单词 | leisure | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
n. free time,spare time,time off,freedom,holiday adj. recreational,fun,frivolous,entertaining,amusing leisure 显示所有例句
at leisure 闲散;悠闲with no particular activities; free
不慌不忙;从容without hurrying
at your leisure 有空时;空闲时when you have the time to do sth without hurrying
a gentleman/lady of leisure 不必工作的男人(或女人)a man/woman who does not have to work 例句释义: 休闲,闲暇,空闲,闲暇的,悠闲,空闲时间,安逸 1. Highest performance street, almost all near the city center, sits on an excellent transportation network, and a variety of leisure options. 表现最高的街区,几乎全都靠近市中心、坐拥优良的交通网,和丰富多彩的休闲选择。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 2. He then told me that he would commence his narrative the next day when I should be at leisure. 接着他对我说,如果我有空的话,第二天他就开始讲述他的经历。 3. However, the leisure time of manual workers has increased while that of intellectuals, or mental workers, has decreased. 是,体力劳动者的空余时间有所增加,而知识分子或脑力劳动者的空余时间有所减少。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Their leisure travel at least a little, bring a few copies of the books, listen to the first song would be sufficient to by several. 至少每年放纵自己旅行游玩一次,带几本好书,听几首好歌就足以为伴。 5. Bowling exercise illustrates the concept of a modern leisure change: shift from sensual entertainment sports culture body and mind exercise. 保龄球健身运动充分显示了现代人休闲观念的一种变化:从感官娱乐转向体育文化的身心锻炼。 www.xiami360.com 6. It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. 由此而来的是,家庭主妇也将希望在不降低生活标准的同时能够在生活中获得更多的闲暇。 www.absee.net 7. The Hotel Is In An Ideal Location For The Business And Leisure Traveller Alike, Situated Close To The City And Public Transport Routes. 酒店为以商业和消闲为主的客人提供优越的位置。邻近市中心和公共交通网络。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 8. A man of perfect practice has no difficulty in forgetting his country, power and preferring leisure and quiet place. 作为一个修行完备的人,他忘掉天下、忘掉权位、好闲静处比较容易。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After growing up in a wealthy New York City suburb, Mira Riad, 32, could be leading a life of privileged leisure. 米拉·丽雅德在纽约市郊一个富人区里长大。她本来可以过一个享有特权、悠闲自在的生活。 www.24en.com 10. Just like the young men can stop working to enjoy the leisure time, senior should also be allowed to go on working. 就象年轻人可以停下工作享受休闲时光,老年人也应该被允许继续工作 bbs.ebigear.com 1. He suggested the possibility of the rehearsal being renewed after tea and he might be at leisure to be amused by it. 他建议,在喝过茶后,他可以从容观赏时,再重新排练。 www.jukuu.com 2. A drink, a glass of wine or a pint of beer is often regarded as a symbol of leisure or breaking away from the everyday routine. 喝一杯红酒或尝品脱啤酒,通常可以被视作为休闲的象征,以及远离一成不变的日常生活的方式。 www.bing.com 3. The company is training counsellors and has provided leisure facilities for the workers. It has also put up nets around the buildings. 该公司正在培训心理辅导员并且提供休闲设施为工人,还在建筑周围建了网。 www.bing.com 4. Is the boat one that you recognize? Is the general feeling one of happiness and leisure or one of fear and anxiety? 你可以认出是什麽船麽?总体而言,你的感觉是幸福、休閒,或者恐惧和焦虑?。 viviencheng132033.spaces.live.com 5. "It is a very important part of the global economy, " she said. "It is an important chunk of our leisure, retail and tourism industries. " 她说:“时装业是全球经济的重要组成部分。它是休闲、零售及旅游业中重要的一块。” www.bing.com 6. A man of practice stays in tranquility and leisure and reduces desire to be contented. 一个独自修行的人,他好闲静处,少欲知足; blog.sina.com.cn 7. How much time do consumers have for leisure? 消费者有多少空闲时间? blog.sina.com.cn 8. The hotel also boasts one of most upmarket casinos in Russia and is opening a state of the art spa and leisure complex in 2009. 这个酒店还拥有俄罗斯最高档的赌场和一系列开放的艺术沙龙和2009年建的休闲购物中心。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. She was now, on being settled at home, at leisure to observe the real state of her sister's spirits. 现在既然到了家,她就有闲暇的时间来观察姐姐的真正心情。 www.ebigear.com 10. Think of the scientist trying to cure cancer who sacrifices leisure and relationships in favor of time spent in the laboratory. 想想那些试着治愈癌症的科学家,他们牺牲了休闲和社交时间而泡在实验室里。 dongxi.net 1. The young man and woman ordered a basin each of the mixture, steaming hot, and sat down to consume it at leisure. 这对年轻的男女,叫了一碗热气腾腾的粥,坐下来,安闲地喝着。 www.jukuu.com 2. The mayor of Hiroshima strode at a leisure pace toward the puzzled journalist, a bunch of flowers in his hands. 广岛市市长双手捧着一束鲜花,迈着方步走向谁人困惑不解的记者。 www.bbslyc.cn 3. On his first day of leisure, he walked up to the ticket window of a theatre and asked the price of admission. 在他第一次空闲的日子里,他走到一家剧院的售票处前,问入场的票价。 club.163.com 4. In these days of my leisure, it was perhaps the mere whim to collect them which had come upon me. 在我悠闲的那些日子,也许是因为一时的兴致,我要把产生在我心里的幻想收集起来。 www.bing.com 5. It now takes me an on hour on the train to travel to work, but at least I can catch-up on my leisure reading; it's an ill wind. 现在我要花上一个小时乘火车上班,但是我至少可以有时间悠闲地读书了,失此得彼嘛…。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. while his wife is selling the fish on bank , xu lies down in the cabin enjoying his luxurious leisure time sparing from the busy work. 鱼有老婆在卖,老徐便安逸地在船舱里躺下休息一会,忙里偷闲是最惬意的事情了。 www.ichacha.net 7. The conflict between work and leisure appears to be the clash of time distribution. Beneath the surface, the conflict is of values. 劳动与休闲的矛盾在形式上表现为时间分配上的冲突,但深层次的问题是价值观的冲突。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. This meant that there was never a need to miss a minute of any show, because I could simply pause it and return to it at my leisure. 也就是说我再也不会错过一秒钟的精彩节目,因为我只需按个暂停,等有空了再回来接着看。 www.bing.com 9. In his leisure moments, which were far from frequent, he read, although he hated books, this caused him to BE not wholly illiterate. 