单词 | al-Qaeda | ||
释义 |
例句释义: 盖达组织,基地组织,盖达恐怖组织 1. The original justification for the war was that the Afghan Taliban provided a shelter for al-Qaeda and its leader. 当初发动阿富汗战争的理由是,阿富汗的塔利班为“基地”组织及其领导人提供了庇护所。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The statement cannot be independently verified, but claims to be written by the general leadership of al-Qaeda. 这份声明无法被独立证实,不过据称是由基地组织的领导层执笔完成的。 voa.yeshj.com 3. It is unclear how much will change there after the beheading of al-Qaeda. 随着基地组织首脑被击毙,这种情况将会有多大程度的改变尚不得而知。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA. 海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。 www.bing.com 5. An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid. 也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。 www.enread.com 6. Another issue is just how much is known about the links between radicalized British Muslims and al-Qaeda operatives abroad. 第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。 www.ecocn.org 7. He said Al-Qaeda is still active in the northern city of Mosul and warned that there would be tough fighting in the days and months ahead. 布什总统还表示基地组织还在摩苏尔北部城市活动,他警告说,同基地组织的战争将会一直持续下去。 www.bing.com 8. He said he believed his western allies backed his plans for reconciliation with those Taliban who were not allied with al-Qaeda. 他表示,他相信西方盟国会支持他向不与基地分子联盟的塔利班和解的计划。 www.jp345.com 9. It said the killing was retaliation for the deaths of six al Qaeda members in a French-backed military operation against the group. 它称这是为了对一次法国支持的针对该组织的行动进行报复,那次行动中有6名基地组织成员丧生。 www.bing.com 10. Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Spain's interior minister, confirmed that this equipment might be falling into Al Qaeda's hands. 西班牙内政部长阿尔弗雷多·卢巴卡巴(AlfredoPerezRubalcaba)证实,有些武器可能正在流向基地组织。 www.bing.com 1. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the head of NATO, warns that if the West abandons Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda would be back in a flash" . 北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森警告,如果西方国家让阿富汗自生自灭,那么“基地组织会以迅雷之势卷土重来”。 www.ecocn.org 2. A statement given to the New York Times newspaper said the family wanted to know why the al-Qaeda leader had not been captured alive. 给《纽约时报》的一份声明说,他的家人们想知道为什么基地组织的领导没有被生擒。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That group eventually provided the nucleus of al-Qaeda, which bin Laden founded in 1988 as the war against the Soviets began to wind down. 本?拉登于1988年在反对苏联的战争开始平息之时建立了基地组织,而那一群人最终成为其核心成员。 www.bing.com 4. After being detained, Masri confessed to being the al Qaeda in Iraq leader, he said, adding that his identity still had to be confirmed. 马斯里在被捕后供认是在伊拉克境内基地组织的领导者,不过该官员补充说,他的身份还有待确认。 cn.reuters.com 5. As Self launches into his speech about Al Qaeda operatives, Oren asks him to turn his head while he opens a safe. 就在他胡诌关于他的基地阴谋时,欧伦要求他转头过去,他正要打开保险箱。 www.rayzen.cn 6. An al-Qaeda or Baathist group was suspected of trying to destabilize Iraq in the run-up to a general election expected in early March. 该事件疑为是基地组织或是叙利亚社会党试图在明年3月的大选举行之前破坏伊拉克的稳定局势。 www.ecocn.org 7. Some say that al-Qaeda will struggle without bin Laden, even though they agree that he was more of a symbolic than a strategic leader. 一些人说,基地组织势力没有本拉登仍可能继续挣扎,尽管他们同意这一点——本拉登不仅仅是个战略领导者,更是个象征。 www.bing.com 8. But Pakistani officials say they have stepped up actions against extremists but do not know where the al-Qaeda leaders are. 但巴方官员表示,他们已加紧了打击极端分子的行动,但的确不清楚基地组织领导人藏身何处。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "It seems to be an attempt to mirror Al Qaeda, exactly in reverse, " Mr. Hegghammer said. 和伽马说,“这仿佛是故意效仿基地组织,不过是站在反穆斯林的方向。” www.bing.com 10. The White House is still weighing whether to release a photo of the slain al-Qaeda leader as proof of his death. 白宫仍在权衡是否公布这个被击毙的基地组织领导人的照片以证明其死亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The idea that Mr Obama is applying proper standards of justice to terrorists is as abhorrent to al-Qaeda as it seems to be to Mr Cheney. 奥巴马将恰当的司法准则应用在恐怖分子身上,不但切尼看不顺眼,在基地组织看来也甚为可恶。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But as a practical matter, his death says more about how much the al Qaeda problem has morphed into an even bigger Pakistan problem. 但从实际角度来讲,他的死更多地揭示了基地组织问题已经在多大程度上演变成了一个更大的巴基斯坦问题。 c.wsj.com 3. And in his overview of the Iraq war, he shows how Al Qaeda and its allies were able to take advantage of modern communications. 而且在伊拉克战争的回顾中,他展示了基地组织和同盟国是如何利用现代通讯工具。 www.bing.com 4. In the last several months, there have been a number of voices, both official and unofficial, eulogizing al Qaeda. 在过去的几个月里,出现了不少来自官方和非官方的鼓吹基地组织的声音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Goodness. I recommended that he be released because we had assessed him to be a critical senior member of Al Qaeda when he wasn't. 天哪,我要求释放他的原因是我们对他的评估证明他并不是基地组织的关键分子。 dongxi.net 6. Nor would it employ interrogation tactics like water-boarding, which he said had only played into the hands of terror groups like al-Qaeda. 也不再采取审讯手段进行审讯,如水刑,布伦南声称此种手段过去仅对恐怖组织分子,如基地组织实行过。 www.transcn.org 7. While 'a chapter has ended' for al Qaeda with Mr. bin Laden's death, he said, the story is far from over. 他说,尽管随着本?拉登被击毙,基地组织的这一章划上了句号,但故事还远远没有结束。 c.wsj.com 8. How much of a directing role al-Qaeda plays is uncertain. 基地组织在多大程度上担任指导角色并不清楚。 www.ecocn.org 9. However, a US intelligence official on Saturday said he was not popular among some al-Qaeda circles and was seen as an uncharismatic leader. 不过,一名美国情报官员上周六表示,扎瓦希里在基地组织的某些圈子里人气不高,他被视为一名缺乏魅力的领导者。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He argues that al-Qaeda members do not qualify as lawful enemy combatants and are therefore not entitled to any rights or protections. 他辩称基地组织成员不属于合法的敌方战斗人员,因此无权享受任何相应的权利或保护。 