单词 | wave at | ||||||||||||
释义 | wave at
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 朝…挥手,表示在和某人挥手,跟服务生招手 1. I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time, just wave at me! 我很快就会再过来,如果在这期间您有任何需要,向我挥挥手就行了! www.bing.com 2. And he grew almost more familiar with the slight wave at the back of her hair than with her eyes or her mouth. 他对她背后的微曲的披发几乎比对她的眼睛或嘴巴还要熟悉。 www.8875.org 3. I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything anytime, just wave at me! 我一会儿就回来,如果您有什么需要的话,随时向我招招手! bbs.24en.com 4. He jerked his head at the other goats below and when I wave at him he bounded down. 它向下面其它山羊伸伸脑袋,我向它一挥手,它就蹦了下来。 5. If the receiver is running out of FIFO space it signals the sender to stop by generating a square-wave at an eighth of the clock frequency. 如果接收器快用光了先进先出法空间信号发送它停止产生一个方波在八分之一的时钟频率。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The origin time should be a few seconds before the time of the wave at the first station. 地震的起源时间应该比到达第一个站点的时间早几秒钟。 pro.yeeyan.com 7. Whenever his children wave at him or his wifehands over a cup of hot coffee, he feels extremely happy. 每当他的孩子冲他招手或者他的妻子递来一杯热咖啡的时候,他都感到无比幸福。 www.bing.com 8. The receiver FPGA signals that it is ready to receive by generating a square-wave at half its clock frequency, i. e. 接收器FPGA的信号,它准备好去接受一个方波产生在时钟频率的一半,即。62.5赫兹。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Each of linear, circular and elliptic polarization wave can be decomposed two orthogonal linear polarization wave at the same frequency. 无论是线极化波,圆极化波,椭圆极化波,都可由两个同频率的其场矢量相互正交的线极化波组合而成。 lib.cqvip.com 10. They rushed to sit down to watch the president and First Lady wave at the top of the airplane stairs. 他们冲过去坐下并注视着总统和第一夫人在飞机扶梯上面向大家招手。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Be grateful that you were happy enough today to smile and wave at your neighbour. 感激你今天能够开怀大笑,能和你的邻居打招呼。 www.bing.com 2. It was a nice wave. - At the end of a date? 但挥得很不错-在约会之后? www.tingclass.net 3. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the plane wave at the birefringent surface were deduced. 导出了平面波在双折射介质表面的反射系数和透射系数公式。 www.opticsjournal.net 4. Propagation logs rely on measuring the difference in properties of a wave at two receivers. 传播测井依赖于两个接收器测量的波的差异。 www.infopetro.com.cn 5. I crashed my car into a pole when I turned to wave at the pretty girl. 当我转头向那个美眉挥手时,车子撞上了电线杆。 www.360abc.com 6. Do not drive in the fast lane. Smile and wave at people who pass you. 不要在快车道上行驶。向经过你的人微笑并招手。 www.bing.com 7. The equatorial anomaly and the ionosphere greatly affect the arrival latitude of whistler wave at middle and low latitudes. 赤道异常和电离层显著地影响哨声波的到达纬度; www.geophy.cn 8. Not a single state trooper stopped us, but many passing motorists took great pains to honk and wave at us. 没有一个交警阻拦我们,而且许多过去的司机不辞辛劳地对我们按喇叭,招手。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Planes and vehicles that were swept away by the wave at Sendai airport, north of Tokyo. 位于东京北部,在仙台机场的飞机和车辆被洪潮四处推散。 www.bing.com 10. Stepping from the crowd I walked into the open. I look in awe at these angels and wave at them. 离开人群,我来到一片开阔地,我敬畏地看着这些天使,并向他们招手。 www.2012nian.org 1. Why did you wave at him? 你为什么向他招手? www.swansea86.com 2. I smile and wave at the sea of screaming women. 我微笑着像尖叫的人群中挥手。 www.bing.com 3. Last week he arrived at the World Cup closing ceremony to wave at adoring football fans before the final match kick-off. 上周他到达世界别的闭幕式,在总决赛开始之前向着充满钦佩的球迷们招手。 www.bing.com 4. And he lived a full life. He was in the first wave at Omaha Beach. 他也活够了,奥马哈移民潮时他也在场。