他尽管厌恶书籍,但在偶然得到一点闲空时也常读书,因此他并不完全不通文墨。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Golf leisure culture is an outcome of the material and ideological development in modern times as well as a noble form of modern tourism. 高尔夫休闲文化是现代物质文明和精神文明高度发展的产物,也是现代旅游的一种高级形式。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the Spring come in. 吸引我住到森林中来的是我要生活得有闲暇,并有机会看到春天的来临。 www.soenglish.com.cn 2. Normally have been busy, busy dating, busy school, busy . . . never been out of work . . . a little leisure to think about this issue. 平常一直在忙,忙拍拖,忙学业,忙工作……从没有挤出一点闲暇去想这个问题。 www.dota123.com 3. The more well-off a family and the greater its economic success are deciding factors in how much leisure a woman can afford. 一个女子所被给予的闲暇时光的多少取决于一个家庭的富裕程度和其经济成就高低。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You didn't have to be good at it; the point was to be fortunate enough to have the leisure time for such pursuits. 你不需要在这些方面很擅长,重要的是你有时间进行这些休闲活动。 www.bing.com 5. At the limit and to force things a little, which is to our cost as you are going to see, we might say that he enjoys only his leisure. 让我们勉强将它发挥的极限,勉为其难地说,因为后来你们会看出,那其实是不够周延的说法:主人只享受到他的悠闲。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. Knowing that she can't move ahead in her career mainly due to her leisure interests, Sara is determined to make a change. 意识到了事业没有进展是因为她的业余爱好所致,Sara决定改变自己。 www.english-exam.com 7. Opera, orchestral performances, chamber music, jazz concert is often shown on television. Most watch TV at home for leisure. 歌剧,管弦乐队的表现,室内乐和爵士乐音乐会在电视上经常被提出,如此大多数休闲为看电视在家使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Hotel is the best place for you to stay, enjoy food, have meeting and to have leisure holiday. 东方酒楼是您住宿、餐饮、休息度假、会务的上佳去处。 www.52921234.com 9. They are interested in leisure travel, and we're just beginning to see a huge number of Chinese tourists travelling all over the world. 他们对高端旅游也非常有兴趣。这还只是中国人出国游的第一潮,今后我们会看到更多。 www.jfdaily.com 10. Stora Enso said the DeLight was suitable for a wide range of applications including food, cosmetics, home decoration and leisure products. 斯道拉恩索的喜悦说是为广泛的应用范围,包括食品,化妆品,家居装饰和休闲产品合适。 www.512121.com 1. I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, and the power to laugh, a little leisure with nothing to do. 我希望今天带给我一点幽默感,一些笑的力量,还有一点点闲暇的惬意。 oral.ebigear.com 2. I dream of a star, an island of light, where I shall be born and in the depth of its quickening leisure my life will ripen. 我梦见一颗星,一个光明岛屿,我将在那里出生。在它快速的闲暇深处,我的生命将成熟它的事业,象阳光下的稻田。 www.zuoxinwu.com 3. The people enjoying all this extra leisure are the couch potatoes at the bottom of the heap economically and educationally. 享有这些额外闲暇时间的人都是无所事事之辈,位于经济和教育的底层。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As you see, you have a beautiful month in store, one filled with surprise and a bit of leisure time, too. 如你所见,你会拥有一个美好的月份,充满了惊喜,也有一点闲暇时光。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In proportion as leisure came to him with fortune, he seemed to take advantage of it to cultivate his mind. 他有了钱,闲空时间也随着增加了,他好象是利用这些时间来提高自己的修养。 www.jukuu.com 6. No one is always lofty, no one has always been passionate million, the appropriate scattered about the leisure or mood. 没有谁总是豪情万丈,没有谁始终激情万千,适当的散乱一下,是次闲情逸致。 jones.famousnudelady.com 7. HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life? 在你工作生活即将结束之时,你预期还有多长的黄金休闲时光呢? www.ecocn.org 8. People start to accept such a concept that leisure is a gauge of national productivity and a measurement of a civilized society. 人们开始接受休闲作为国家生产力的评估和文明社会的博物馆这样的理念。 blog.donews.com 9. My understanding was that they remained in their life of leisure as a tribute to the tradition of royalty in Britain. 我的理解是,他们留在自己的生活休闲作为一种传统致敬,在专利英国。 mo63160363.bokee.com 10. In their leisure time like to say a joke, to tease my mother happy, her mother's face a little less sad, more happy. 喜欢在闲暇的时候说些笑话,来逗妈妈开心,让妈妈的脸上少一点忧愁,多一点快乐。 jiaoyu79.com 1. The outside world is so beautiful and leisure concept, together for a blue sky, white clouds of is such a quiet and peaceful. 外边的世界是这样的美好而暇观,高远的蓝天,悠游的白云,是这样的宁静而祥和。 www.bing.com 2. Some took his edits home, unpicking them at leisure, as they licked their wounds, to try to see exactly how their copy had been so improved. 有些记者把麦克尔斯的修改意见带回家,休闲时分就拆开看看,就像在舔着自己的伤口一样,从而努力找出他们撰写的新闻题材怎样才能提高到这样的高水平。 www.ecocn.org 3. Leisure activities are single, elderly leisure life is monotonous. For most elderly people, the children are not the focus. 娱乐休闲方式单一,公共文化参与程度低,老年人的闲暇生活较为单调。 4. The choice of schools and a wider variety of leisure facilities do not make up for the risks to a child's health and safety. 虽然可以选择学校并有较多的游乐设施,但这不能补偿给孩子的健康和安全所带来的危险。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Also can consider ZhangJiang scenic areas of the hotel check-in, can more convenient the next day in size seven holes for leisure. 也可以考虑入住樟江风景区的旅馆,可以更方便第二天到大小七孔游玩。 en.cnxianzai.com 6. If I had more leisure time, I would probably watch the rain for another time. Unfortunately, it might be a plan long after. 如果我有更多空闲的时间,或许我会再看一场雨,当然,这可能是很久之后的事。 i.myechinese.com 7. You had better think over the matter at your leisure. 你最好有空的时候把那事情仔细想一下。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The great literary works as a leisure time reading the best out of the ordinary really have the pleasure of reading. 这部精彩的文学作品作为休闲时间的上佳读物确实有着非比寻常的阅读快感。 www.hbzxr.com 9. But I do not know when the ballroom dancing has become a leisure activity of the elder. 但不知从何时起,跳交谊舞却成了中老年人的休闲活动。 