www.ecocn.org 1. If I asked you to think of the ideas of Al-Qaeda, that's something that comes to your mind immediately. 如果我让你想一想基地组织的概念,就是提到基地组织你能马上想到的。 www.ted.com 2. If just two fighters held up a piece of cloth with "al-Qaeda" on it, he said proudly, American generals would run to the place in swarms. 如果只有两名战士举起一块写着“al-Qaeda”的布,他自豪地说,那么美军的将领们也会蜂拥而至。 www.ecocn.org 3. Al Qaeda appears to be drawing closer to Somali insurgents in an effort to turn this country into a launching pad for global jihad. 基地组织越来越亲近索马里的反政府叛乱分子,企图把这个国家变成一个全球圣战者的一个“基地”。 www.bing.com 4. The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the threat was credible and involved al-Qaeda, but that it was unconfirmed. 美国国务卿希拉里?克林顿称,这种威胁是可信的,并且涉及基地组织,但是这个也未经证实。 www.hxen.com 5. It also claims it has evidence that al-Qaeda is all but broke, with only Bin Laden's personal moneys financing the organisation. 他们还宣称,他们有证据表明基地组织几乎溃不成军,只有本?拉登的个人资金来维持组织运作。 www.hxen.com 6. For the moment, though, the mainstream Syrian opposition is nearly uniform in its opposition to a role for Al Qaeda in its popular uprising. 尽管如此,叙利亚主流反对派几乎是众口一词地反对基地组织介入他们发起的这场广受欢迎的起义。 cn.nytimes.com 7. He said part of his strategy would be "taking the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. " 他说他对反恐的部分策略是“对抗阿富汗和巴基斯坦的阿尔盖达组织”。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Even as America spends up to $3 billion a week in Iraq, some of your gasoline bill is surely finding its way to al-Qaeda. 就当美国一周在伊拉克烧掉30多亿美元的时候,一些汽油钱肯定也通过某种途径到了基地组织的手里。 www.bing.com 9. Meanwhile , al Qaeda continued to operate from along that border and operate through its affiliates across the world . 同时,基地组织继续沿着那条边界线,通过其世界上的分支组织运行着。 www.dadaec.com.cn 10. After all, Qaddafi was a rather important intelligence source for the United States in the war against al-Qaeda and terrorism. 毕竟,卡扎菲曾经是美国对抗基地组织和反恐战争中的很重要情报来源。 www.bing.com 1. The army, now one of the most solid state institutions after years of floundering, presents the biggest threat to al-Qaeda. 军队作为经过数年战火洗礼最坚实的政府组织,被认为是基地组织的最大威胁。 www.ecocn.org 2. Officials said the Sunni Imam may have been targeted because he had previously spoken out against al-Qaeda. 官员称,此次爆炸的目标可能是逊尼派教长,因为他以前曾公开表示反对基地组织。 www.jp345.com 3. As al-Qaeda's operational commander in Afghanistan, he is believed to have had a hand in everything from finances to operational planning. 作为阿尔盖达组织的指挥长官,外界认为从金融至操作计划的每个环节他都有插手 bbs.ebigear.com 4. On Saturday, a top al-Qaeda commander is thought to have been killed by an American missile in South Waziristan. 上周六,一个基地组织指挥官被认为已经被一个美国的导弹在南瓦济里斯坦打死。 www.englishtang.com 5. I took the tannery off the list because it had no military value to al Qaeda and I wanted to minimize civilian casualties. 我把制革厂从名单中勾掉,因为它对基地组织没有任何军事价值,而且我想最大限度地减少平民伤亡。 www.bing.com 6. Across the country, al-Qaeda cells are trying to topple the government and bring about a Muslim caliphate in the region. 全国各地,基地组织的布建单位试图推翻政府并要在当地建立穆斯林哈里发辖区。 www.ecocn.org 7. Will the Shi'ite resolve hold? Short of the destruction of another major religious site, it's hard to see them taking al-Qaeda's bait. 什叶派的这个决绝方案能奏效么?另一个主要的宗教驻地并没有受到足够攻击,这使得什叶派很难与基地组织对战。 www.bing.com 8. He said this does not rule out al-Qaeda and associated terrorist incidents possibilities. 他表示,不排除基地组织与这起恐怖事件有关联的可能性。 www.englishtang.com 9. Zazi, from Denver, Colorado, is understood to have been given instructions by a senior member of al Qaeda in Pakistan over the internet. 据悉,来自科罗拉多丹佛的扎齐曾经接到巴基斯坦“基地”组织一位高级成员通过互联网发出的制作指南。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier, the White House described it as a "defining moment in the war against al-Qaeda" . 早先,白宫称拉登被击毙是“打击基地组织战争中的决定性时刻”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. But even as we put relentless pressure on al Qaeda, we're ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. 但我们将无情的压力推给了基地组织,我们结束了伊拉克战争,并着手撤回阿富汗的部队。 m.yeeyan.org 2. In a recent interview, Nazir said he was a member of al Qaeda. 在一次近期采访中,纳兹尔自称是基地组织一员。 www.bing.com 3. How could Al Qaeda's chief live so close to the academy without at least some officers knowing about it? 基地组织的领导人居住的离学院这么近,怎么可能没有至少一些官员知情? www.bing.com 4. UN investigation did not play a role, al-Qaeda links with Iraq, Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, etc. 联合国调查并没有起到作用,基地组织与伊拉克有联系,萨达姆拥有大规模杀伤性武器等等; www.englishtang.com 5. Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts, but it took months to firm up the intelligence. 去年八月,美国人终于找到了有关基地组织领导人下落的蛛丝马迹,但确认情报花了几个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Among the key questions raised so far include: How will al-Qaeda re-group and who will likely be the successor to Bin Laden? 其中被主要提出的问题包括:基地组织将会怎么重组,还有谁将有希望成为本拉登的继承人? www.bing.com 7. Another important question that has yet to be asked is how the death of the al-Qaeda founder affects US-China cooperation on anti-terrorism. 另一个被提出的重要问题是基地创始人的死将会对中美爱反恐方面的反恐有什么影响。 www.bing.com 8. In 2007 the Americans persuaded Anbar's Sunni tribes to set up a self-defence movement known as the Awakening and turn against al-Qaeda. 在2007年,美国曾说服安巴尔的一些逊尼部落建立一个反基地组织的自卫性防御项目,即人们所熟知的“觉醒”计划。 www.ecocn.org 9. Hanging in the balance was the CIA's best chance in years to strike at the heart of Al Qaeda. CIA沉浸在这个数年来能给基地组织带来最严重打击的最佳机会中。 www.bing.com 10. Bin Laden will continue to be a distraction for the short term, and especially if some of al-Qaeda groups muster revenge attacks. 拉登将继续在短期内分散注意力,特别是如果基地组织势力鼓吹报复袭击。 www.ifengwo.com 1. In fact, the war was a huge diversion of U. S. resources from the terrorist fight and a boon to al-Qaeda recruiting. 其实这场战争是美国反恐战的巨大资源流出,也是“基地”组织招募的锲机。 www.bing.com 2. Although Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda is no secret of their 9. 11 culprits, the U. S. government has also carried out a firm blow. 虽然本·拉登和他的基地组织毫不讳言自己就是9·11元凶,美国政府也对其进行了坚定的打击。 