

单词 direction
direction ★★★
1  C  the path that someone or something moves along when going towards a place 方位;方向

Are you sure we’ re going in the right direction? 你确信我们走的方向是对的吗?

change direction The wind has changed direction. 风向已经变了。

in a southerly/easterly etc direction (=towards the south, east etc) The River Leadon flows in a southerly direction. 向南方/东方等

in all directions/in every direction The birds scattered in all directions. 这些鸟朝四处飞散。

in the direction of sb/sth We drove off in the direction of the mountains. 我们驾车朝山的方向开去。

in the opposite direction I’ d give you a lift, but I’ m going in the opposite direction. 我想载你一程,但我走的是相反的方向。

a sense of direction (=knowing which way to go) Michelle’ s always getting lost because of her terrible sense of direction. 方向感

1a the way that someone or something faces or points towards 朝向;指向

Houses here are built facing an easterly direction. 这里的房子都是朝东建的。

in sb’ s/sth’ s direction People walked by without a look in her direction. 人们从旁边走过,看都不看她的方向。

2 directions  plural  instructions for doing something or getting to a place 用法说明;指示

follow directions Remember to follow the directions on the label. 记得按照标签上的说明去做。

give sb directions to sth She gave the driver directions to her house. 她给司机指引去她家的路。

3  C/U  the general development or progress of someone or something 发展方向;走向;趋势;趋向

+of He was determined to change the direction of the business. 他决定改变业务走向。

a change of direction He was looking for a complete change of direction. 他正在寻求彻底改变发展方向。

take a direction Many Labour supporters are unhappy with the direction the party has taken. 许多工党的支持者对该党采取的方针不满。

4  U  the feeling of having a definite purpose 目标;方向

lack direction Your life seems to lack direction. 你的生活好像缺少目标。

have a sense of direction He’ s always had a strong sense of direction. 他总是目标十分明确。

5  U  leadership or management 领导;指导;管理

Peter was responsible for the general direction of the project. 彼得负责项目的全面管理。

under the direction of The building was designed by William Kent, under the personal direction of Henry Richardson. 这一建筑是在亨利・理查森的亲自指导下由威廉・肯特设计的。

6  U  the work of directing a film , programme , or play 导演;(导演的)指示
7  C  usually singular a point that someone or something comes from or goes to 方面;方向

I knew it would be pointless to expect any help from his direction. 我知道期望得到他的帮助是没有意义的。

The evidence is not conclusive, but it does point in this direction. 证据不确凿,但确实指向这个方向。

-   pull in different/oppositedirections
1 to have different or opposite purposes that cannot be achieved together 有不同的目的/有相反的目的
2 to be in a situation in which you feel loyalty to opposing aims or people 倾向于不同/相反的目标
See also
right 2




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