www.xcnchinese.com 10. Toward the end of the Japanese war, he had more leisure and began to write a literary column of novelettes and short stories. 抗日战争将近结束时,他有了较多的时间,开始为报纸的副刊创作短篇小说。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One of the leisure boats had more horsepower and sped faster to the site, he said. 他说,其中一艘马力较大的游艇更快到达现场。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The men in the boat had no time to see it, and if they had leisure there were other things to occupy their minds. 船上的人没有时间去注意这些,即使他们有空闲,也得考虑其它事情。 www.jukuu.com 3. I used to write the long night with depressive words , but I could only realize that sat at leisure leading to worry. 以前总喜欢在压抑的文字里填着长夜漫漫,可真正体会到的只有闲坐成愁。 hi.baidu.com 4. According to economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst, leisure time for women has increased by at least four hours a week since 1965. 根据经济学家马克-阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)和埃里克-赫斯特(ErikHurst)的研究,自1965年以来,女性每周的空闲时间至少增加了4个小时。 www.ftchinese.com 5. People who find dull jobs unendurable are often dull people who do not know what to do with themselves when at leisure. 6人来说难以忍受的常常是单调乏味的工作的人,不知道如何处理自己清闲。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It was the rise of capitalism that permitted the extended years of leisure we call education. 这是允许延长休息年,我们称之为教育的资本主义的兴起。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. With the first of those scarcely five months away, and the general election only nine months after that, they have no time for leisure. 最先开始的初选只剩不到五个月,而换届选举也将在这之后的九个月后就进行,对他们来说,已经没有休闲的时间了。 www.ecocn.org 8. Capitalism, however, generatesthe sort of surplus that really could be used to increase leisure on a sizeablescale. 然而,资本主义能够产生大量的剩余,在相当大的范围内这些剩余可被用于增加空闲时间。 www.bing.com 9. Many are small and exquisite, made to be held in the hand and admired at leisure. But some are as large as two-and-a-half by five feet. 这些作品有的小而精,可供闲暇时捧在手心细细品味;有的却大达12.5余尺。 www.ecocn.org 10. In recent years, farm tour as a way of leisure has sprung up in the suburbs of Beijing. 最近几年,农家乐这种休闲方式开始在城市近郊兴起。 i.myechinese.com 1. And even in his most slap-dash performances, there are signs of a poetic flair that he never allowed himself leisure to cultivate . 既使在最草率的作品里,也有种种诗情画意,只是他没有加工而已。 www.jukuu.com 2. Leisure resorts and theme parks need to provide more deals and vouchers for families who otherwise would not be able to visit. 旅游胜地和主题公园需要给那些没钱出游的家庭提供更多的消费券和优惠券。 www.suiniyi.com 3. But Laos people seem to be used to the leisure life, it is difficult for them to go step with the modern society. 只是老挝人似乎太习惯了悠闲的生活,很难跟上现代商业社会的节奏。 www.gotowuhan.com.cn 4. Sport is an American national leisure activities, and its popularity is other recreational activities are cannot be compared. 运动是美国全国性的休闲活动,其受欢迎的程度是其他休闲活动都无法相比的。 www.bing.com 5. Undeniably , the travel and tourism is a close link with the leisure activities of industries, but by no means the only leisure industry. 无可否认,旅行和旅游业是一项同休闲活动密切联系的产业,但决不是唯一的休闲产业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The leisure fishery in Dalian is at the early stage and has not fully displayed its economic, social and ecological performance. 大连市休闲渔业尚处在发展初期,其经济、社会、生态效益表现得还很不充分。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. You might think over the matter at your leisure. 你闲下来不妨想想那件事。 www.hxen.com 8. Chupo: A real man of leisure would make the garden his home. 竹坡曰:真闲人必以园亭为住宅。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 9. For a time, leisure as a new fashionable word has been appearing in public in an unprecedented frequency. 一时间,休闲像一个新的流行词一般,史无前例的频频出现在人们的视野中。 blog.donews.com 10. They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos , watching Star Trek. The Vietnam War just faded away. 他们一身休闲服、逛迪斯可、看星舰迷航记,越战就这么消失了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The deserted banks of the river have been refashioned into a place for the local residents to take rest and leisure. 这条河流荒芜的两岸已经被改造成一个当地居民休闲娱乐的场所。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. And take hiring: one of the industries that have been most cautious is the hotel and leisure business. 至于接纳求职者:酒店及休闲产业恰恰是做得最令人失望的。 www.bing.com 3. It has not been the path for the fainthearted -- for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. 那不是内心懦弱的人走的路,不是那些贪图安逸不愿努力工作的人,或那些只追求富有和名望带来满足感的人走的路。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. For all that employees complain about long hours, they, too, have reasons not to trade money for leisure. 对于所有的员工抱怨长时间工作,他们同样有原因不去用钱换空闲。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Win network card technology in pushing Pai Pai, must be one to one, i. e. only a leisure family and a banker. 必胜牌技网牌九千术推牌九,必须是一对一的进行,即只有一个闲家和一个庄家。 www.444mu.com 6. When found a new job is his former done, and some former human resources had been lost, and repent at leisure. 当发现新工作是自己以前做过的事情,而以前的一些人脉资源已经丢失,再后悔莫及。 www.82g.com.cn 7. Lisbon is one of Europe's most beautiful and livable cities, with a variety of cuisines, cultures, and leisure activities. 里斯本是欧洲最漂亮也是最具活力的城市之一,也是具美食,文化及休闲的城市。 www.yappr.cn 8. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization , and at present very few people have reached this level . 只有在高度文明的社会中人才会很好地利用闲暇的时间,而目前很少有人能达到这个水平。 www.bing.com 9. when before in human history has so much humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy , one mass diversion. 在人类历史上,什么时候曾有这样多的人集体地把自己这样多的闲暇奉送给一件玩具,一项大众娱乐。 www.ichacha.net 10. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted, for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasure of riches and fame. 