

单词 a bundle of sth
1.(pile)+of clothing捆;包;+of firewood捆;+of banknotes, newspapers卷;捆

She produced a bundle of notes and proceeded to count out £195.她拿出一沓钞票, 接着数出了195镑。

The magazines were tied up in bundles.杂志被捆成了捆。


I hoisted my bundle over my shoulder.我把包裹提起来放在肩上。

3.<非正式>(a lot of money)一大笔钱

Ever wonder if that old painting gathering dust in the attic is worth a bundle?你有没有想过放在阁楼里积满灰尘的那幅字画可能真的值一大笔钱?

4.a bundle
(a lot)大量:
5.a bundle of sth<非正式>(a mass of)有…特点的人

He was a bundle of energy.他精力充沛。

6.【解剖】+of fibres(神经、肌肉的)束

Muscles are actually bundles of fibres.实际上, 肌肉就是由纤维束构成的。

the bundle of nerve fibres connecting the two halves of the brain连接大脑两半部分的神经纤维束

7.【织】(quantity)包(纱或布的单位;用于亚麻纱线时相当于60,000码, 用于棉绞纱时相当于5或10磅)
See bundle




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