

单词 comfort
comfort 1 ★★
1  U  a physically relaxed state , without any pain or other unpleasant feelings 舒适;舒服

The airline is keen to improve passenger comfort. 该航空公司致力于改善旅客的舒适程度。

in comfort There is plenty of room to lie down and sleep in comfort. 有足够的空间可以躺下舒服地睡一觉。

2  U  a feeling of being less sad or worried about something than you were previously 安慰;慰藉

My mother was always there to offer comfort. 我母亲总能及时出现给予安慰。

take comfort from sth I take comfort from the fact that his friends are there to help him. 他的朋友都去帮助他,这使我感到安慰。

a source of comfort (to sb) She is a source of great comfort. 她总能给人带来很大的安慰。

be no/some/small etc comfort (to sb) I know it’ s no comfort, but these things take time. 我知道这算不上安慰,但这些事情需要时间。

2a  C  someone or something that makes you feel better when you are sad or worried 给人以安慰的人;给予安慰的事物

It was a comfort to think that there was no rent to pay. 想到不用付房租也是一种安慰。

be a comfort to sb Her children have been a great comfort to her. 她的孩子们对她来说一直是一个极大的安慰。

2b used for making yourself feel better when you are sad or worried 使人感到安慰的

a comfort blanket 一条令人安适平静的毛毯

3  U  a pleasant way of life in which you have everything you need (生活的)舒适,安逸

Now he can live in comfort for the rest of his life. 现在他可以在安逸中度过余生了。

4 comforts  plural  things that make your life easier and more pleasant 使生活舒适的东西;奢侈品

the comforts of domestic life 家用的舒适品

home comforts I miss my home comforts when I’ m away. 我外出的时候很想念家庭的舒适。

  Words frequently used with comfort
  comfort 的常见搭配词
  verbs   bring, derive, draw, find, offer, seek, take,
See also
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