它从来不是昏庸人的道路,那些喜欢享受讨厌工作只是追求利益和名声的人! q.sohu.com 1. The following morning, Theresa kissed her mother and child goodbye and headed off for a rare day of leisure. 第二天早上,特蕾莎与母亲和孩子亲吻道别,开始了难得一天的悠闲时光。 www.bing.com 2. The last part from the point of ethics to propose the constructive measures of leisure consumption. 最后一部分从伦理学的角度提出了对休闲消费问题的建设路径。 www.boshuo.net 3. At least 5 , 000 jobs a week are vanishing in the catering and leisure industries and tourism . 在服务、娱乐和旅游行业,每周至少有5,000份工作在消失。 www.bing.com 4. The provision of a copy of the data may be subject to a charge as demanded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. 如欲索取有关资料副本、可能须按康乐及文化事务署的规定缴付所需费用。 www.hkpl.gov.hk 5. Another factor was the leisure forced on the French aristocracy by an absolute monarchy. 另一个因素是,贵族阶层得益于君主专制政体,有了不少闲暇时光。 www.ecocn.org 6. It is mainly specialized in producing sports& leisure fashionable wear and classic & gracious dress for the children. 主要以生产休闲、运动时尚和典雅精致等的童装为主。 q.sohu.com 7. Transforms the lakeshore , increases the garden road, the pavilion and near the water leisure space. 改造湖岸,增加园路、凉亭及临水休闲空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Even leisure time is often devoted to activities such as sports, exercise, or other hobbies that involve intense activity and effort. 即使是闲暇时间,美国人也会花时间去做运动、锻炼,或是参加其他体力消耗大的活动。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Dongshan island bay, beach broadly, more than ShaBai, known as the "Oriental Hawaii" , is no better leisure tourism resort. 东山岛湾多、滩阔、沙白,被誉为“东方的夏威夷”,是消夏休闲旅游胜地。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Ballroom Dancing is one of the popular items among the numerous leisure exercises. 在众多的休閒运动项目中,国际标准舞是相当受欢迎的项目之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Human's essence and final need are to be free. Leisure is one of the important ways to realizing freedom. 人的本质和最终需要是自由,休闲是实现自由的重要方式之一。 www.fabiao.net 2. Having opened, I emptied the whole contents into my apron, and took them with me to examine at leisure in my own chamber. 一打开抽屉,我就把里面所有的东西都倒在我的围裙里,再带到我自己的屋子里从容地检查着。 www.putclub.com 3. Bar is one of the main places for leisure activities, mini bar bar-line management system aimed at achieving paperless management. 酒吧是人们休闲活动的主要场所之一,小型酒吧在线管理系统旨在实现酒吧管理的无纸化。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The sense of leisure and safety gave the last touch of lightness to her spirit. 悠闲自在,安全保险的感觉使她的心情舒畅极了。 www.jukuu.com 5. To that point went every leisure moment which her father's claims on her allowed, and every moment of involuntary absence of mind. 照料父亲之余的一切空闲时间,每逢心不在焉的时候,她都在琢磨自己的心思。 novel.tingroom.com 6. Instead, I could enjoy shows at my leisure, on my own terms. 相反,我可以在我闲暇的时候欣赏这些节目,一切有我做主。 www.bing.com 7. Sex seems to take the biggest hit, despite the increase in leisure time after retirement. 调查显示,尽管退休后的空闲时间增多,但性生活似乎受到了最大的冲击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. She tour ends mid-afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day for your leisure. 旅行会在返回巴黎后的下午结束,然后你就可以悠闲地度过剩下的一天。 www.haoask.com 9. Does anyone remember that baby cry out in 1993, Since then, leisure romantic Zhuhai more of a cultural emissary - Mandarin Bookstore. 曾记否,一九九三年一声婴啼,从此,闲情逸致的浪漫珠海多了一名文化的使者—文华书城。 jones.famousnudelady.com 10. The company mainly manufactures outdoor leisure products , outdoor furniture, fitness body-building equipment and bar chairs . 公司产品种类实施多元化与主导化相结合,主要生产户外休闲用品,户外家具,健身器材等系列产品。 www.bing.com 1. Your obscure procedure has secured the immeasurable treasure and ensures with leisure the enclosure of any possible exposure. 你们模糊不清的程序将保证会得到无数的珍宝,并将轻松地保证不会含有任何曝光的可能。 bbs.edu.591up.com 2. make it to the park every year, making it a leisure location. 为使每年的公园,使之成为休闲的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Their leisure needs did not cause attention, which made the available leisure facilities extremely limited. 闲暇需要没能引起资方和社会的足够重视,可资利用的休闲设施极为有限; www.lwsjz.com 4. The idea of having a hobby for your leisure hours to keep you entertained and busy when you're not at work is quite commonplace in Britain. 在英国认为培养一种爱好可以使人在闲暇时自娱自乐在工作之余又事可做的想法十分普遍。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. An attempt will be made to characterize the crisis of today's leisure life in reference to its commercialization and mechanicalization. 据此,我们将讨论今日那些由于抑制自由的商业化与机械化历程所带来的休閒生活的危机。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The days as an intern made me feel the hardships of working, so I began to cherish my leisure time. 实习的日子,让我感到未来工作的艰辛,所以也开始很珍惜这些业余的时光。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In her leisure, she usually goes to see her friends. 在她空闲时间,她通常去看望她的朋友们。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Of course, civilisation requires a modicum of material prosperity -- enough to provide a little leisure. 当然,文明的发展需要一定程度的物质繁荣,至少让人们在饱暖之余还能有一点休闲娱乐。 spaces.msn.com 9. The process of risk management can be implemented as part of a best practice management system within the sport and leisure sector. 这一过程的风险管理能够得到执行的一个组成部分最佳实践管理系统内的体育和休闲行业。 www.syyxw.com 10. Anytime you exhaust yourself trying to relax, that's active leisure. 每当你试着休息却把自己弄的精疲力尽,那就是主动休闲。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Scrawl no longer at the leisure time but having drawn several carefully with you. 闲时不再涂鸦而认真画上几幅与你看。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Today, it is the "leisure club" for you to reading fashion magazine, listening soft music, and enjoy latte or cappuccino. 今天,这里将成为您欣赏时尚杂志,聆听轻柔音乐,品味拿铁、卡布奇诺的“休闲会所”。 