipulation, this skill further enhances your ability to convince media to see things from your point of view . 很多类似的媒体操纵,而这个技能进一步增强你的能力来说服媒体看到的东西从你的观点。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Mr Jonathan will have to try hard to convince northerners that they have at least some say in government. 乔纳森先生必须努力的说服南方人民了解他们绝对在政府管理中会有一定的话语权。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Republican propaganda machine was able to convince people that the financial crisis was due to government failure, not market failure. 共和党的宣传机器让人们相信:金融危机是政府造成的,而不是市场的问题。 dongxi.net 2. The lavish presentation appeals to me, and I've got to convince the others. 奢华的风格很吸引我,但是我需要努力说服其他人。 douban.com 3. But boss Arsene Wenger is ready to recall the winger, having failed to convince Real to make the move permanent. 但是老板阿瑟-温格准备重新招回这位边锋,皇马已经对于这位边锋永久转会不感兴趣。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. There's no point in trying to convince them your dedication has not changed. 不要试图让他们相信你的奉献精神没有改变,这没有什么意义。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It used to be that the U. S. could convince the world to follow its lead on currency issues. 过去从来是,美国能够说服世界在货币问题上跟随美国。 www.bing.com 6. How can you convince her to have more confident in herself and trust her own decision, when you're not doing the same for yourself? 当你自己也做不到,你如何说服她相信自己及自己的决择? tera.komica3.net 7. Convince Charles Barkley to take opponents out on the town and offer to pick up the tab. 说服查尔斯-巴克利带着对手离开这个城市并在吧台上付账(黄金俱乐部?) bbs.hoopchina.com 8. Nobody knows, for if they did and could convince others, it would not be a shock: the market would factor it into its risk assessment. 没有人知道,因为如果他们知道而且能说服他人相信的话,那这就不是冲击了:市场会将其纳入风险评估之中。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Thinking that he was dazed, the villagers beat and admonished him. There was no way the king could convince them. 他们以为他在幻想,就打他,还讲好多事,国王没办法解释。 sm2000.org 10. I actually tried to convince Dad to let me do Water Jazz instead of swim team, but he wouldn't go for it. 我试图说服老爸让我去上爵士乐而不去游泳课,但是他没同意。 www.bing.com 1. Dismayed by this behavior, Catherine asks Henry to convince Frederick to leave Isabella alone. 失望的这种行为,凯瑟琳问亨利说服弗雷德里克伊莎贝拉独自离开。 lwdx123.com 2. It turns out that none of the programs was smart enough to convince anyone it was human. 从鉴定人员的判别结果来看,哪个程序都没有能够聪明到能够鉴定哪个让别人以为自己是人类。 www.cto360.com 3. "I said no to no" : self-centered discourse, and the fact that there is no rational explanation, it is difficult to convince the people of. “我说不行就不行”:以自我为中心的话语,与事实没有合理性的解释,很难服人的。 www.xiami360.com 4. To convince myself of that, I do not lift my arm the next moment. 要使我自己相信这一点,我在下一个时刻就不举起胳膊。 novel.tingroom.com 5. The first is to tell you something about pollen , I hope, and to convince you that it's more than just something that gets up your nose . 第一,我像告诉你一些关于花粉的知识让你相信它们不仅仅是让你打喷嚏的小东西。 www.bing.com 6. This sort of result does not, of course, convince everyone. 这样的结论当然不能说服每个人。 www.ecocn.org 7. You might even be able to convince yourself that the next 50 minutes will be a productive and satisfying work-hour. 你可能甚至会使你自己确信接下来的50分钟会是高产的和令人满意的工作时间。 www.bing.com 8. Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE. . . and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS. 吸引力是情感和生理的回应……你不能用逻辑,礼物和美好的事物“说服”一个女人。 www.bing.com 9. Steve is trying to convince the managers to choose the blended delivery model proposed by Lexis. Steve准备说服经理们选择Lexis提议的混合传递模式。 www.hxen.com 10. I've been trying to convince Jean to come with me. 我一直在尝试说服Jean和我一起去。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He would speak calmly and softly, and convince the girls of the wisdom of his approach with appeals to reason and common sense. 他用平静而温和的音调和结合了常识和推理的语言说服女孩们照他的观点打球。 