yinghanhuyi.com 3. Operation Crevice was a turning point in the British authorities' understanding of the threat posed by al-Qaeda. 缝隙行动是英国当局理解基地组织所造成的威胁的转折点。 club.topsage.com 4. One of bin Laden's most famous quotations (there were not many in his oeuvre) compared the United States and Al Qaeda to racing horses. 本·拉登的一个最著名的项目(他的作品中没有很多),就是“基地”组织和美国的赛马比赛。 blog.xmnn.cn 5. Analysts say that, of all the insurgent groups, the Haqqani network has the closest ties to Al Qaeda. 分析人士认为,在所有叛乱者组织中,数哈卡尼网络与基地组织的联系最为密切。 www.bing.com 6. Two Al-Qaeda "jackals" have gone to ground in Berlin in preparation for a bloody attack on the German parliament, Der Spiegel magazine said. 据德国《明镜》周刊报道,两名基地组织成员已经潜入柏林,准备对德国议会发动血腥袭击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. We're checking out a couple security headlines now, starting with what could be a serious blow to the al Qaeda terrorist group. 我们现在要看些关乎安全的头条新闻,从基地组织的恐怖组织的严重打击开始。 www.kekenet.com 8. Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was unarmed when he was killed by US troops on Sunday after resisting capture, the White House has said. 基地头号人物本拉登周日被美军击毙,据白宫称,枪杀本拉登是在他拒绝被捕后发生的,但当时他并没有武器, www.bing.com 9. At least 11 al-Qaeda suspects have "disappeared" in U. S. custody, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. (纽约)人权观察在今天发表的一份报告中说,至少有11名基地组织(al-Qaeda)的嫌疑犯在美国的监禁下“消失”了。 www.hrw.org 10. Yazid was also responsible for maintaining al Qaeda's relationships with other terrorist groups, like the Taliban. 亚齐德也负责维护基地组织和其他恐怖组织的关系,比如塔利班。 www.bing.com 1. Barring a few ungoverned pockets in Yemen and on the fringes of the Sahara, al-Qaeda has failed to benefit from the democratic wind. 基地组织守着也门和撒哈拉沙漠边上的几个无人问津的小地方,也并没有从这场民主旋风中得到什么好处。 www.bing.com 2. He says they are taking some sort of pills and been manipulated by the al Qaeda out terrorist group. 他说,他们就像吃了什么药一样,被恐怖主义基地组织所操纵。 www.kekenet.com 3. The crimes of Al Qaeda touched most continents, bringing tragedy and loss of life to thousands of men, women and children. 基地组织在几个大陆都犯下了滔天罪行,造成数以千计的男女和儿童死亡。 www.hjenglish.com 4. U. S. and Iraqi officials said the Mosul and Baghdad bombings bore the hallmarks of Sunni Islamist al Qaeda. 美国和伊拉克官员表示,摩苏尔和巴格达的爆炸事件均呈现出基地组织的惯用手法。 cn.reuters.com 5. Al-Qaeda has not just poisoned relations between countries. It has poisoned minds as well. 基地组织不只搞坏了国家之间的关系,也毒害了心灵。 www.ecocn.org 6. Like a snake backed into a corner, however, a weakened al Qaeda isn't necessarily less dangerous. 但是,就像一条被逼到角落里去的蛇,“基地”在衰弱的同时危险性并不会必然随之减少。 www.bing.com 7. US legal experts point to the fact that the US had declared itself to be in armed conflict with al-Qaeda. 美国法律专家指出事实是美方已经宣布和基地组织处于武装冲突状态。 www.bing.com 8. While drawing down in Iraq, we have refocused on defeating al Qaeda and denying its affiliates a safe haven. 在从伊拉克撤军的同时,我们已经重新集中力量打击基地组织,并让其附属组织无处藏身。 www.tradehn.com 9. As if to prove it, Pakistani authorities arrested an al-Qaeda operative in Karachi. 似乎为了证被明这一点,巴基斯坦政府在卡拉奇逮捕了一名基地密探。 www.ecocn.org 10. One can still say (indeed the administration insists) the US is at war with terrorists, violent extremists, and al-Qaeda and its affiliates. 人们仍可以说(的确,奥巴马政府这样坚称)美国正与恐怖分子、暴力极端主义者,以及基地组织(al-Qaeda)及其附属组织作战。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But SITE said it did not expect al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden or deputy Ayman al-Zawahri to openly favor a candidate. 但SITE认为,基地组织头目拉登或二号人物扎瓦赫里不会公开支持某位候选人。 cn.reuters.com 2. The evidence we have gathered all points to a collection of loosely affiliated terrorist organizations known AS al-Qaeda. 我们搜集的证据都指向一个叫“基地”的松散型恐怖组织联盟。 dict.ebigear.com 3. As for our common security, America is waging a more effective fight against al Qaeda, while winding down the war in Iraq. 至于我们的共同安全,美国在逐步结束伊拉克战争的同时,正在对基地组织发起一场更有效力的战斗。 www.tradehn.com 4. But al-Qaeda has correctly identified at least one weak spot in the arrangement left behind by the Americans. 但是基地组织准确地认识到剩下的美国兵们至少有一个弱点。 www.ecocn.org 5. Jihadist groups (sometimes claiming to be "al-Qaeda in the Sinai peninsula" ) have called for the creation of an Islamic emirate. 圣战组织(有时在西奈半岛自称基地组织)已经号召人们建立一个由穆斯林统治的国家。 www.ecocn.org 6. Even in the short run, such a policy could help to generate renewed al Qaeda growth, especially in the peculiar local conditions of Yemen. 即使是短期来看,也会帮助基地组织重获生机,尤其在也门某些地区的特定条件下。 www.bing.com 7. Al Qaeda's Yemen branch has managed to put out its first English-language online magazine, Inspire, complete with bomb-making instructions. 基地也门分支也设法建立起他们第一家英文在线杂志,“启示”,介绍了如何制造炸弹。 www.bing.com 8. A report by the U. S. Congressional Research Service updated this year confirmed that al Qaeda had sought Khan's assistance. 美国国会研究处在今年更新了一份报告,报告确认基地组织曾寻求过卡恩的帮助。 dongxi.net 9. But they are still very concerned that this group , al-Qaeda in Yemen, are going to launch follow-up attackes in the same mold. 但他们仍然很担心在也门的基地组织这个群体打算以相同的方式展开攻击。 www.kekenet.com 10. The head of al-Qaeda in the Horn of Africa, one of America's most wanted men, turned his Toyota Hilux right when he should have gone left. 这位非洲基地组织的头目、美国通缉的要犯之一本该向左转弯,却鬼使神差地把他的丰田海拉克斯拐向了右边。 www.ecocn.org 1. The head of al-Qaeda in the Horn of Africa, one of America's most wanted men, turned his Toyota Hilux right when he should have gone left. 这位非洲基地组织的头目、美国通缉的要犯之一本该向左转弯,却鬼使神差地把他的丰田海拉克斯拐向了右边。 www.ecocn.org 2. Pakistani officials said that prayers on Friday would reveal the strength of any popular support for the al-Qaeda leader. 巴基斯坦官员表示,周五的祈祷情况将说明本·拉登有没有得到大众支持,支持度有多高。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The government also declared that any journalist inside the country not on the approved tour would be considered to be a member of al-Qaeda. 政府还宣布,任何在该国没有批准的旅游记者将被视为是一个基地组织成员。 www.englishtang.com 4. Pray for a powerful move of God in Algeria, and members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb will cease to be in operation. 