ask.sportscn.com 3. Occasionally, Su-hand for the paper, the book section of the word elegant, recite a poem ancient, leisure or mood, the time and had quietly. 偶尔,素手为笺,书一段雅致的词,吟一首古韵的诗,闲情逸致里,时光悄然而过。 jones.famousnudelady.com 4. The Web inspires a teenager like Nadia, who might otherwise spend most of her leisure time watching television, to read and write. 网络让如Nadia那样的孩子开始阅读和写作,没有了网络可能他们就会把剩余时间花费在电视上。 www.bing.com 5. Shin Juang health club for your passion to create dust, the glamorous life of the new health and leisure. ! 瑞鑫健康会所为您打造激情飞扬,魅力四射的休闲健康新生活。! wenwen.soso.com 6. The Museum Pass Scheme provides more chances for you to visit the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Museums . 博物馆入场证优惠计划为你提供更多参观下列博物馆的机会。 www.bing.com 7. Im willing to teach English for the children nearby during my leisure time. 想乘工作之余帮附近的小朋友补习英语。 sh.58.com 8. This study also found that the more opportunities they contact with outside, the more diversity of leisure activities they might have. 最后研究亦发现与外界接触机会较多的外籍配偶,则具有较多样的休閒活动安排。 ir.lib.ukn.edu.tw:8080 9. this project is a world on its own; through the various use of shades of yellow, it is a complex setting in tune with its leisure program. 这是一个通过深浅不同的黄色的使用,与休闲项目相调节的复杂设置,一个洞察自我世界的项目。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors, ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of books. 我身边总有许多书籍,闲时候我就读古代的和现代的最好作品。 1. Public celebration and leisure are both essential to life in the city, and not simply as a parenthesis in a life dedicated to work. 大众类庆典活动和休闲都构成城市生活的基本组成部分,不能将其作为所投入生活热潮中一个简单的附带对待。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Three. Common dice can be arbitrarily set the door of life and death, Zhuang, Daxian leisure play Zhuang, Zhuang bookmaking playing can be. 普通骰子可以随意定生死门,庄打闲、闲打庄,外围下注打庄均可。 paiji.4567w.com 3. Their leisure merely stays in the leisure condition, not having reached to the planned leisure, not to say the Leisure implication. 她们的休闲仅仅停留在闲暇状态,未达到有意休闲,更别说追求休闲意蕴。 www.13191.com 4. Green Parks, leisure squares, and complete residential communities are scattered all over the city. 整个城市都是绿色公园﹐休闲广场和完善的住宅社区。 www.qyzone.cn 5. There was no significant effect between peer relationship and the frequency of leisure participation. 6. 休閒参与频率对高职学生自我概念亦无显著性影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. At the other end of the spectrum, the worst-paid staff are those working in the retail and leisure sectors and for mining companies. 在薪酬范围的另一端,收入最低的是那些零售业、休闲业或矿业的员工。 www.bing.com 7. Easily Accessible With The Airport Shuttle And Equipped With A Business Centre, The Hotel Is Ideal For Both Business And Leisure Guests. 酒店可轻易前往机场班车的站点,并设有商务中心。酒店适合商务人士和休闲旅客。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 8. Chinese traditional gardens were basically built by royalty and nobles and were used for leisure and entertainment. 中国传统园林基本上都是皇室和贵族建造的用来休闲娱乐的场所。 english.cntv.cn 9. Some of the biggest (although still modest) gains were in professional and technical services, leisure and hospitality, and health care. 一些主要的增长点(虽然增长仍然不多)在专业技术、休闲、医疗和卫生保健领域。 www.bing.com 10. Fashionable leisure shoes enable you to BE in step with the meter of youth. 新潮休闲鞋,让您踏上青春节拍。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Let us then take sides with the sun, seeing we have so much leisure. 那就让我们和太阳站在一边,明白我们有如此多的闲暇时间。 blog.163.com 2. Although busy, out-of-school employment is still more than the Li Ka-shing to the evening of leisure studies, and cultural centers. 工作虽然繁忙,失学的李嘉诚仍用工余之暇到夜校进修,补习文化。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. With its peaceful ambience and perfect location, the Hotel Kong Arthur is ideal for business or leisure travellers. KongArthur酒店环境宁静,位置优越,是商务或休闲旅客的首选。 www.orangeway.cn 4. River Park is now the old course of modification of the original river are now built to tour, leisure, entertainment-oriented tourist park. 现河公园是以原现河故道改造而建成的,以游览、休闲、娱乐为主的观光公园。 taian.qite8.com 5. Furniture is no doubt the best product that can bring about the calm and leisure. 家具无疑是带来这份从容和闲适的最佳产品。 www.fabiao.net 6. It may also be benefiting from the growing popularity of serious-minded leisure pursuits of many kinds. 这也可能得益于越来越多的人对各类高雅文化的追捧。 www.ecocn.org 7. Work and leisure are two interrelated parts of our daily life, In the other word, to ignore either is to lose. 工作和休闲是我们日常生活的两个部分,二者紧密相连,缺一不可。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. This procedure is not my original, the only leisure found in the above fundamental network is not fully open or convenient procedures. 同时发布这个程序也是为了想交一些朋友。本程序也并非本人原创,只是在闲暇时发现网络上面根本就没有完全公开或者使用方便的程序。 www.pudn.com 9. Mr. _, it is time for afternoon tea. We have prepared various tea and refreshments for you to enjoy the leisure onboard. 先生,现在是下午茶时间,我们准备了各种茶点,希望您在机上能够享受一份悠闲。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. during the leisure time , the connection between the tropical character and natural fondness will give you a different feel. 在这里,热带风情与自然野性的交汇,让您彰显高贵的同时,尽情张扬个性。 www.ichacha.net 1. Here being perfectly alone, I had leisure to sit down and reflect seriously upon the last seven months' ramble I had made. 在这里,我处于非常孤独的环境,才有闲暇坐下来,认真考虑最近这七个月来我所经历的流浪生活。 2. Zoo gates were closed to incoming visitors but exits were open for guests to leave at their leisure. 动物园的入口关闭,但出口一直畅通,方便游客离院。 dongxi.net 3. The international golf course and Home Village theme park made it has a more classical leisure style for business and holidays. 酒店附设的大型国际标准高尔夫球场和“故乡里”主题公园,造就了更典型的商务休闲度假酒店风格。 