

单词 stand
stand 1 ★★★
1  I  to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet 站;站立;直立

The train was full and we had to stand all the way to Edinburgh. 火车满员了,我们不得不一直站到爱丁堡。

+by/at/on/behind etc Mrs Carter was standing by the open window. 卡特夫人正站在敞开的窗户旁。

The man standing behind him spoke. 站在他后面的人发了言。

stand with your back to sb/sth He was standing with his back to her. 他背向她站着。

stand doing sth He stood looking at them in silence. 他站着默默地看着他们。

stand and do sth The children stood and watched. 孩子们站起来观望着。

stand still (=not move) They all stood still and listened to the sound coming from outside. 站着不动

Stand still and let me brush your hair. 站着别动,我来给你梳梳头。

1a to stand and be unable to move because you are reacting in a particular way to something (因为…)站着不能动

stand motionless/transfixed/open-mouthed etc She stood transfixed as the man lurched unsteadily across the busy road. 看到那个人摇摇晃晃地穿过车来车往的马路时,她吓呆了。

1b to hold your body in an upside down position supported only by your head/hands 倒立/双手倒立
2 stand  I  to move from sitting or bending down into an upright position 起立

The whole courtroom stood as the judge entered. 当法官进来时法庭里所有人都站了起来。

3  I  +on/in to put your foot on or in something by accident (不小心)踩到

He apologized for standing on my foot. 他为不小心踩了我的脚道了歉。

I just stood in something disgusting. 我刚踩到了让人恶心的什么东西。

4  I  if an object or building stands somewhere , it is in a particular position 屹立;竖立

His statue stands in the city square. 他的雕像矗立在城市广场上。

Their house stood at the top of a hill. 他们的房子坐落在山顶。

4a  T  to put an object or a person somewhere in an upright position 使直立;把…竖直放

Stand the bookcase against the far wall. 把书架靠着对面的墙壁放。

4b  I  if something such as a building is standing , it has not been destroyed (建筑物等)没有倒塌,依然矗立

still standing The ancient family home is still standing. 古老的家宅依然矗立着。

left standing Only a few homes were left standing after the earthquake. 地震过后,没有倒塌的房子寥寥可数。

4c  I  used for talking about the state or condition of a building or object (建筑物或物品)处于(某种状态)

The house stood neglected for nearly 100 years. 这座房子被荒废了近100年。

stand empty/idle The old factory now stood empty. 这家老工厂现在空着。

Several ships are standing idle in the port as the dock strike continues. 因为码头罢工仍在继续,几艘船闲置在港口。

5  I  if a car , train , plane etc stands somewhere , it remains there without moving , waiting to be used (汽车、火车、飞机等)停住,停着

Luckily, the train was still standing at the platform. 幸运的是火车还停在站台里。

6  I  to be a particular height 有…高度

Their father stands well over six feet. 他们的父亲有6英尺多高。

The structure stands 40 metres high. 这个建筑物有40米高。

7  I  to be in a particular situation or state 处于(某种状态)

as it stands/as things stand As it stands, the law doesn’ t allow local government to take such action. 在目前情况下,法律不允许地方政府采取这样的行动。

where/how sth stands How do negotiations stand at the moment? 目前谈判进展如何?

know where you stand (with sb) (=understand your position) He might seem rude, but at least you know where you stand with him. 知道(某人)如何看待自己

7a used for talking about someone’ s attitude 采取(某种态度)

He stood aloof from the daily operations of the office. 他对办公室的日常业务漠不关心。

stand ready/prepared We stand ready to sign any reasonable agreement that you produce. 我们已准备好签署你们提出的任何合理的协议。

stand together/united So long as we all stand together, we’ ll win. 只要我们团结一致,我们就会胜利。

7b to be in a particular situation or state that makes something likely to happen to you 可能会做某事

Many small companies stand to lose financially if the new law is introduced. 如果采用新的法规,很多小公司可能会蒙受经济损失。

8  I  +at to reach a particular level , amount etc 达到(某一水平、数量等)

The total amount of money raised so far stands at over £3000. 到目前为止,筹集来的钱共有3,000多英镑。

9  I  if something such as an offer , a law , or a record stands, it remains in existence or use (提议、法律、纪录等)继续存在,保持

a world record that stood for nearly 20 years 保持了近20年的世界纪录

still stands Tell him my offer still stands. 告诉他我的出价保持不变。

10  T  usually in negatives or questions to be willing to accept something that someone does 容忍;忍受

I can’ t stand his lies any more. 我无法再忍受他的谎言。

I won’ t stand any more arguing from you. 我无法再忍受和你争论了。

How can you stand all that noise? 你怎么能受得了那样的噪声?

stand sb doing sth I won’ t stand them interrupting me all the time. 我不会再容忍他们老是打断我。

11  I  to have a particular attitude or view about a person or subject 持有(某种态度或看法)

where sb stands on sth Where does the Prime Minister stand on this issue? 首相对这个问题持什么态度?