祷告神大能运行在阿尔及利亚,伊斯兰教马革里布盖达组织的成员会停止运作。 hosanna-tod.com 5. the more moderate Islamists from the Courts Union must be brought in, even if the harder-line affiliates of al-Qaeda cannot be. 即使基地组织的铁杆盟友不可能被吸收入对话,那么伊斯兰法庭联盟中的温和派必须被引入。 www.mykh.net 6. A suicide bomb campaign waged by al Qaeda-inspired militants has added to a mounting sense of insecurity. 基地组织武装分子实行的一次自杀性炸弹袭击,增加了越来越多的不安全感。 www.suiniyi.com 7. Particularly since the embassy bombings in 1998, I had been focused intently on bin Laden and his al Qaeda supporters. 尤其自1998年使馆爆炸案以来,我一直密切关注本·拉登和基地组织支持者们的动静。 www.bing.com 8. The bomber appears to have been invited to an operational planning meeting on al Qaeda, a former senior U. S. intelligence official said. 一名前美国高级情报官员说,袭击者看来是受邀参加一个有关基地组织的作战计划会议。 daan.90yizhi.com 9. "[Osama bin Laden] Does not support al Qaeda through a personal fortune or a network of businesses, " the Commission wrote in its report. “[奥萨马?本?拉登]不是用个人财富或业务网络来支撑基地组织,”该委员会在报告中写道。 www.fortunechina.com 10. US media reports say the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees in Afghanistan last week was an Al-Qaeda double-agent. 美国媒体报道说,自杀炸弹杀手谁在阿富汗被杀7中情局雇员上周是盖达双重间谍。 blog.163.com 1. At the time, the LIFG was affiliated to al-Qaeda and had a significant number of supporters in Britain, according to security sources. 根据安全部门的消息,当时,利比亚伊斯兰战斗组织隶属于基地组织(al-Qaeda),在英国支持者众多。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He had referred to the rebel leaders in Benghazi as criminals and al Qaeda supporters. 他在提到班加西的反抗领袖时曾说他们是罪犯和基地组织支持者。 c.wsj.com 3. Unlike the anti-Soviet mujahideen, they argue, the Taliban, al-Qaeda and their allies do not have the support of a superpower. 他们认为,同反苏穆斯林游击队不同,塔利班和基地组织以及他们的盟友并未得到一个超级大国的支持。 www.ecocn.org 4. Unlike past administrations, his chose not to view al Qaeda as a Middle Eastern version of the mafia, if on a grander scale. 与过去的政府不同,布什政府并没有仅仅把基地组织看作是规模更大的中东版黑手党。 cn.wsj.com 5. A senior United States official has said the second-in-command of al-Qaeda has been killed in Pakistan. 美国一名高级官员称,基地组织“第二指挥官”已经在巴基斯坦被杀死。 www.hxen.com 6. It's also been disclosed that the al-Qaeda leader had been ready for a quick escape with 500 euros stitched into his clothing. 据透露,基地组织领导人本?拉登藏身在衣服上的500欧元表明他可能需要在紧急时候迅速脱身。 www.bing.com 7. That does not imply sympathy for al-Qaeda's campaign of global terror, but it does imply adherence to a version of political Islam. 这并不表示其支持基地组织的全球恐怖主义战略,却意味着对某种伊斯兰政治形态的皈依。 www.bdza.cn 8. An Iraqi insurgent group linked to al-Qaeda says it has killed four Russian diplomats kidnapped three weeks ago in an ambush in Baghdad. 基地组织下属的一个伊拉克反叛组织宣称其已经处死了四名俄国外交官,这四名外交官于三周前在巴格达的一次伏击中被绑架。 www.kekenet.com 9. I'd also been told if the talks were to continue the Taliban needed to show a commitment to break from al Qaeda. 我还得知,如果会谈继续,塔利班需要表达从基地组织脱离出来的承诺。 www.bing.com 10. But even the notion that al-Qaeda will be our sole security risk in maintaining bases in Iraq is, to put it mildly, wishful thinking. 但就算是那种认为基地组织是我们维持伊拉克基地的唯一安全风险的想法,说得客气一点,是一厢情愿的。 www.stnn.cc 1. Whatever changes the new al-Qaeda leader may bring, one thing is for sure: the war against terrorism is far from over. 无论基地组织新领导人可能带来什么样的改变,唯一可以肯定的是:反恐战争远未结束。 www.hxen.com 2. The president has set up a new interrogation team for important al-Qaeda suspects based at the FBI, not the CIA. 总统已经为基地组织嫌疑人设立了新的审讯小组,该审讯小组是基于FBI,而不是CIA。 club.topsage.com 3. Very little is known about the first woman to become a suicide bomber for Al Qaeda in Iraq, except that she dressed as a man. 基地组织的第一个女子人体炸弹在伊拉克爆炸。不过人们对此知之甚少,除了知道这个女子乔装成了男人。 www.bing.com 4. "Saddamist elements" , he said, would infiltrate the crowds, and al-Qaeda would then launch attacks on them. 他表示,「支持海珊的人士」会混入这些人群,然后基地组织会向他们发动攻击。 www.ecocn.org 5. I was skeptical about the project; even if Sharif wanted to help, the Pakistani military was full of Taliban and al Qaeda sympathizers. 我对该计划持怀疑态度,因为,即使谢里夫想帮忙,巴军方支持塔利班和基地组织者大有人在。 www.bing.com 6. The internet has proved to be an "ungoverned space" where al-Qaeda and its followers have thrived. 网络已经被证明是“无管制空间”,在那里,基地组织及其追随者们茁壮成长。 club.topsage.com 7. As an AL Qaeda group claims involvement in the attempted airline bombing , the president vows to target plotters 'anywhere '. 据某基地组织声称对航班爆炸未遂事件负责,奥巴马总统发誓将全面打击策划者。 bbs.kekenet.com 8. The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan was an al-Qaeda triple agent, US media reports say. 美国媒体报道,阿富汗炸死七名CIA特工的自杀式袭击者是基地组织的三重间谍。 www.enread.com 9. Filmed by a confidant, the al Qaeda leader contrasts with the younger version of himself on a TV screen a few feet away. 这位“知己”,作为拍摄者,站在距离电视屏幕几英尺的地方对比着自己年轻版的形象。 www.bing.com 10. Some of those detained are alleged to have links with the Haqqani militant network and al-Qaeda. 据说其中一些被拘留者与哈卡尼军事网络和塔利班有关联。 www.putclub.com 1. France is also reported to have bombarded settlements near the Somali port of Kismayo, a base for the al-Qaeda-linked Shabab militia. 据报道,法国也已经对索马里境内基斯马尤港附近的一个居住区进行了轰炸,此居住区据称是和基地组织有联系的青年党民兵的驻地。 www.ecocn.org 2. Many of the Taliban's new leaders are being courted by Al Qaeda and other extremists who do not support making a deal with President Karzai. 基地组织和一些不支持与卡尔扎伊总体达成协议的其他激进组织正在拉拢许多新塔利班领导人。 www.bing.com 3. But in the long term, it is the historical transformations in the Arab and Muslim world that will eventually close the book on al-Qaeda. 但是,从长远来看,阿拉伯和穆斯林世界的历史性转变,终将给《基地组织》这本书画上句号。 www.ifengwo.com 4. Years of investigation and months of planning culminated in a 40-minute raid that finally killed al-Qaeda leader. 经过长年的侦查,数个月的计划,再加上四十分钟的突袭,基地组织领袖终于被终结了。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. But if al-Qaeda intended to trap America in Afghanistan, its plan went badly awry, at least initially. 但假如本拉登打算在阿富汗困住美国,他的算盘就彻底打错了,至少从结果上看是这样。 