单词 | inhabitation |
释义 | 例句释义: 居住,栖息,住宅,栖居,栖息居住,居住体验 1. From this we can see how much hatred Li Hongzhi has carried toward humanity, and the earth of our inhabitation. 可见李洪志是何等仇视人类和我们居住的地球。 www.kaiwind.com 2. As the basic unite of the city, urban residential area is an important place for resident's daily life, entertainment and inhabitation. 城市住区,作为城市的基本单元,是城市居民日常生活、娱乐、居住重要场所。 www.fabiao.net 3. They have officially designated the place around the nuclear power station as unsuitable for human inhabitation. 他们已经正式把核电周围的区域划归为不适合人类居住的区域。 wenku.baidu.com 4. This spatial composition also takes into account and allows for the gradual inhabitation by the family over the coming years. 在空间利用上,还考虑到未来几年中住户还会不断增加这一因素。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. The townhouse is being built as a healthy inhabitation form and boosted by the purchasers with the entering into 21st century. 进入21世纪,联排式小住宅作为一种健康的居住形态在我国大城市兴建起来,并受到购房人的青睐。 www.fabiao.net 6. The location theories study the relationships between humans and inhabitation environments from the cognitions of human behaviors. 场所理论从人的行为认知角度来认识人与居住环境之间的关系。 mur.cn 7. The author put forth the health education, including keeping the patients in good emotion, improving inhabitation care and seek social help. 因此,必须加强健康教育,加强康复护理,采用寻求社会支持等手段,使病人保持良好的心态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The fish in the Qingshui River belonged to different ecological types in migration, feeding, reproduction, and inhabitation. 清水江鱼类在泪游、食性、繁殖和栖息习性等方面分别属于不同的生态类型。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Besides the formal marriage mentioned above, there existed an informal marriage, called "co-inhabitation" . 此外,罗马还存在一种非正式婚姻制度,即“姘合”。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Based on the proposed conception of human inhabitation environment, this thesis proposes the topological elements of human settlement. 基于人类聚居环境概念,提出聚居社区的拓扑元素。 www.ilib.cn 1. Gansu province is the main area of Muslim "s inhabitation in the west-north area of China. " 甘肃是回族穆斯林在西北地区的主要聚居区之一。 www.lw23.com 2. The inhabitation problem is the eternal subject of human society. 居住问题是人类社会永恒的主题。 www.juhe8.com 3. Facilitate the employee benefit process such as social insurance, retirement, working inhabitation permission etc. 跟进员工福利的操作,如社会保险,退休,居住许可等工作。 my.ciicjob.com 4. Nowadays, inhabitation is not only the most basic existent demands for people, but also one of the most important enjoyments. 如今,居住不仅是人们最基本的生存的需求,更是人们最重要的享受之一。 www.fabiao.net 5. migrating Moving from one area of inhabitation to another. 移动从居住的一个区域移到另外的区域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The earliest evidence of human inhabitation dates back about 200, 000 years. Cities, however, have only existed for 2000 years. 在人类悠久的都市生活历史中,最早的历史证明可以追溯到:20万年以前,而城市仅仅陪伴了我们2000年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Jianyu obtained it, and built Mount Tai as his inhabitation. 肩吾的之,他造得泰山为他的居所; cn.bbs.yahoo.com 8. Researches on the Suburbanization of Metropolis, The Spacial Differentiation of Inhabitation and Its Model--A Case Study on Beijing City 大城市郊区化、居住空间分异与模式研究--以北京市为例 ilib.cn 9. Evaluation of Agricultural Production Influencing the Ecological Environment of Rural Inhabitation 农业生产对农村人居生态环境影响评价 ilib.cn 10. Implementing the ecological construction and creating the well inhabitation environment 抓好生态建设创造良好人居环境 service.ilib.cn 1. Connection of Behavior and Surroundings-- Comparison Analysis of the Mode of the Inhabitation Space 环境和行为关系--人居空间模式的比校分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Traditional Building Philosophy's Permeability on Modern Inhabitation Modality 传统住宅哲学对现代居住形态的渗透 service.ilib.cn 3. On Man-made Problems Concerning Human Inhabitation Environment in Cities and Sustainable Development 城市次生性人居环境问题与可持续发展 www.ilib.cn 4. Commonality Space Construction of Aggregation Inhabitation and High-rise Housing Inner Public Space 聚合居住与高层住宅主体公共空间营造 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Small Dwelling-size Apartments with the Perspective of Inhabitation Theory 从住居学角度浅析小户型住宅 ilib.cn 6. To save energy design in human environment and inhabitation building 人类环境与居住建筑节能设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Human Inhabitation and Settlement Environment 人类聚居环境 www.abbs.com.cn 8. The Investigation Research of the Healthy Expending of the Inhabitation in Xi'an 西安市城市居民体育健身消费的调查研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Influences of Confucianism on Inhabitation Culture 儒家思想对居宅文化的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. The Generation and Inhabitation of the Noise of Switch Electric Source 开关电源噪声的产生及抑制方法 service.ilib.cn 1. Chinese Characters and the Inhabitation of the Primitive People 汉字与远古人类的居住习俗 www.ilib.cn 2. The Method of Inhabitation Green Space Framework Controlling in Shenyang City 沈阳市居住环境绿地结构控制方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. A Probe into the Design of House and Design of Inhabitation Environment 住宅建筑设计与居住环境设计的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Senior Inhabitation Planning Suited the Pattern Provision for the Aged in the House 适应居家养老模式的老年居住区规划 www.ilib.cn 5. On the regional creation of modern inhabitation building 现代居住建筑中的地域性创作的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Creation of spacial shape in sloping field inhabitation 坡地居住区空间形态创造 7. On the Fundamentals of the Right of Inhabitation 居住权的理论问题 www.ilib.cn 8. A study on the neoteric inhabitation spatial form and its social structure of Xi'an 近代西安城乡居住空间结构及其形态特征初探 ilib.cn 9. Study on System of Synthetic Assessment of Inhabitation Areas 居住区环境质量综合评价体系研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Space structure of traditional inhabitation form 中国传统居住形态的空间结构 service.ilib.cn 1. The Landlords's Inhabitation in Towns and the Development of the Modern Rural Economy in Jiangnan 城居地主与近代江南农村经济 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Necessity of Setting up Inhabitation Rights System in China 浅论居住权制度在我国设立的必要性 www.ilib.cn 3. Orientation Centered on Task: Contradictions and Strategies in Drug Inhabitation Work in China 任务中心取向:我国当前戒毒工作的矛盾和策略 service.ilib.cn |
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