释义 |
transhumance美 [træns'hju:m?ns] 英 [træns'hju:m?ns] 1. | 迁移性放牧the practice of moving animals to different fields in different seasons, for example to higher fields in summer and lower fields in winter |
n. | 1. the practice of moving livestock between different grazing lands according to season, especially up to mountain pastures in summer and back down into the valleys in winter |
1. | 游牧 ...些独一无二、不同寻常的活动值得亲临现场了解:名为《游牧》(TransHumance)的演出、2013远足小径(GR2013)、名为“集 … travel.sina.com.cn | 2. | 畜牧季移 中学地理科常用英汉辞汇 - 免费文档下载 ... transhipment cargo 中转货物 transhumance 畜牧季移 transient population 暂留人 … 5doc.com | 3. | 季节性迁徙放牧 混群放牧 in English, translation, example... ... 混作 ;mixed cropping 季节性迁徙放牧 transhumance 搅混 to blend;to mix ... glosbe.com |
4. | 季节性迁移 商业英文 - 豆丁网 ... tranship goods 转口货 transhumance 季节性迁移 transient 路过的 ... www.docin.com | 5. | | 6. | | 7. | 逐水草而居 ...年4月,法国庞毕度中心显得既原始又前卫,一场名为《逐水草而居》(Transhumance)表演里,诡异的蓝色灯光,搭配流 … www.30.com.tw |