boboan79.blog.163.com 6. But Al Qaeda, and jihadism generally, is a global force that seeks control of territory chiefly as a means to carry out its global strategy. 但是基地组织和圣战组织总体而言是一股全球势力,它寻求控制疆域主要是作为用来实现它全球战略的手段。 www.bing.com 7. Enter My Trip to al-Qaeda, a new documentary by filmmaker Alex Gibney, who won an Oscar in 2008 for Taxi to the Dark Side. 电影导演AlexGibney的新纪录片带我进入“基地”组织之旅,该导演曾以《驶向黑暗的出租车》一片获2008年度奥斯卡奖。 www.bing.com 8. But Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaeda. 但是,以色列不会同一个有巴勒斯坦版本基地组织在后支持的巴勒斯坦政府谈判。 www.bing.com 9. Adam Gadahn, the American member of al-Qaeda, is threatening foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic world. 基地组织的美国成员亚当·加达在威胁伊斯兰世界的外国外交官和大使。 bbs.putclub.com 10. But in Pakistan there was dispute over the apparent assessment of bin Laden's hideout as the nerve centre of al-Qaeda. 但是,对于美国显然把本?拉登的藏身之处评估为基地组织的神经中枢,巴基斯坦方面表示异议。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This was seen almost as a declaration of war by Al-Qaeda and transnational extremists on the American homeland. 这几乎可以看做是基地组织和国际极端主义者在美国本土上的战争宣言。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There is only one answer: jettison the Armageddon scenario of an al-Qaeda-run Yemen, and welcome Mr Saleh's inevitable ousting. 答案只有一个:抛弃“基地”组织控制也门这一末日景象,对萨利赫无可避免的下台表示欢迎。 www.360doc.com 3. Do you think there is a wedge now between the Taliban and al-Qaeda out of this? 你认为现在在塔利班与基地组织之间是否形成互相需要的局面? www.bing.com 4. Why did the U. S. National Intelligence Estimate say al-Qaeda "has protected or regenerated key elements of homeland attack capability" ? 为什么在美国国家情报评估中写到,基地组织“已重新聚集,具有了对美国本土发动袭击的能力”? www.bing.com 5. I suspect this was intended to be one of al-Qaeda's major attacks this year. 我怀疑这是‘基地’有意在今年发起的一次重要袭击。 zjdaily.zjol.com.cn 6. In Afghanistan, we removed theTaliban government, which had given bin Laden and al Qaeda safehaven and support. 在阿富汗,我们端掉了塔利班政府,这个邪恶的组织给予本拉登和基地组织给予庇护和支持。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Al Qaeda may win a few more battles, but it has lost the war. 基地组织可能会再获得一些局部胜利,但它已在这场反恐战争中告败。 dongxi.net 8. Some Yemenis grumble that Mr Saleh has exaggerated the threat from al-Qaeda to extract more military aid out of the Americans. 一些叶门人抱怨,AliAbdullahSaleh一直夸大基地组织的威胁,设法取得美国更多的军事援助。 www.ecocn.org 9. These form part of the "war on terror" , supposedly by helping seize vessels linked to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. 这一“反恐战争”中日本参与的部分,据推测是为了帮助辑查与塔利班和基地组织有关的船只。 www.ecocn.org 10. The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said his death was a "significant blow" to al-Qaeda and its operations in East Africa. 美国国务卿希拉里?克林顿称,法朱尔被击毙对基地组织和东非地区的运营是一个“重大打击”。 www.hxen.com 1. The president's first job is to protect the American people from attack, so al-Qaeda will remain an overriding worry. 总统上任后的首要任务便是要保护美国民众不受到袭击,所以,基地组织仍将是美国政府的心头大患。 www.ecocn.org 2. You only have to look at the list of detainees at Guantanamo Bay to know that Yemen has been a fruitful recruiting ground for al Qaeda. 只需要看一下关塔那摩贝的拘留人员名单就不难发现基地组织在也门的招募成果丰硕。 www.bing.com 3. Kean says the Treasury has used its powers to disrupt the flow of money to al Qaeda, including tracking down individual financial deals. 肯恩表示,美国财政部(Treasury)已运用其力量干扰资金流向基地组织,包括跟踪单笔金融交易。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Iraqis suspected of links to al-Qaeda raided a Baghdad jewellery market, killed 15 people and made off with a stack of gold. 日前,几名疑似基地组织成员的伊拉克人突袭了一家位于巴格达的珠宝市场,杀害15名人员,在掠夺大量黄金后仓皇而逃。 www.ecocn.org 5. The bomber was a trusted CIA double-agent who had been given the task of tracking down Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command. 袭击者是打入中情局内部的双面间谍,曾被委派抓捕基地组织第二头目扎瓦西里的任务。 www.ecocn.org 6. But he did handle wads of cash. He had a stack of passports and identities. He built up ties with the Yemeni branch of al-Qaeda. 不过,他的确掌握着大把的资金,拥有大量的护照和身份证件,还和基地组织在也门的分支建立了联系。 www.ecocn.org 7. They still do that, but with a difference: even Al Qaeda is using female killers now, and goading the men. 他们仍然坚持这一观点,但情况渐渐有所不同:基地组织现在启用女性杀手了!此举亦是对该组织中男人的一种鞭策和激励。 www.bing.com 8. The attack was the work of Al-Qaeda affiliated gunmen, some wearing suicide vests, who stormed through this door. 这次袭击是基地组织所属的持枪分子所为,一个身穿自杀式背心的人在门口引爆了自己。 bbs.koolearn.com 9. One of al Qaeda's standard talking points is its insistence that terrorist violence is the only way to bring about change in the Arab world. 基地组织的一个基本论点是他们强调能改变阿拉伯世界的唯一途径是恐怖暴力活动。 www.bing.com 10. Meanwhile, the evidence that the US was willing to abandon its own civilised standards wrote the recruitment poster for al-Qaeda. 同时,这证明美国愿意抛弃自身的文明标准,实际上是在帮基地组织书写招募公告。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The story of Padilla's quiet capture is the best evidence yet that the war against Al Qaeda has entered an entirely new phase. 帕迪拉被悄悄抓获是迄今最好的证据,说明反基地组织的战争进入了一个崭新的阶段。 www.kekenet.com 2. The Yemeni branch, known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has raised its profile recently by broadening its attacks beyond Yemen. 基地组织在也门的分支机构最近由于将袭击活动扩展到了也门之外而声名鹊起。 c.wsj.com 3. Intelligence agencies, concerned more with al Qaeda for a decade, are suddenly alert to a new and deadly threat. 过去十年都更地把注意力放在基地组织的情报机构,突然发现了一个崭新而致命的威胁。 dongxi.net 4. The stakes are high: failure would not only bring back the Taliban and al-Qaeda, but embolden jihadists around the world. 这里风险也很高:失败不仅会让塔利班和基地组织卷土重来,同时也会使全世界的伊斯兰圣战主义者深受鼓舞。 www.ecocn.org 5. The top US commander in Afghanistan has said al-Qaeda will not be defeated unless its leader, Osama Bin Laden, is captured or killed. 美国驻阿富汗最高司令官称,基地组织不会被打败,除非抓获或者捕杀其领导人奥萨玛… www.noforget.com 6. But piecemeal operations of this kind have merely shunted al-Qaeda and other militants around the tribal areas. 但此类零散的军事行动只不过在部落地区迟滞了塔利班和其他武装分子。 www.ecocn.org 7. It was not immediately clear how Ethiopian troops would contribute to the campaign against the al-Qaeda linked rebels. 