job.veryeast.cn 4. During my leisure time I can go fishing in the river and plant and vegetables in the garden. 闲时。我可以在小河里钓鱼在花园里种菜。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Business and leisure in different companies referred to as the scope of not. 商务休闲在不同公司所指的范围不一样。 www.wiip.cn 6. "We can say that 50 percent of the burden of obesity can be contributed by having no leisure time physical activity, " she said. 可以说,肥胖症负担的百分之50都是工作之余没有体力活动所造成的。 www.24en.com 7. He makes it possible for his wife to have some leisure time for outside interests. 他会让妻子有余暇时间参加外面有趣的活动。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn 8. But Jane was to go home with her, and at Longbourn there would be leisure enough for observation. 好在吉英就要跟她一块儿回去,到了浪搏恩,多的是闲暇的时间,那时候再仔细观察观察吧。 www.ebigear.com 9. Until now, people have converted all that extra lifespan into leisure time. 迄今为止,人们把这些增加的寿命全部变成了休闲时间。 www.ecocn.org 10. Fortunately, they said it was a good class, and said I was at leisure. 还好,有人评价说是一节好课,还说我很从容镇定。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He is one of the growing number of Americans who in recent years have taken up dangerous sports to fill their leisure hours. 他是近些年越来越多的从事危险的体育活动来充实闲暇时间的美国人之一。 family.mblogger.cn 2. A significant number of charges on those credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses. 这些信用卡开支的重要部分多用于娱乐与休闲支出。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Luxury goods, recreation and leisure are all likely to see sharp growth. 奢侈品、休闲娱乐也将大幅增长。 www.kouyi.org 4. Indifferent point tends to be at leisure, too hard, it is lost. 淡然一点往往会是清风明月,太过执着,则就是迷惘。 www.bing.com 5. Flying leisure space is a must not miss is a good place to separate your pulse racing with the other threw himself into the top new space! ! 飞扬休闲空间是一个绝不能错过的好地方是一个另你热血沸腾全身心投入的另一顶尖新空间!! www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. Urban green leisure space is the product of urbanization process developed to a certain level, as well as reparation of urbanization. 城市绿地休闲空间是城市化进程发展到一定水平的产物,也是对城市化的一种弥补。 www.fabiao.net 7. Having disposed of the main opposition, he could polish off the remainder at his leisure. 由于清除了主要的反对派,他可以从容不迫地收拾掉剩下的对手了。 dict.veduchina.com 8. As a result, he hoped that the hotel guests to be leisure time to open a private club or resort's friends and family gathered together. 因此,他希望酒店能成为客人闲暇时一个能休憩的私人会所,抑或是亲朋好友欢聚一堂的度假胜地。 blog.eastmoney.com 9. His main purpose is - close to nature and enjoy the sun, leisure and entertainment. 他的主要用途是——亲近自然、享受阳光、休闲娱乐等。 www.wellpad.com 10. In practice, the risk has not, so far, been the disruption of my work or my leisure. 实际上,到目前为止,疾病还没有破坏我的事业和生活。 dongxi.net 1. The leisure chair is characterized in that the leisure chair is made of the glass fiber reinforced plastic as the raw materials. 一种休闲座椅,其特征在于,使用上述玻璃钢作为原材料制造而成。 ip.com 2. The amount of time spent on passive leisure tends to increase with age. 花费在消极休闲的时间的数量往往会随着年龄增长而增加。 www.langfly.com 3. Your obscure procedure has secured the immeasurtummyle treasure and ensures the leisure enclosure of any possible exposure. 你们含糊不清的程序将保证会获得有数的宝贝,并将紧张地保证不含有任何曝光的可能。 hkipu.com 4. On weekdays I spend my leisure time on listening to music or watching TV like the talk show or chatting with my friends. 在平日,我的闲暇时间喜欢听听音乐或看电视节目或跟好朋友谈一谈心情。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. and who could yet say when there might be leisure to think of or fetch her? 谁能说得上他们什么时候才能顾得考虑她,顾得来接她呢? novel.tingroom.com 6. With a retail mall forming part of our hotel complex, we're an inspired choice for both business and leisure travellers. 酒店所在大楼内拥有一个零售购物中心,定将带给商务和休闲旅客激动人心的购物体验。 www.42828.com 7. The company was established in 2002, is a specialized wholesale business women shoes and leisure suits, leather shoes of the company. 本公司成立于2002年,是一家专门经营批发女正装皮鞋和休闲皮鞋的公司。 www.tonke.cn 8. Whether sentimental verse, beautiful article, or leisure, happiness, everything is no substitute for intimate friendship. 不论是多情的诗句,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的快乐,什么都不能代替亲密的友情。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. After the WAR file has been uploaded, I can then deploy it at my leisure via the Versions tab. WAR文件被上载后,我就可以随时通过Versions选项卡部署它。 www.ibm.com 10. Major leisure facility that combines an amusement park and a zoo with monkeys from around the world . 游乐园和世界猴类动物园合二为一的大型休闲设施。 www.bing.com 1. No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. 英格兰的所有动物,没有一个在他年老后懂得幸福或安乐的含义,也没有一个是自由的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With the continuous increase in productivity, People are throwing a great concern in a new way of life- "leisure" . 随着生产力的不断提高,人们对“闲暇”这种新的生活方式投以了极大的关注。 www.fabiao.net 3. All of these activities are good uses of leisure time, as is taking in the occasional film or watching a few TV programs. 所有这些活动都可以很好地利用空闲时间,就像偶尔看一场电影或看一些电视节目。 www.elanso.com 4. With the high professional quality to create comfortable, modern, valuable-worth leisure environment for you which achieve our profession. 以优质的专业品质为你创造舒适化、现代化、极富价值的休闲环境,从而成就我们的专业。 www.777f.com 5. Leisure implies a mind which is not occupied. It is only then that there is a state of learning. 悠闲意味着心不被占据,只有那时才会有一种学习的状态。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 6. Most of what we call "relaxation" isn't actually all that relaxing. Surfing the web is a leisure time trap. 但是,题目在于,良多我们称之为“放松”的事实际上一点都不轻松,好比上网。 blog.tianya.cn 7. Cultural Order and Concept of Material Desires--Two Problems Resulted from "Literature at Leisure" 文化秩序和物欲观念--“休闲文学”引出的两个问题 www.ilib.cn 8. One of the fastest growing degrees is in park, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies. 