www.bing.com 2. Dearer copper or oil did not halt construction at Chinese shopping malls or convince Americans to sell their SUVs immediately. Dearer铜和石油也没有停止在中国商场的建设或是停止游说美国立即销售他们的越野车。 www.bing.com 3. Ironically, in the 1960s, Mr Lee tried, without success, to convince his bosses to turn Marvel into a multimedia company like Disney. 饶有讽刺意味的是,20世纪60年代,李先生曾经尝试过说服他的老板将惊奇发展成像迪斯尼一样的多媒体公司,但却以失败告终。 www.ecocn.org 4. Unless you can convince them otherwise, your customers must be able to upgrade the product data and usage easily from the previous version. 客户常常要求产品的数据和使用必须能轻松从之前的版本升级,除非您能说服客户不这么要求。 www.ibm.com 5. Every sabbath he held discussions in the synagogue, trying to convince both Jews and Greeks. 每逢安息日,保禄就在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. Now, here's the experiment we did, and I would hope this is going to convince you that "Yeah, right! " was not the right response. 这是我们做的实验。我希望这个实验能够让你相信“哦,是吗!”不是正确的答案。 www.ted.com 7. But family and school were normally able to convince them that spitting was wrong, so in most cases they gave up the practice. 但家庭和学校通常能够说服他们,让他们知道吐痰不好,因此多数情况下他们会摒弃这一行为。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. They claim that people who order bigger sizes of food are trying to convince themselves or others that they are better off. 研究人员声称,人们喜欢点较大份的食物可能只是想让别人相信他们的生活更有余裕。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. How can the United States convince Moscow that it has more to gain from enhancing its cooperation with the West, regardless of oil prices? 美国要如何使俄罗斯确信对石油价格不加顾虑而加强俄罗斯与西方的关系利大于弊呢? www.bing.com 10. You've got to convince him that you're like-minded, like two peas in a pod. 你要说服他跟你志趣相投,就像豆瓣中的豆子一样。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. So will the DPJ be able to excite voters enough to convince them of the need for change? 那么民主党是否有能力充分激励起选民、令他们相信变革的必要性呢? www.ecocn.org 2. I tried to convince him that the man wasn't a good person, but he did not care. 我试图使他相信那个人不是个好人,可他不在乎。 wenku.baidu.com 3. But you know, this time I convince myself, my heart hurts. 懂吗可是,这一次我说服不了我自己了,我心里很痛… wenwen.soso.com 4. The special design of the surface of the arc, to convince us that the radiation diameter on the ground meets the standards of size. 该圆弧的表面特殊设计,使我们相信对地面辐射直径大小符合标准。 chinatrader.com.hk 5. Sorry, but it will take a lot more than one simplistic study of 24 readers to convince me that such findings are accurate. 对不起,仅仅只有24个读者参与的过于简单的研究想说服我研究的结果是准确的是远远不够的。 www.bing.com 6. All broken up: If you are negotiating with a group of opponents to try to convince one of the opponents to accept your proposal. 各个击破:如果你正和一群对手进行谈判,设法说服其中一个对手接受你的建议。 www.xiami360.com 7. I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces. 我试图使自己相信,如果我不是为了工作,我一定立即出发到广阔的天地去邀游。 www.1stenglish.com 8. The real challenge was to convince ASDI of the need for activities to occur in parallel rather than to have all milestones be sequential. 真正的挑战是说服ASDI所有需要的活动应该是并行的发生,而不是所有的里程碑都是按照顺序被交付的。 www.ibm.com 9. Detail will be needed to convince markets a plan really exists and this isn't just a superficial accord with no substance. 只有细节才能使市场确信确实存在一个计划,而不只是一个没有实质内容的表面文章。 cn.reuters.com 10. When I saw this photo op I had to convince our driver to stop just for a second so I could take this one picture. 当看到这景象的时候,我不得不说服我们的司机稍作停留,让我能够拍下这张照片。 ngmchina.com.cn 1. Donors will need to convince voters that there is an end point in mind and a date for withdrawal, even if it is some way off. 捐赠者必须说服选民,将来的某个时点捐赠会结束,总有一天将撤回援助,即使离那一天还有一段路要走。 www.oobang.com 2. As part of the campaign, the airline flew London Mayor Boris Johnson out to New York to convince business leaders to come to the UK. 作为宣传的一部分,伦敦航线的主管鲍里斯。约翰逊(音译)亲自启程去纽约说服商界领袖们到英国进行旅行。