目前还不清楚埃塞俄比亚部队将如何在这场打击与基地组织有关联的青年党的战斗中发挥作用。 www.qiewo.com 8. Iraq's WMD failed to materialise, and the links between al-Qaeda and Saddam's regime proved to be tenuous at best. 伊拉克的WMD是没有付诸实施,然而基地组织与萨达姆政权之间的勾结也被证明是子虚乌有。 www.hicoo.net 9. He disliked the "erratic actions" being taken by al-Qaeda, which he feared would undermine the Taliban experiment (he was right). 他憎恶基地组织采取的那些“非常规行动”。他担心这会破坏塔利班的尝试(这点他说的没错)。 www.ecocn.org 10. The tape came after more than a year of silence from the al-Qaeda leader. 这份录音是基地组织领导人沉寂一年多之后的再度现声。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Its leaders have strong ties with both al-Qaeda and Pakistani intelligence, known as Inter-Services Intelligence. 它的领导人有两个基地组织和巴基斯坦的情报,作为三军情报局已知的强关系。 www.englishtang.com 2. Most of the actual or attempted attacks in Britain appear to have direct links back to al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. 大多数针对英国的袭击,不管是未遂与否,都好像与巴基斯坦的基地组织头目有着直接的联系。 club.topsage.com 3. As for Yemen, it is an ungovernable snakepit, home to rival tribes, secessionists and a local branch of al-Qaeda. 至于也门,这是一个无法治理的疯人院,这里是部落的竞争对手的基地,分裂分子和基地组织的地方分会。 www.bing.com 4. Almost immediately, on May 17th, Pakistan announced results: the army arrested a Yemeni in Karachi, said to be a senior al-Qaeda operative. 巴基斯坦几乎立刻于5月17日宣布战果:巴方军队在卡拉(Karachi)奇逮捕了一名也门人,据说是基地组织高级间谍。 ecocn.org 5. The remarks were the first from a leading al Qaeda figure referring, albeit indirectly, to the U. S. elections. 这是基地组织领袖第一次对美国大选发表的评论,虽然是间接提到的。 cn.reuters.com 6. An American member of al-Qaeda is calling on Pakistanis to put aside their differences and establish an Islamic state. 基地组织的一名美国成员号召巴基斯坦人放下他们的分歧,共同建立伊斯兰国家。 bbs.putclub.com 7. He is convinced he is in the right, that he is a victim of the West and of elements of Al Qaeda. 他确信正义站在他的一边,而自己是西方和基地组织成员的受害者。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Saleh allowed the United States to launch missile strikes against Al Qaeda operatives, even claiming responsibility. 萨利赫先生允许美国对基地组织的间谍特务行动进行导弹打击,甚至还呼吁说也门也有责任应对恐怖分子。 www.bing.com 9. The most senior Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders are ensconced there, and they must not be allowed to retake power in Afghanistan. 最高级别的塔利班首领和基地组织的领导都在那儿落户。他们是绝不会允许阿富汗重新夺走权利的。 www.ecocn.org 10. But officials have cautioned that foreign links do not necessarily mean al-Qaeda was involved. 但是官方告诫,有国际背景并不意味着有基地组织的参与。 www.bing.com 1. Sightseers have been flocking to the spot on the fringes of upmarket Abbottabad, Pakistan, where the Al Qaeda leader met his end. 游客正涌入巴基斯坦重镇阿伯塔巴德的郊区,基地组织头目拉登正是在这里殒命。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. A senior administration official says intelligence suggested four al Qaeda operatives may have been planning an attack on the compound. 一名高级政府官员表示,有情报显示,基地组织正在策划四次行动,对大使馆实施袭击。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. And that's why America has a clear goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 正是因为如此,美国有一个明确的目标:瓦解、捣毁和击败“基地”组织及其在阿富汗和巴基斯坦的同夥。 www.america.gov 4. al-Zawahiri was born in Cairo, Egypt, is considered to be Al-Qaeda number two man in the house is real power faction. 扎瓦赫里出生于埃及开罗,被认为是基地组织二号人物,在内部属于实权派。 www.englishtang.com 5. One group of experts says his death is one of the most significant blows against al Qaeda recently. 一组专家称他的死亡是最近对基地组织的最重大打击。 www.bing.com 6. Would the better option be to employ a much smaller fighting force focused just on uprooting al Qaeda and its sympathizers? 如果调派一只规模小得多的作战部队,只管清除基地组织及其支持者,这样是不是一种更好的选择? c.wsj.com 7. He did admit the Yemen-based arm of al-Qaeda is being investigated as the likely senders of the bread-box-sized explosives. 他承认驻扎在也门的基地组织武装分子正在接受作为这个面包盒子大小的爆炸物的嫌疑寄件人的调查。 www.ecocn.org 8. As it happens, the jihadis of al-Qaeda have so far been the big strategic losers from recent events. 实际上,在最近的事件中,基地组织圣战分子是迄今最大的战略输家。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Certainly there is no doubt among al-Qaeda members that he is dead. 当然毋庸置疑的是在基地组织的成员们中,他已经死亡。 www.bing.com 10. Even under a Democratic president America will take a harder line than Europe on al-Qaeda, Iran, Pakistan and Palestinian militants. 即便是在民主党总统的领导下,美国在基地组织、伊朗、巴基斯坦和巴勒斯坦武装问题上也会采取比欧洲各国更强硬的手段。 www.ecocn.org 1. When al-Qaeda and the Taliban established a new haven over the border in Pakistan, the CIA's drones took the fight to them there as well. 当“基地”组织和塔利班在巴基斯坦边境建立起新了庇护所,中情局的无人战斗机也在该处与其展开了斗争。 www.bing.com 2. "Certainly there's no doubt among Al Qaeda members that he is dead, " Mr. Obama said in the "60 Minutes" interview. 奥巴马总统在“六十分钟”节目中谈到:“基地组织成员都知道本拉登已经死亡,这是毫无疑问的。” www.bing.com 3. For the past three years, al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia appears to have become increasingly fragmented, with no clear leadership or methodology. 过去三年,沙特的盖达组织似乎处于分裂涣散状态,没有明确的领导层和组织方式。 www.ecocn.org 4. Pro-government forces in Somalia have been fighting against rebels believed to have links to Al-Qaeda. 索马里支持政府派力量一直跟与基地组织有联系的叛乱分子抗争。 club.topsage.com 5. Most are vague references to people with unspecified al-Qaeda contacts or sympathies, or as shorthand for an amorphous ideological enemy. 大多数都是暧昧地涉及未指定的基地组织联系人或同情者,或者是对无组织意识形态敌人的简称。 www.bing.com 6. Yellow-cake uranium could be nosed as far away as Niger, and Saddam Hussein's connections to al-Qaeda were as odorous as a Texas feedlot. 即使远在尼日尔,他们也能嗅到铀精矿的气息;而萨达姆?侯塞因与基地组织的关系更是如德州牧场的浓烈气味一样刺鼻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Al Qaeda was strengthening its grip in critical parts of Iraq, including parts of the capital city of Baghdad. 阿尔-凯达加强它的夹子在伊拉克的重要部分,包括巴格达首都的部份。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 8. We've begun to end the war in Iraq and we forged with our NATO allies a new strategy to target Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 我们已经开始在结束伊拉克战争,同时我们与我们的北约盟国开展了一项新战略,旨在应对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织。 