增长最快的学生人数是在娱乐休闲,和健身研究专业。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With numerous beauties and urban elegance, Kaifeng has been a world leisure center for long. 美女春光,都市风情,开封早已是世界闻名的休闲之都。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. and, when all was on board, I had a few days' leisure. 等到全部上了船,我还有几天空闲。 leimingg.spaces.live.com 1. Can you call him now to see if he is at leisure this moment? 能不能马上打电话给他,看他有空儿没有? blog.163.com 2. Four, research a suggestion to follow-up by quantity to understand leisure cognition and participation of the school-children. 对后续研究建议以量化来持续瞭解学童的休閒认知与休閒参与。 www.cetd.com.tw 3. She was a lady of leisure who, under her inimitable elegance, could be lewd, rude and blue. 她是一位娴雅的大小姐,可是在她无与伦比的优雅外表下,却可以演绎出淫荡、粗鲁、忧郁的表演。 www.bing.com 4. It indicated that the main services of the forest park ecosystem were water source conservation, air-conditioning and leisure & recreation. 说明森林公园在水土保持、空气调节和休闲娱乐上的作用是极其重要的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The leisure physical education in a certain sense is " leisure sports " as the content of the education process. 休闲体育教育在一定意义上是以“休闲体育活动”为内容的教育过程。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Relatively speaking, the more relaxed style of the film, it is suitable for leisure time from work to see. 相对来说,影片的风格比较轻松,很适合下班休闲的时候看。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. There exited significant positive correlation between the serious leisure traits of the effort and professional knowledge. 国小教师认真休閒特质中的「努力从事该活动」与专业知能具有正向关系。 ir.lib.ukn.edu.tw:8080 8. Some of the views are highlighted from a feminist perspective, which has provided additional insight into understanding Western leisure. 其中一些观点从女权主义的角度为读者提供了西方文化对休闲的诊释。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The instruction was effective for his leisure-ethic behaviors on the generalization activity, and his behaviors were also accepted well . 休閒伦理教学对类化活动中的五项休閒伦理行为及他人接受度具类化成效。 10. I'm sure many people experience this problem too, so make sure to set aside about an hour (or whatever works for you) for leisure time. 我敢肯定,许多人也遇到过这种问题。因此,设置一个让自己娱乐的时间段(一小时或其他你觉得合适的时间)。 dongxi.net 1. "Since the collapse of XL Leisure Group consumers are a lot more focused on working with companies where they know their money is secure. " “自从旅行社XL休闲集团(XLLeisureGroup)倒闭以后,人们更加注重于选择他们认为能够保证消费安全的旅游公司。” www.bing.com 2. I am tempted to make a joke about this, but I don't want to incur the wrath of the leisure scientists. 关于这我想开个玩笑,但是我不想招致高休闲的科学家们的狂怒。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. By means of field studies , make students understand the methods of management consultant in leisure farms more actually. 藉实地研习参访,现状学习休閒农场经营诊断分析。 4. Naval stripe, almirah necessary money, deserve the pure white bud silk shorts, leisure in do not lose popular feeling. 海军条纹,衣橱服装搭配的技巧中的必备款,配上纯白色蕾丝短裤,休闲中不失流行感。 www.smxiangji.com 5. A professional hotel is able to create a wonderful leisure day for its guests within the venue. 一个专业的酒店可以让客人不出酒店就享受惬意精彩的一天。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For leisure and business guests alike, the name Kempinski has long been synonymous with style, nobility and efficiency. 对休闲度假的游客或商务人士来说,凯宾斯基始终都是时尚、尊贵和高效的同义词。 job.veryeast.cn 7. They asked for the proposals to be put down on paper, so that they might study them at leisure. 他们要求把提议写在纸上以便闲暇时可以再研究。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. in a word , developing leisure - entertainment industry strongly is an important project that meets constructing xiaokang society totally. 所以说,大力发展体育休闲娱乐产业是全面建设小康社会中的一个重要课题。 www.ichacha.net 9. Settle down in the comfortable sofa and enjoy one's valuable leisure time. 在沙发上安顿好,享受宝贵的闲暇。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Public sector offices were the least active sector in commercial property followed by private sector offices and retail and leisure. 公共部门办公楼是商业地产行业中活跃性最低的部门,其次是私营部门办公楼,零售和休闲。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Social factors and personal factors had a certain impact on leisure life of urban elderly. 社会因素与个人因素对城市老年人休闲生活有一定的影响。 www.lw23.com 2. But he admits that he has spent most of his leisure time in the last few months digging into the novels nominated for the Booker Prize. 但他承认,过去几个月,他大部分业余时间都在读布克奖的提名小说。 www.ftchinese.com 3. My leisure, sleep in a bed, hand since unknowingly touched a book, just look at a few pages, in which the hero deeply attracted me. 我闲暇下来,睡在床上,手不自不觉地触碰到了一本名著,随便翻看了几页,里面的主人公深深的吸引了我。 www.bing.com 4. He replied, "I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing. " 蚱蜢回答说:“我夏天也没闲着,我一直在唱歌阿。” www.en369.cn 5. It could enable one to return to the Greek concept of leisure, where slaves did most of the work and men had time to cultivate their minds. 它可以使一个人回归到希腊时代的休闲概念,在那里奴隶做大部分的工作,而人们则有时间来培养他们的心灵。 www.023java.com 6. Over the past few years, lap-dancing clubs have proliferated, branding themselves as a respectable part of the leisure industry. 过去几年间,艳舞夜店成倍扩张,个个将自己标榜为休闲娱乐业中的体面角色。 www.bing.com 7. Leisure reading, as a part of extracurricular reading, plays a positive role in students knowledge enrichment and temperament cultivation. 大学生的课外阅读中包含了一部分休闲阅读,这对于增长知识,陶冶情操起到了积极的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. He is so busy in preparing for the final examination that he has no leisure for sport. 翻译他正忙着准备期末考试,没空做户外运动。 www.eol.cn 9. We had grown up in the same city, shared many of the same friends, and enjoyed similar leisure activities. 