单词 | arch rival | ||||||||||||
释义 | arch rival
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 主要竞争对手,主要敌手,劲敌,对手赛,头号对手 1. Not to be outdone , arch-rival Virgin is unveiling its J2000 a seat that converts into a bed in its business-class section. 英航的主要竞争对手维珍航空公司也不甘落后,推出了J2000型座椅。这座椅可调整为床铺样式,也将安装在其公务舱内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Certainly, the bank is in better shape than its arch-rival Citigroup, having largely avoided the most toxic subprime securities. 当然摩根大通的经济状况好过其劲敌花旗集团,因为它基本上未被棘手的次贷证券拖累。 www.bing.com 3. Ever since, New Delhi has distrusted Beijing's military assistance to its arch-rival, viewing it as a strategy to weaken India. 自那以来,新德里方面一直对北京方面向自己的死对头提供军事援助疑心重重,认为这是旨在削弱印度的一种战略。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A few days before the game its arch-rival, Coca-Cola, was also bitten by a charitable bug. 在比赛开始前几天,它的强劲对手可口可乐也受到慈善的困扰。 www.bing.com 5. Kasab's trial began in May and has been a public relations triumph for India over its arch-rival Pakistan. 卡萨伯的审判开始于今年五月,这已经成为印度对主要对手巴基斯坦的一次公关胜利。 www.bing.com 6. England take on arch rival Argentina, top South American qualifier, in what looks like the toughest group. 英格兰队的主要对手是南美头名入选队伍阿根廷队,这个组看来是最不好对付的。 www.24en.com 7. Sunday's crowd was expected to be even bigger when Canada play arch-rival the United States in men's ice hockey in the afternoon. 鉴于周日下午加拿大男子冰球队将对阵宿敌美国队,预计届时观赛人群将更为壮观。 cn.reuters.com 8. The island's fortunes sank as it lost business to its arch-rival, Singapore. 由于在商业上败给了宿敌新加坡,槟榔屿的财富缩水了。 www.ecocn.org 9. But that's still less than a third of Google's value, Facebook's arch-rival in the battle for domination on the internet. 但和抢占互联网市场的主要竞争对手谷歌公司相比,脸谱网还不及谷歌市值的三分之一。 www.bing.com 10. Citi is much less exposed to its home market than is its arch-rival, Bank of America (BofA). 花旗银行在其国内市场的曝光要比其主要竞争对手美洲银行(BofA)要少许多。 www.ecocn.org 1. In the Brazilian team to rely on penalty shootout victory over arch-rival, the proud Turio bluster, "Maradona could be hand, why not? " 在巴西队依靠点球大战击败劲敌后,自豪的图里奥口出狂言,“马拉多纳可以用手,俺为什么不可以呢?” www.007china.com.cn 2. Meanwhile, China can help counterbalance Pakistan's arch-rival, India, including in Afghanistan. 与此同时,中国可以帮助制衡巴基斯坦的夙敌印度,包括在阿富汗方面。 www.bing.com 3. Meanwhile, sales were stagnating and batteries burning at its arch-rival, and oft-predicted nemesis, Dell. 与此同时,销售停滞与电池召回两大难题正烧得劲敌、一再被预言会遭报应的戴尔公司头痛不已。 www.ecocn.org 4. Larry Ellison took the stand as a witness in Oracle's lawsuit against arch-rival SAP. 劳伦斯?埃里森以证人身份出席甲骨文公司对主要竞争对手画皮公司的诉讼。 www.ecocn.org 5. Steve Ballmer, the boss of Google's arch-rival Microsoft, has derided the search company for being "a one-trick pony" . 作为谷歌的劲敌,微软老板SteveBallmer,甚至嘲笑这家搜索公司“一招鲜,吃遍天”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Virgin Atlantic, BA's arch-rival, seemingly bucked the trend when it said annual pre-tax profit had doubled. 它的主要竞争对手维珍大西洋航空公司却宣称其年税前收入翻了一番,这看起来似乎违背了市场潮流。 www.ecocn.org 7. In June, however, it emerged he had proposed a deal with Casino's arch-rival, Carrefour. 