www.yappr.cn 9. "By this act, Al Qaeda wanted to mark out its presence and its influence in this region, " Mussa Ibrahim told reporters in Tripoli. 在的黎波里,穆萨·易卜拉欣说:“基地组织通过这次事件的目的是展示其在此地区的存在和影响。” www.ifengwo.com 10. He noted that, "al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has been open in its venom toward the United States" . 他指出,“阿拉伯半岛的基地组织已经向美国展露它的毒牙”。 www.ecocn.org 1. And thanks to our intelligence professionals and special forces, we killed Osama bin Laden, the only leader that al Qaeda had ever known. 多亏了情报专家和特种部队的努力,使我们除掉了本·拉登,这个基地组织唯一的家喻户晓的领导人。 www.bing.com 2. Unless Abdullahi Muhammad's vision prevails, the extremists who will surely take up the al-Qaeda banner will be hard to beat. 除非阿卜杜拉希?穆罕默德的设想得以实现,否则极端主义分子必将扛起基地组织的旗帜,那时将很难将其击垮。 www.ecocn.org 3. During the recent revolt al-Qaeda websites urged followers to pursue "jihad" against the regime, rather than the peaceful demonstrations. 在最近的反叛中,基地组织网站敦促追随者对埃及政权发动“圣战”,而非和平示威。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Two suspected al-Qaeda men were killed in a shoot-out in Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯发生枪战,两名疑似基地组织成员被击毙。 www.ecocn.org 5. Whether or not an organization appears calling itself Al Qaeda in Palestine, the attacks will give a boost to jihadism in general. 无论巴勒斯坦的基地组织是否重组,总之这场战争都将会给予圣战分子动力。 www.bing.com 6. The reports that the al-Qaeda leader was unarmed has boosted his image in parts of the Middle East. 有关本?拉登被杀时手无寸铁的报道,提升了他在中东一些地区的形象。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This al-Qaeda-linked group still holds much of southern Somalia, where it has imposed its strict version of Islamic law. 这个与基地组织有联系的集团仍然控制着索马里南部大部分地区,严格实施伊斯兰教法。 www.xdf.cn 8. 'I have the strong feeling that we are at least keeping up with the significant radical organizations like al Qaeda, ' he says. 琼斯上将说,我有一种强烈的感觉,即我们至少能追踪到像“基地组织”这样重要激进组织的动向。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Most analysts took the view that the death of the al-Qaeda leader would have only a short-term effect. 多数分析师认为基地组织头目的死亡对市场只有短期影响。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The Taliban gave al Qaeda sanctuary and allowed it to run terrorist training camps from Afghanistan. 塔利班给予基地组织庇护,允许他在阿富汗组织恐怖分子训练营。 www.bing.com 1. It has tolerated hugely unpopular drone attacks on Taliban and al-Qaeda targets in its territory. 它容忍了在其领土上对塔利班和基地组织目标进行的无人机攻击,这种攻击行动在巴国内受到了激烈的反对。 www.ecocn.org 2. Well, first of all, I do continue to believe that the greatest threat to United States' security are the terrorist networks like al Qaeda. 首先,我继续认为美国安全面临的最大威胁是像“基地”组织那样的恐怖主义网络。 www.america.gov 3. Al-Qaeda-inspired terrorism was a serious threat. It remains so even after the death of its prophet. 基地组织(Al-Qaeda)激发的恐怖主义确实是一个严重威胁,即使在其创始人死亡之后依然如此。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Branches of these bodies appear on the United Nations' list of organisations banned for their links with al-Qaeda. 这两大组织的一些分支机构被列入联合国公布的与基地组织有联系的违禁组织名单。 www.ecocn.org 5. General Hayden asserted that by publishing a list of the now-banned methods, the administration had given succour to al-Qaeda. 海登认为,通过公开一份已遭禁的审讯手段清单,奥巴马政府帮了基地组织大忙。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Taliban or al - Qaeda can do little about America's space power except hide themselves from its intelligence - gathering satellites. 塔利班或者基地组织除了隐藏自己不被情报收集卫星发现之外,对美国的太空力量无可奈何。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Today, The Taliban Have Been Driven From Power, Al Qaeda Has Been Driven From Its Camps, And Afghanistan Is A Free Nation. 塔利班如今已被推翻,“基地”组织已被赶出其营地,阿富汗已成为自由的国家。 www.america.gov 8. The rise of al-Qaeda's stateless terrorism does not mean that the old state-sponsored variety has disappeared. 本拉登的无阶级恐怖主义支持者的增加,并不意味着那些过去国家赞助的组织就此消失。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But on a single day recently al-Qaeda was able to launch 42 attacks across the country. 但是,最近以来,每过一天,在伊拉克范围内基地组织就能发对42次袭击。 www.bing.com 10. Kentucky Republican in the House shrieked that the Democrats want "nothing short of a cut and run in the fight against al-Qaeda" . 针对此法案,一位肯塔基州共和党议员尖叫道:民主派想做的“只不过是想令美军在同基地组织的战斗中急忙逃走”。 www.ecocn.org 1. In the wake of the death bin Laden, President Obama has stressed that al Qaeda had been diminished. 本?拉登被击毙之后,总统奥巴马强调基地组织的实力已被削弱。 cn.wsj.com 2. The group is said to be closely linked with al Qaeda, which has grown in strength in Pakistan. 该组织据称与一直在巴基斯坦扩展实力的基地组织关系密切。 www.bing.com 3. The plot has not yet been traced to al-Qaeda, but it may be the main beneficiary of such efforts. 这起阴谋还没有和基地组织联系起来,然而基地组织或许是此事件最大的受益者。 ecocn.org 4. "Such differences cause natural tensions between the Taliban and Al Qaeda, " says one intelligence officer with NATO. “这些差异造成塔利班与基地组织之间天然的紧张关系”,北约组织一名情报官员表示。 www.bing.com 5. Though Pakistan must be the target of delicate diplomacy, Obama has taken a tough stand against Al Qaeda groups there. 虽然巴基斯坦必须成为怀柔政策的目标,但奥巴马在基地组织问题上一直持强硬立场。 www.bing.com 6. I thought neither was feasible without a finding of al Qaeda responsibility for the Cole. 如果找不到基地组织对“科尔”号事件负责的证据,我认为,哪一个方案也行不通。 www.bing.com 7. And the year after that, Bergen reports, Al Qaeda may have been involved in the "Black Hawk Down" battles in Mogadishu, Somalia. 而且接下来一年,Bergen报道,基地组织可能已经牵涉在索马里摩加迪休的黑鹰降落战争中。 www.bing.com 8. But the Afghan Taliban's goals have always been more modest than those of al-Qaeda. 但阿富汗的塔利班的目标始终比基地组织更温和。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 9. In November, a group with ties to al Qaeda in Iraq announced that all Christians in the Middle East would be "legitimate targets. " 十一月,一个与伊拉克的基地组织有关联的组织声称,中东地区所有的基督徒都将是“合法的目标”。 