12  T  to be good or strong enough not to be badly affected or damaged by something 经得起

These are plants that do not stand the cold well. 这些植物不怎么耐寒。

stand the test of time One wonders how many of these new businesses will stand the test of time. 人们想知道这些新的企业有多少能经受住时间的考验。

stand the strain I didn’ t think these boots would stand the strain of such a long walk. 我看这些靴子经不住走这么长的路。

13  I  BRITISH  to take part in an election as a candidate (= someone who people vote for) . AMERICAN run 参加竞选

She’ s not intending to stand at the next election. 她不打算参加下一届竞选。

+as He’ ll be standing as the candidate for Falkirk West. 他要以西福尔柯克的候选人的身份参加竞选。

14  I  if a liquid stands, it is still and does not flow (液体)不流动

soil where water stands in the winter 冬天水结冰的土地

15  I  if a food , drink , or mixture stands, nothing is done to it so that its flavours can develop and become stronger (为使食物、饮料或混合物的味道更醇厚而)放置,搁

leave/allow sth to stand for sth Leave the mixture to stand for 20 minutes. 将混合物放上20分钟。

16  T  to perform a particular job or service 承担…职责

stand guard (over sb/sth) Two men were left standing guard over the prisoners. 两个人被留下来看守俘虏。

stand bail/surety (for sb) (=accept a legal or financial responsibility for someone) No one would stand bail for him. (为某人)保释/担保

He could not leave the country unless the Embassy stood surety for him. 没有大使馆的担保,他就不能离开这个国家。

17  T  informal old-fashioned   to buy something for someone , especially food or drink 为(某人)付款;请(某人)客

stand sb sth I’ ll stand you a cup of coffee if you’ ve no money. 如果你没钱,我来请你喝咖啡。

-   sb can’ t stand sb/sth
used for saying that a person dislikes someone or something very much

I can’ t stand milk. 我受不了牛奶。

James just can’ t stand his mother-in-law. 詹姆斯就是无法忍受他的岳母。

can’ t stand doing sth I can’ t stand waiting for buses. 我受不了等公共汽车。

can’ t stand sb doing sth He couldn’ t stand anyone feeling sorry for him. 他无法忍受任何人为他难过。

can’ t stand the sight of sb/sth Sylvia couldn’ t stand the sight of blood. 西尔维亚见不了血。

-   sb can’ t stand to do sth
used for saying that someone dislikes something so much that they cannot allow it to happen

She couldn’ t stand to see him leave. 她受不了看着他离去。

-   sb could stand sth
used for saying that you think that someone should do something because it would be a good thing

Those kids could stand a few lessons in good manners. 那些孩子应该上一些礼仪课。

sb could stand to do sth He could stand to lose a bit of weight. 他应该减减肥。

-   do sth standing on your head informal
to do something very easily and very well

She could run the whole office standing on her head. 她可以毫不费力地管理好整个办公室。

-   from where sb stands
according to the way someone views or understands a situation

From where we stand, there can only be one choice. 从我们的角度看,只能有一个选择。

-   if you can’ t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen spoken
used for saying that if someone finds a situation too difficult to deal with , they should stop being involved in it
-   I stand corrected spoken formal
used for saying that you accept you are wrong about something
-   it stands to reason (that)
used for saying that something is obvious because it is what most sensible people would expect

If they don’ t like you, it stands to reason they won’ t hire you. 如果他们不喜欢你,当然不会雇用你。

-   not stand on ceremony
to behave in an informal way in a situation where people might expect you to be formal

There’ s no need to stand on ceremony – come in and relax. 不要拘礼,进来放松一下。

-   standaccused of sth
to be the person who has been formally accused in a court of law of committing a crime
-   standalone
1 to not depend on other people or things or be influenced by them 自立;独立;不受影响

On this issue, Britain stands alone against the US. 在这个问题上,英国不会被美国所左右。

2 to be in a position or place where there are no other people or things 孤立

The house stood alone on the edge of the village. 那所房子孤零零地坐落在村庄的边上。

-   stand a chance/hope
to be likely to achieve something

stand a chance/hope of doing sth Do they stand any chance of winning against France? 他们有机会战胜法国吗?

