单词 | better |
释义 | better¹ 1.See good¹ 2.(indicating superior quality)更好的;更令人满意的;更讨人喜欢的;更合适的 This wine's better than that one.这款酒要比那款更好。 Here's a better way to do it.这是处理这件事更好的办法。 That's better!(表示赞成、表扬或鼓励)很好, 这就对了 to get better改善;变好;进步 I hope the weather gets better soon.我希望天气状况一会儿会好转。 My French is getting better.我的法语水平在不断提高。 3.(fully recovered)+ sick person, patient康复的;好转的 to feel better (feel less ill)感觉好一些;感觉好点儿了 Are you feeling better now?你现在感觉好点儿了吗? I drank some water and felt a little better.喝了些水后我感觉好点儿了。 (feel less worried, upset)感到不那么担心了;觉得没那样心烦意乱了 to get better (recover completely)sick person +痊愈;康复 I hope you get better soon.我祝你早日康复。 4.to be better doing sth最好做某事 You're better waiting till tomorrow.你最好等到明天。 5.the better part of sth大部分;大半 I spent the better part of a day on the phone.我花了大半天时间打电话。 6.better still更好 Go and see her tomorrow, or better still, go today.可以明天去看她, 今天去更好。 better²1.See well¹ 2.(indicating superior quality)更好地;更令人满意地;更合适地;更讨人喜欢地 She sings better than him.她比他唱得更好。 3.(more)更;更加;更大程度上 to like sth/sb better更喜欢某事物/某人 to know sb/sth better更了解某人/某事物 You should know me better than that.你应该更了解我的。 4.to go one better than sth超过…;比…更胜一筹 I can go one better than that.我可以做得更好。 5.had better do sth最好做某事 You'd better do it straight away.你最好马上去做这件事。 I'd better go home.我最好还是回家吧。 6.to know better(比某人)更了解, 知识更多, 经验更丰富 He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced.他经验没有我丰富, 却认为自己懂得比我多。 7.to know better than to do sth明事理而不至于做某事 She knew better than to argue with Adeline.她不至于和阿德琳发生争执。 8.to think better of sb对某人看法改观;改善对某人的印象 I thought better of her after she apologized to everyone.她跟大家道歉之后我对她的看法有了改观。 9.to think better of it重新考虑后打消念头 I was going to walk there but I thought better of it.我本打算步行去那里, 但想想还是算了。 better³1.the better (more excellent person or thing)(两者之中的)较好者, 更好者 2.(superior person)比自己能力强的人;上司;上级 You'll have to compete with your betters.你必须要和比你能力强的人竞争。 your elders and betters你的长辈和上级 3.(gambler)赌徒;赌博者 4.all the betterorso much the better那更好;这样更好 all the better to do sth做某事更合适 5.the…the better越…越好 the bigger the better越大越好 I want him sacked, the sooner the better.我真希望他被炒鱿鱼, 越快越好。 6.the better to do sth<文>为了更好地做某事;以便更有效地做某事 She came on every ride herself, the better to instruct her eager pupils.每一个骑乘项目她都要亲自试一试, 以便更好地指导她那些跃跃欲试的小学生。 7.for the better好转;改善 a change for the better好的转变 Things have recently changed for the better.近来情况有所好转。 He dreams of changing the world for the better.他梦想着让世界变得更美好。 8.for betterorworseorfor betterorfor worse不论好坏;不管结果怎样;不论是福是祸 9.to get the better of sb (in contest, fight)战胜某人;超过某人;jealousy, curiosity, anger +让人难以掩饰;使人难以自制 My curiosity got the better of me.我按捺不住自己的好奇心。 better⁴1.(surpass)超越;胜过;+ figures超过;+ score, record刷新 We have bettered last year's figures.我们刷新了去年的数字。 2.(improve)+ situation改善;使更好 to better yourself提高自己的社会地位 |
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