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. They tried to convince pubs that the smoke-free law would drive them out of business so they would lobby against the law. 它们曾使酒吧业主相信无烟法将挤掉他们的生意,所以他们将针对该法进行游说。 www.bing.com 4. In the domestic and foreign related research, the research which has real diagnosis and strong convince conclusion has still less to see. 在国内外的相关研究中,实证性的、结论有较强说服力的研究尚不多见。 5. The second was to convince the markets that Greece is an isolated case that bears no resemblance to the rest of the euro-zone. 第二项任务是说服市场相信:希腊问题只是个案,欧元区其它国家不存在同样的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He knew that his propositions would not convince people unless his illustrations entertained them. 他知道他的主张可能不易说服人们,除非书中的插图赏心悦目。 www.ecocn.org 7. Now, Miss Crawford, if you will look up the walk, you will convince yourself that it cannot be half a mile long, or half half a mile. 克劳福德小姐,你要是顺着这条小路望去,就会觉得这条路不会有半英里长,也不会有半个半英里长。 novel.tingroom.com 8. narrator: This man is trying to convince the dog that the food is delicious. 旁白:这家伙在劝狗说这食物很美味。 www.kekenet.com 9. I strive to be confident enough to convince people that I am in charge, but humble enough to realize that I am often going to be wrong. 我致力于获取足够的自信以在员工中树立领导地位,但我也要足够谦虚,认识到自己其实经常犯错误。 www.bing.com 10. They convince him to surgically alter his appearance and disappear into a new life. 他们使他下决心去做整容手术,然后重新开始新生活。 dongxi.net 1. That was always his reaction whenever me and Matt tried to convince him to tell somebody. 这一直是他的反应每当我和Matt试图说服他告诉别人。 www.fnovel.com 2. It took them a few years to convince me that it was possible. 他们用几年时间来说服我那是可能的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. What malevolence you must have to wish to convince me that there is no happiness in the world! 你真是多毒辣呀,想让我相信这世界上没有幸福! www.putclub.com 4. I tried to convince her to go with us, but she doesn't want to. 我试图劝说她一起去,但她不愿意。 bbs.yuloo.com 5. Don't waste your breath try to convince him; he's going to leave anyway. 不要白费口舌劝阻他了,他反正也要走的。 www.hxen.com 6. Professionally and effectively introduce the Company to new business potentials and convince decision makers to use PTS products. 专业有效的向潜在客户介绍公司,并说服客户使用公司产品。 www.o-hr.cn 7. Pierre's heartfelt letters helped convince her to pursue her doctorate in Paris. 皮埃尔衷心的信让她在法国取得博士学位有了信心。 www.bing.com 8. It was the one that helped convince me of its power beyond simple testing. 它使我领略到了简单的测试所带来的强大效果。 www.ibm.com 9. Your paper should seek to convince its reader of an argument, a thesis, offered in answer to one of the questions set. 你的文章应该尽量使读者信服你在回答预设问题时提出的论点和论题。 www.myoops.org 10. So, you get up early and try to convince yourself that the long day stretching before you is rich with diverse possibilities. 那么,你早早地爬起来并试图说服自己,延展在自己面前长长的一天里会有丰富多彩的各种可能。 www.elanso.com 1. Koryo's website does have a sanitized feel -- no surprise for a company trying to convince people to visit North Korea. 高丽旅社的网页并没有言论控制——这对一家试图吸引人们去朝鲜旅游的公司而言是不奇怪的。 dongxi.net 2. And even if you don't convince yourself of that, at least you won't be thirsty. 即使你不能确信你处于那样的状态,最少(喝杯饮料后)你不会觉得渴。 www.bing.com 3. So we do quite a lot of work at IDEO trying to convince our clients of this. 在IDEO我们花佷多工夫说服我们的客户采用它。 www.ted.com 4. George said it forcefully, in part to convince himself, because the memory of the gray-haired man had been eating at him too. 乔治着力说这话,一半也是为了说服自己,因为留在他脑子里的那个头发灰白的老头的形象,也搅得他心绪不安。 5. But it's also a game of poker; an attempt to convince the Greeks that the EU has all the cards, while the Greeks have just a pair of deuces. 但是这也是一场扑克较量,这是尝试着让希腊人明白,牌全都掌握在欧盟手里,希腊人手里的不过是一对小王而已。 www.bing.com 6. Today, I was trying to convince my parents to install a new program on our computer. They said I couldn't until I got better grades. 今天我跟爸妈说要在电脑上装个软件,他们说你考试考好一点再装。 