-   stand sb in good stead
to be useful to someone if a particular situation happens in the future

The experience will stand him in good stead when he leaves college. 当他离开大学时这些经验将使他受用不尽。

-   stand in line mainly AMERICAN
to form or join a row of people waiting one behind the other to do something . BRITISH usually queue
-   stand in sb’ s way/path
to try to stop someone from doing something

If you want to marry him, we won’ t stand in your way. 如果你想和他结婚,我们不会拦你。

-   stand in the way of sth
to try to prevent something from happening

You can’ t stand in the way of progress. 你无法阻止前进的步伐。

-   stand on your own (two) feet
to behave in an independent way , especially by not asking for financial help from anyone
-   stand or fall by/on sth
to succeed or fail because of a particular thing

The hotel industry stands or falls on the standard of its service. 旅馆业的成败取决于其服务的标准。

-   standpat AMERICAN informal
to refuse to change an opinion , decision , or intention
-   standtall
to behave in a proud and confident way
-   stand there
to stand in a place for no particular purpose , without doing anything useful

Don’ t just stand there – give me a hand! 别光站在那儿,帮我一下!

-   stand to attention
if soldiers stand to attention , they stand very straight in a formal situation
-   standtrial (for sth)
to be judged for a crime in a court of law

The two men escaped three days before they were due to stand trial for murder. 这两个人在因谋杀罪受审的前3天逃跑了。

ˌstand aˈgainst
1 stand against sb/sth: to oppose someone or something , especially in a brave or determined way (尤指勇敢或坚决地)抵御,反对

We must stand against the evil forces that are threatening our country. 我们必须坚决反对威胁我们国家的邪恶力量。

2 stand against sb: to take part in an election as a candidate (= someone who people vote for) to try to defeat another candidate (在竞选中)与(某人)竞争

He had stood against her in the party elections of 1977. 在1977年的党内竞选中他与她竞争。

ˌstand aˈround or ˌstand aˈbout  BRITISH
to stand somewhere and do nothing , often when you should be doing something (常指该做事时)闲站着不做事,懒散地消磨时间

Don’ t let the boss see you standing around doing nothing. 别让老板看见你闲站着不做事。

ˌstand aˈside
1 to move to one side in order to let someone go past you 闪开;让开

They quickly stood aside to let me pass. 他们快速地闪开,让我过去。

2 BRITISH  to not involve yourself in a situation , especially one that you should be trying to prevent (尤指应该努力阻止时)袖手旁观

You can’ t just stand aside and watch your colleagues being treated like that! 你不能看着你的同事受到那样的对待而袖手旁观!

3 to let someone else have your job or position 让位

The trade secretary has been asked to stand aside in favour of her deputy. 商会秘书被要求把位置让给她的副手。

ˌstand ˈback
1 to move away from something , or stand at a distance from something , especially something dangerous 往后退;远离(尤指危险物)

+from The children were told to stand well back from the fire. 孩子们被告知要离火远一点。

2 if a building stands back from a road , it is not next to it (建筑物)远离道路

+from The house stands back around twenty yards from the lane. 房子离小路大约有20码远。

3 to not let yourself be influenced by your feelings about a situation so that you can think about it more clearly 置身于一定距离之外(考虑事物)

I forced myself to stand back and assess the situation. 我强迫自己置身事外估计形势。

ˌstand beˈtween
stand between sb and sth: to prevent someone from gaining or achieving something 阻挡;阻碍

Only one person stood between her and the presidency. 只有一个人妨碍她当总统。

ˌstand ˈby
1  I  often progressive to be ready to do something 准备行动;做好准备

A boat will be standing by in case of emergency. 船只将做好准备,以免出现紧急情况。

2  I  to not take action when you should 袖手旁观

We can’ t just stand by and watch her die. 我们不能袖手旁观,看着她死去。

3  T  stand by sb: to be loyal to someone who is in a difficult situation 支持,忠于(某人)

We knew they would stand by us no matter what we’ d done. 我们知道不论我们做了什么他们都会支持我们的。

4  T  stand by sth: to continue to believe or support something although a situation has changed 坚持认为;坚决支持

The doctors are standing by their claim that they are not at fault. 医生们仍然坚持声称他们并无过错。

