

单词 detach
1  T  to remove a part from something 拆下;使分离

A leaf detached itself and fell to the ground. 一片树叶掉了下来,落到地上。

detach sth from sth Two soldiers were struggling to detach the machine gun from its mount. 两名士兵正奋力把机枪从底座上拆下来。

1a  I  to become removed from something 分开;分离

The hood fastens to the collar with studs and detaches easily. 风帽用领扣扣在领子上,很容易拆下来。

2  T  to send a group of soldiers to perform a special job separately from the rest of their group 派遣

I proposed detaching a squadron to seize the island. 我建议派一个中队占领该岛。

-   detach yourself (from)
1 to move away from someone 离开

He saw William detach himself from the group and move towards them. 他看到威廉离开那群人,向他们走来。

2 to stop being involved in a close or emotional way with someone or something 不再参与;脱离

Edward, who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings, stared out of the window. 爱德华看来走神了,凝视着窗外。





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