可就在今年6月,迪尼斯被爆出向卡西诺的宿敌家乐福(Carrefour)提出了一项合作交易。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In the first quarter, it was outsold by arch-rival Rolls-Royce almost nine to one. 迈巴赫一季度的销量几乎仅为其劲敌劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的九分之一。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The latest: In the last few months, each company has launched a direct attack on their arch rival's most important business. 在最近的几个月里,两个公司都针对对方的最核心业务发出了最直接的挑战。 www.elanso.com 10. Our local high school basketball team squandered its early lead in a loss to our arch-rival. 我们本地高中篮球队没有把握好领先局面,最后反而输给了老对手。 www.tingroom.com 1. 21- Pepsi: For the young generation. They lost against their arch-rival Coca Cola. 百事:针对年轻一代的。他们输给他们的主要竞争对手可口可乐了。 bbs.cqzg.cn 2. One day later, Liverpool was away at arch-rival Manchester United. 隔天,利物浦对上世仇,曼彻斯特联队。 times.hinet.net 3. It's even worse when it happens as your arch rival surpasses you in market value for the first time ever. 如果此时恰逢这个对手的市值平生头一回超越你,那就更糟糕了。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Non-stop scheduled passenger flights to resume the following week between China and arch-rival Taiwan after a break of almost 60 years. 中断了近60年的中国大陆和台湾之间的定期直航客运航班将于下周恢复。 www.ftchinese.com 5. We whomped our arch rival in the season climactic football game. 我们在该季最精彩足球赛中打败了我们主要的对手。 www.bing.com 6. EADS is the parent company of Europe's Airbus, Boeing's arch-rival. EADS是欧洲空客的母公司,也是波音公司的主要竞争对手。 www.ecocn.org 7. EBay was long Alibaba's arch-rival in the e-commerce business. EBay在电子商务领域曾一直是阿里巴巴的主要竞争对手。 c.wsj.com 8. In its arms race with arch-rival India, Pakistan developed nuclear weapons in the 1990s and carried out its first nuclear tests in 1998. 在与其夙敌印度的军备竞赛中,巴基斯坦在上世纪90年代研制了核武器,并于1998年进行了首次核试验。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Just four months later its prospects dimmed further when its arch-rival, Procter & Gamble (P&G), agreed to buy Gillette for $57 billion. 仅隔四个月之后,联合利华的前景进一步暗淡,原因是因为其主要竞争对手保洁公司同意以570亿美元的价格购买Gillette。 www.ecocn.org 10. After 10 years, arch-rival Microsoft has just four retail stores in the US, while Apple has 28 in the UK alone. 十年之后,其夙敌微软公司在美国只有四家零售商店,而苹果公司在英国已经拥有了28家商店。 www.bing.com 1. KKR looks particularly vulnerable because it is less diversified than its arch-rival in the leveraged-buyout business. KKR看似尤为脆弱,因为与其杠杆收购业务中的主要竞争对手相比,其多样化程度较差。 www.ecocn.org 2. Your arch-rival, the Panasonic LX5, can zoom during video. 你的劲敌索尼LX5能边拍照边聚焦。 www.bing.com 3. He is like Osama bin Laden's arch rival. 他像是能和奥萨马本拉登媲美的人。 www.bing.com 4. Last year the WTO said that Boeing's arch rival Airbus had received illegal aid from European governments. 去年,世界贸易组织披露波音的主要竞争对手空客公司接受了欧洲政府的非法补贴。 www.bing.com 5. We were thrashed by our arch-rival, 我们在跟死。 www.360abc.com 6. saw the danger that its arch rival might become the region's dominant player 担心他的头号对手会在该区称霸 www.crazyenglish.org |
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