www.bing.com 10. Prosecutors in Germany say three al-Qaeda suspects arrested on Friday were planning an attack in a crowded area using a shrapnel bomb. 德国检控官表示,周五逮捕的三名基地组织嫌疑人计划使用榴弹在人口密集区发动袭击。 www.hxen.com 1. But al-Qaeda's most dangerous weapon has always been unpredictability. 但基地组织最可怕的武器往往不可预测。 www.bing.com 2. This root belief underlies much of the passive support for the violent extremism of Al Qaeda and similar groups. 这种根深蒂固的信念是“基地”组织及其同类的暴力极端主义得到被动支持的主要根源所在。 www.america.gov 3. Americans broadly agree that their government must at all costs prevent major attacks on American soil by Al Qaeda. 美国人广泛地同意他们的政府必须不惜一切代价来阻止基地组织对美国本土的攻击。 www.bing.com 4. Bush called him "one of brave tribal shaves sheiks who helped lead the reb revolt against our al-Qaeda" in that province. 布什称其为该省的“勇敢的领导对抗基地组织运动的部落首长之一”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. There are rumors of a lingering al-Qaeda presence, but no real evidence of it. 有传言说基地组织在这神出鬼没,不过并没有可靠的证据。 www.bing.com 6. The U. S. government has again made bulk shipments of faux Kalashnikovs to Afghan forces, this time to combat al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 美国政府再次向阿富汗军队输送大批仿制的卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪,这次要对付的是基地组织和塔利班。 www.bing.com 7. Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts by tailing one his couriers. 去年八月,美军通过跟踪本?拉登的一个情报员终于探到了他的行踪。 www.ecocn.org 8. This year, he and al Qaeda's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, released a joint video formally announcing a merger between the terror groups. 今年,艾哈迈德·阿比迪·穆罕默德和基地组织领导人扎瓦希里共同发布了一份视频,正式宣布两个恐怖组织联合。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Now all of a sudden, this information's coming out that they both had connections with terrorists, with Al-Qaeda in Yemen. 突然的,该信息快使真相露出来了,那就是他们两者都与恐怖分子有联系,与在也门的基地组织也有联系!。 www.51kantie.com 10. An al Qaeda affiliate, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, is also believed to be active and could benefit from a power vacuum. 在后卡扎菲时代,基地组织的附属组织利比亚伊斯兰战斗组织(LibyanIslamicFightingGroup)据信也将表现活跃,并可能从权力真空状态获利。 c.wsj.com 1. Many other Pakistani militant groups have mutated into small cells, after being banned, and work as an extension of al Qaeda. 巴基斯坦许多军事组织在遭政府取缔后都已化整为零,成为了基地组织的外围机构。 www.bing.com 2. American intelligence officers accused him of hosting al-Qaeda's operational headquarters in his stronghold. 美国情报官员指责马哈苏德在其所控据点建立基地组织的运营总部。 www.elanso.com 3. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for a suicide-bomb attack on a military academy in Algeria that killed 18 people. 伊斯兰马格里布的基地组织声称对阿尔及利亚一家陆军军官学校发生的自杀式爆炸袭击负责,该爆炸导致18人死亡。 www.ecocn.org 4. Al Qaeda roared into action after the U. S. military rushed to protect Saudi Arabia in the wake of the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. 1990年伊拉克入侵科威特,美军急忙为沙特阿拉伯提供保护,基地组织就是在这之后开始行动起来的。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He worked to paint al Qaeda as a common enemy to both the U. S. and Muslim nations. 他努力将基地组织描绘为美国和穆斯林国家共同的敌人。 www.bing.com 6. He said that there were between 10 to 20 key al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. 他表示,巴基斯坦,也门和索马里共有10至20名关键的基地组织头目。 www.24en.com 7. Sunni Arab tribal sheikhs have been organizing their young men into neighborhood police units to drive out al Qaeda, a practice which U. 逊尼部落长老已经开始组织年轻人们加入临近的警察部队来清扫基地组织。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In Iraq, al Qaeda and other Sunni extremists blew up one of the most sacred places in Shia Islam -- the Golden Mosque of Samarra. 在伊拉克,“基地”组织和其他逊尼派极端主义者炸毁了最神圣的什叶派伊斯兰建筑:萨马拉的金顶清真寺。 www.tianya.cn 9. And Iraqi forces have taken the fight to al Qaeda, removing much of its leadership in Iraqi-led operations. 伊拉克军队已经接过了与基地继续战斗的任务,消灭了基地在伊拉克的许多领导人。 gb.cri.cn 10. From there, tempted by the promise of a monthly salary, he was recruited into al-Qaeda. 在那里,受到每月可领到薪水这个许诺的诱惑,他加入了基地组织。 www.ecocn.org 1. The CIA ignored the howls of Pakistani officials and set about decimating al-Qaeda's ranks along the Afghan-Pakistani border. 美国中央情报局忽视了巴基斯坦官员的嚎叫,约抽取沿着阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境的基地组织的队伍集合。 www.englishtang.com 2. Al Qaeda may strike back, or other groups may try to assert their rising power. 基地组织可能会反攻,或者其他组织会努力扩大势力,这都有可能威胁到我们。 dongxi.net 3. Home-grown radicals were "foot-soldiers" trained and guided by al-Qaeda on an "extensive and growing scale" . 本土激进分子成为受过“基地”组织“广泛而日益增多的”训练和指导的“步兵”。 www.ecocn.org 4. On its own, it is more likely to kill civilians and create new enemies than to decapitate and disable al-Qaeda. 就其本身而言,它更有可能误杀平民而造成四处树敌的局面,而非斩杀基地组织头目而令其瘫痪。 www.ecocn.org 5. Al Qaeda has not been fully defeated in Iraq; suicide bombings are still an almost daily reality. 基地组织并没有在伊拉克被彻底打垮;人体炸弹依旧是每天的家常便饭,但他们却也遭到了严重的打击。 www.bing.com 6. And now al-Qaeda is sensing an opportunity in a country where it has previously got nowhere. 而如今,先前在索马里一无是处的基地组织感到现在有了一个大好机会。 www.ecocn.org 7. President Obama has secured a group linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen of orchestrating a failed attack on a plane over the US. 奥巴马总统指责也门的一个与基地组织挂钩的组织策划了美国领空的一次失败袭击。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. President Obama has accused a group linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen of orchestrating a failed attack on a plane over the US. 总统奥巴马认为那场在美国上空失败的袭机事件,是由也门当地一个与基地组织联系的组织精心策划的。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Officials said al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan were believed to be behind the alleged plot. 美国官员说,巴基斯坦的基地组织头目据信是这次密谋的幕后主使。 chinese.wsj.com 10. However, al Qaeda experts in the region say that the voice on the tape sounds similar to other tapes aired from Mr. bin Laden. 但中东地区研究基地组织的专家们说,这盘录音带中讲话人的声音与本?拉登在其他录音带中的声音相似。 c.wsj.com |
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