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Widen the channels to the people you adore, and never make them suffer by your weird compulsion to wave at strangers. 对你仰慕的人,要扩宽渠道,还有就是永远不要让他们忍受你向其他陌生人招手的奇怪冲动。 www.bing.com 6. For the given base flow, T-S wave at the entrance to research the evolution of perturbance spatially is imposed. 对于给定的基本流,在计算域入口加入T-S波扰动,研究扰动的空间发展演化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. We wave at Mama, who is all the way down by the fountain now. 于是,我们就朝着在喷泉边上的妈妈挥了挥手。 www.bing.com 8. Then feel the energy wave at your centre where your core star is. 然后感觉能量波在你的核心星的中心。 www.krishnamurti.com.cn 9. They smile and wave at you, or they frown and wag a finger at you. 它们有的朝你微笑,向你招手,有的皱皱眉头,摇摇手指。 www.yayan123.com 10. This energy spreading occurred because the electrons were trapped by the wakefield wave at various locations and at different times. 这个能量的分布是因为电子在不同的时间跟位置被尾迹场波抓住。 www.bing.com 1. Some lines that might build up into some knee high wave at low tide in the afternoon. 现在是潮高时间非常小的浪,下午退潮时间可能会有膝盖高的浪。 www.surfinghainan.com 2. For wave at the trading company in China, how to take a series from the enormous pressure at home and abroad is crucial. 对于站在风口浪尖的中国贸易公司来说,如何承担从国内外接踵而至的巨大压力显得至关重要。 www.dictall.com 3. You need to catch the right wave at the right time and know when to get off. 你需要在正确时间把握正确趋势,并且知道何时脱手。 www.bing.com 4. Jack Sparrow: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. 杰克?斯派罗:我爱这样的时机,更喜欢在它们经过时朝它们挥挥手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I like to wave at them as they pass by. 他们和我打照面时我喜欢向他们招招手 www.tingroom.com 6. Reflection and refraction of a plane wave at the interface of double negative and double positive media 平面波在双负和双正参数媒质界面的反射与折射 www.ilib.cn 7. Transmission Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave at the Interface of Positive and Negative Refraction Index Media 电磁波在正负折射率介质界面上的传输特性 ilib.cn 8. Discussion on Reflection Wave at the Bottom of Pile by Example of Base-pile Dynamic Detection Curve at One Building Site 关于某工地基桩动测曲线桩底反射波的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. The curve of reflection coefficient of nonuniform S-polarized electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media 非均匀S偏振电磁波在导电媒质界面的反射系数曲线 ilib.cn 10. Study of Traveling Wave at the Sheath-crossing Point of High Voltage Power Cable 高压电缆金属护套交叉点行波折反射的规律 www.ilib.cn 1. The curves of reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous P-electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media 非均匀P-偏振电磁波在导电界面的反射系数曲线 ilib.cn 2. Nonlinear Evolution Analysis of T-S Disturbance Wave at Finite Amplitude in Nonparallel Boundary Layers 有限振幅T-S波在非平行边界层中的非线性演化研究 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Application of Clearing Air Reheater Ash to Use Weak Explosion Wave at Liulin Power Plant 弱爆炸波清灰在柳林电厂空气预热器吹灰上的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Reflection and transmission of stress shock wave at structure node 应力冲击波在结构节点的反射和透射 www.ilib.cn 5. Direction Property of Shock Wave at Muzzle of Underwater Launcher 水下发射器膛口冲击波指向特性研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Wave height of discharging wave at entrance area of ship lock and ship rolling 船闸口门区泄水波风浪波高与船舶横摇 www.ilib.cn 7. Rock Breaking Effect of Blasting Stress Wave at Moderate or Far Distance 爆破应力波中远区破岩作用分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Transform of Seismic Wave at Different Strata 地震波在不同地层下的转换 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on Phosphating Technology by use of Ultrasonic Wave at Room Temperature 常温超声波磷化工艺的研究 www.ilib.cn |
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