www.bucter.com 7. In my teens I tried to fit in with my straight friends and convince myself that I fancied boys. I even had a couple of short relationships. 在我的青春期,我试着变得和那些直男直女一样,并且说服自己我是喜欢男生的。 www.bing.com 8. He needs to convince Americans and their creditors that this country isn't becoming the world's largest subprime borrower. 他需要让美国人及其债主相信,美国没有逐渐沦落为世界上最大的信用历史不佳的债务国。 www.bing.com 9. You can't even convince your boss that you are capable enough to be a lawyer. 你连你老板都说服不了?他都不信你可以做一个好律师。 www.360doc.com 10. But often I convince myself that I can't do something because I'm going to fail at it, so I don't even bother to try. 但是我常常告诉自己有些事我做不来,因为觉得自己会做砸,所以我连试都不想试一下。 www.bing.com 1. It took Facebook's venture backers to convince him to stop coding and focus his full attention on running the business. 是Facebook的风险投资支持者们说服他不再编码,而将全部精力集中在经营业务方面。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The very fact of my popularity among the troops was enough to convince him I was dangerous. 我在军中享有众望这一情况本身足以使他确信我是危险人物。 3. Mr. Colombo said one tack for Q-Cells would be to 'try to convince the Chinese court to let go' and leave the case for arbitration. 科伦坡说,Q-Cells的一个目标是努力说服中国法院放手,让本案接受仲裁。 c.wsj.com 4. 'What we're trying to do is convince the Chinese there are global norms, ' he said. 他说,我们在努力做的,是让中国人相信,国际惯例是存在的。 chinese.wsj.com 5. And a game may convince users to pick a strong password where commands and exhortations fail. 而这个游戏或可以确信让用户去挑选一个强大的密码,而命令和规诫在此处无用武之地。 www.ecocn.org 6. But until you convince me, with facts or with opinion, that I'm wrong, I will be passionate about my decision at the time. 除非你能说服我,有理有据地证明我错了,我仍将坚持自己的决定。 www.bing.com 7. Nothing but facts can convince the public and arouse their admiration. 只有事实具在,才令民众信服并敬佩。 www.catcmsc.com 8. It is difficult enough to convince them of an argument as part of the normal cut-and-thrust of political conversation. 要说服他们相信某个观点是政治话语的很普通的一部分就已经很不容易了。 www.ecocn.org 9. And yet, we try to convince people to ride with us all the time while we're blindfolded. 然而现实是,我们经常试图说服别人在这种情况下上自己的车。 www.cnpua.info 10. I'm willing to do anything to convince May to go out with me. 为了说服小梅跟我约会,我什么都愿意做。 www.360abc.com 1. Maria, he has got to at least pretend he is working with these people. You must convince him. 玛丽亚,他至少应该装着与这些人合作,你必须说服他。 q.sohu.com 2. A secondary work will not convince on its own unless it has evolved its own tensions between thought and language. 一件作品,只有在思想与语言之间形成自己的张力,才能令人信服,否则就是二流作品。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We have been trying to convince them to send, for instance, a shipment of zinc, which is mined there. 我们一直在试图说服他们,比如说运送一批在朝鲜开采的锌过来。 www.ftchinese.com 4. tends to convince others that "this time is really different. " 177. 倾向于让别人相信“这次真的不同了”。 inkblot.ouzhe.com 5. If business executives and sponsors don't understand the need for a PMO -- and view it as overhead -- how can we convince them of its value? 如果业务主管人员和高层执行官不明白建立PMO的必要性——认为它是无用的——那我们怎么说服他们相信它的价值呢? www.ibm.com 6. Don't try to convince me with such foolish ideas; I will not be cheated again. 翻译别用这些愚蠢的话来骗我,我不会上第二次当。 www.for68.com 7. I am not going to spend too much time trying to convince you carefully. 我就不在这上面花太多时间了。 open.163.com 8. His speech for the campaign failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the senate seat. 他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。 wenku.baidu.com 9. She pointed out that smiles can convince us that we are happy. After smiling for a while , one may forget about what happened before . 微笑可以说服自己,让自己相信自己确实是快乐的,微笑一会儿之后,甚至会忘了刚才还发生过什么事情。 www.bing.com 10. Job seekers should have the same motivation to convince interviewers that they understand and value the company's business. 求职者都有相同的目标,就是使面试官相信他们充分理解并重视公司的业务。 www.bing.com |
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