我们生活在同一个城市,有许多共同的朋友,享受着相似的业余活动。 www.bing.com 10. The main segments served are the automotive, electrical and electronics, construction and sports and leisure industries. 服务领域遍及汽车,电气和电子,建筑,体育和休闲行业。 www.frponline.com.cn 1. With the rise of leisure tourism and the experience economy , Spa tourism becomes the " sun in the sunrise industry " . 温泉旅游随着休闲旅游、体验经济的兴起而被誉为“朝阳产业中的朝阳”。 www.fabiao.net 2. For 70 percent of the counties in those states, at least 29 percent of adults reported being physically inactive during their leisure time. 而在这些州中70%的地区,至少有29%的成年人在闲暇时没有积极的运动。 www.bing.com 3. Turn the pen is a used different methods and techniques, with finger to turn the pen of the leisure activities. 转笔是一项用不同的方法与技巧,以手指来转动笔的休闲活动。 www.hjiu.net 4. Crystal Lianliankan leisure is not a bad game, one play anxious eyes, and the development of the auto click procedure. 水晶连连看是个不错的休闲小游戏,一次玩急眼了,开发了这个自动点击的程序。 www.hxzi.com 5. Strive to be "close to you the best travel consultants, to meet your leisure needs" . 致力成为“您身边最佳的出行顾问,满足您的休闲需求”。 tjhuayuan.cn.ec51.com 6. In fact , to the bafflement of yesteryear 's futurologists , we do not lead lives of leisure while robots handle every chore . 实际上,会令不久以前的未来学家感到困惑的是,当所有的家务事都可以由机器人处理时,我们并没有过上安逸的生活。 www.bing.com 7. Youth being exuberant and leisure ample, I felt the writing of letters other than business ones to be a delightful necessity. 年轻时我精力充沛而且有充足的闲暇时间。我觉得和写商务信件不同,写这些信是一件令人愉快的事情,也是生活中一种不可或缺的元素。 www.bing.com 8. Ask practical questions about a client's visit. Propose various leisure-time activities to be included in the visitor's itinerary. 在客户参观时询问比较实际的问题。包括在旅游安排中推荐各种休闲娱乐活动。 elearning.beiwaionline.com 9. The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bather about whether you are happy or not. 痛苦的密密在于有闲工夫但心自己是幸福。 blog.vsharing.com 10. Satisfying basic needs: All the basic human needs, and related leisure and travel motivations, can be satisfied in part through events. 满足基本需求:所有的人的基本需要,以及相关的休闲,旅游动机,可满足于通过活动的一部分。 wenwen.soso.com 1. s the thing. Most of what we call "relaxation" isn’ t actually all that relaxing. Surfing the web is a leisure time trap. 但是,问题在于,很多我们称之为“放松”的事实际上一点都不轻松,比如上网。 bbs.liuxuejie.com 2. Or father, mother is also a number of Chinese New Year a little busy, but it does not wait for the leisure time. 也好,父亲、母亲也稍微清闲了一些春节,但这样的清闲确实没等到多久。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fu Peng is to provide full-service hotels of the mid-range hotels, tourist market positioning in the business guests and leisure travelers. 福朋饭店是提供全方位服务的中档饭店,客源市场定位在商务客人和消遣旅游者。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. of many minutes of vigilance is a bit less money lust, meet many minutes of restful at leisure. 少一点钱财欲望,就会多一分平安清闲。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 5. The blurring of divisions between work and home lulls us sintosa sense that work is going to be as actively enjoyable as leisure. 工作和家庭生活的模糊界限使我们有种错觉,似乎工作应该和休闲活动一样让我们乐在其中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. More importantly, who will be around for you to share your leisure time with? 重要的是,谁会围绕为您要共享您的休闲时间? zhidao.baidu.com 7. The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. 节目内容并不反映康乐及文化事务署的意见。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 8. Holding professional qualifications, including academics, lawyers, engineers, doctors, and clergymen regardless of their leisure or wealth. 控股的专业资格,其中包括学者,律师,工程师,医生,以及神职人员,不论其休闲或财富。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. favorite pastime leisure time, play around sightseeing, tired, asleep, then life will be wasted in the tourist wandering among the Leisure. 喜爱悠閒消遣时间,到处游玩观光,累了就呼呼大睡,于是生命便在观光游荡休閒之中虚度了。 blog.163.com 10. Mirror swimming style variety: children mirror, mirror professional contests, silica conjoined, as well as general leisure microscopy. 游泳镜的款式繁多:儿童镜、专业竞赛镜、硅胶联体,以及普通休闲镜等。 www.showxiu.com 1. Well, Barcelona is a Mediterranean city with an abundance of leisure activities and considerable public participation. 是啊,巴塞罗那是典型的地中海城市,那里的人民有许多消遣方式和公众活动。 www.englishmorning.com 2. Free time at leisure after breakfast. Tour guide will take you to the airport for flight home or next destination. 早餐后自由活动,到指定集合时间由专车送往机场搭乘中华航空回美国或到下一个目的地。 www.todotravel.com 3. Sports are important in the United States both as an activity spectacularly and as a leisure time activity. 体育在美国即使观赏性运动又是休闲运动,占有重要地位。 wenku.baidu.com 4. It is idle but diligent, thus wearing an air of both elegance and leisure. 它优闲,但它努力,因此优闲得神采奕奕。 www.douban.com 5. This company by fashionable leisure this crowd yearned for that the direction is a main body. 此公司以时尚休闲这一人群向往方向为主体。 www.fenleibaba.com 6. Leisure is an embodiment of human civilization and a signals social development. 休闲是人类文明的体现,是社会进步的标志。 www.fabiao.net 7. We will support Macao in developing itself into a world center of tourism and leisure and appropriately diversifying its economy. 支持澳门建设世界旅游休闲中心,促进经济适度多元发展。 www.chinabaike.com 8. Wet weekend, is one of the most leisure time, the very heart quiet. 雨天的周末,是最休闲的日子,心安静的很。 www.bing.com 9. HVS is a global consulting and services organization focused on the hotel, restaurant, shared services, gaming, and leisure industries. 华盛国际是一家专注于酒店、餐饮、共享所有权服务、博彩以及休闲行业的全球性咨询服务机构。 www.kongrong.com 10. Hotels are three-star hotels by standards require renovation Hotels, guesthouses for you with large car parks, leisure centers. 宾馆是按三星级宾馆标准要求装修的宾馆,宾馆为您设有大型停车场、休闲中心。 www.gt-w2.com |
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