ˌstand ˈdown
1 to leave a job or position , especially an important one (尤指从要职)退下,辞职

+as She’ ll be standing down as president at the end of the year. 年末她将从主席的位置上退下来。

2 to leave the witness box in a court of law after you have answered lawyers’ questions (作证后)退出证人席
ˈstand for
1 if an abbreviation or a symbol stands for something , that is what it means or represents 是…的缩写;代表;象征

The letters ERM stand for Exchange-Rate Mechanism. 字母ERM是汇率机制的缩写。

2 if someone stands for a particular principle , they believe that principle is important 主张;支持

I hate them and everything they stand for. 我讨厌他们以及他们主张的一切。

3 BRITISH  to take part in an election as a candidate (= someone who people vote for) for a particular position or institution . In American English, you say that someone  runs for office 竞选

Malcolm McLaren stood for Mayor of London in 2000. 马尔科姆·麦克拉伦在2000年竞选过伦敦市长。

She is intending to stand for parliament. 她打算竞选国会议员。

4 usually in negatives to be willing to accept something that someone does 接受;容忍

No one makes a fool of me. I won’ t stand for it! 没有人欺骗我。我是容不得别人骗我的!

ˌstand ˈin
to do someone else’ s job temporarily while they are not available to do it 暂时代替(某人)

Lorraine was ready to stand in if Helen got sick. 如果海伦病了,洛林准备替换她。

+for I’ ll be standing in for Peter while he’ s away. 彼得不在的时候我将代替他。

ˌstand ˈout
1 to be easy to see or notice because of being different 引人注目;显眼;突出

+against His turquoise tie stood out against his black suit. 他那青绿色的领带在黑色套装的衬托下很显眼。

+from Their old orange car stood out from all the rest. 他们那辆橙色的旧车比其他的轿车都醒目。

stand out in a crowd Her bright clothes always make her stand out in a crowd. 她那鲜艳的衣服总是使她在人群中很显眼。

2 to be much more impressive or important than others 杰出;出色

+as Germany stands out as the leader in environmental reporting. 德国在环境报告领域很突出,居于领先地位。

stand out in your mind (=be remembered very clearly) It stands out in my mind as the most exciting day of my career. 清晰地记得

ˌstand ˈout against
stand out against sth: to state or show publicly that you oppose something (公开)反对,抵抗

They are not ashamed to stand out against change. 他们并不因为反对变革而感到羞愧。

ˌstand ˈout for
stand out for sth: to refuse to accept less than what you are asking for 坚决要求(应得到的东西)

We are standing out for a fair reward for our hard work. 我们坚持要求给我们的辛勤工作以一份公平的回报。

ˌstand ˈover
stand over sb: to watch someone while they are doing something , usually in order to make sure they are doing it correctly 监视;密切注意

I’ m fed up with him standing over me while I work. 他盯着看我工作,我真是受够了。

ˌstand ˈup
1  I  to put your body into an upright position from a sitting or lying position 起立;站立

A man at the back stood up to ask a question. 后面的一个人站起来提问。


You have the chair. I don’ t mind eating standing up. 你坐吧,我不介意站着吃。

stand up straight Stand up straight and take your hands out of your pockets. 站直了,把手从口袋里拿出来。

2  I  to react in a particular way to severe conditions or treatment 经得起

I wasn’ t sure how well the house would stand up in a storm. 我对这房子抗风暴的能力没有把握。

+to She was confident her witness would stand up well to detailed questioning. 她相信她的证人经得起详细的询问。

3  I  to still seem true or correct after being examined carefully 经得起推敲;经得起检查;站得住脚

stand up in court We all knew her story wouldn’ t stand up in court. 我们都知道她的说法在法庭上站不住脚。

4  T  stand sb up: to not come to meet someone you have arranged to meet , especially someone you are having or starting a romantic relationship with 与(尤指异性)失约;未如约与…会面

Did she stand you up? 她没有如约与你见面吗?

-   stand up and be counted
to state or show publicly that you support someone or something , especially when something unpleasant or dangerous could happen to you as a result
ˌstand ˈup for
stand up for sb/sth: to defend someone or something that is being criticized or attacked 捍卫;保卫;支持;维护

You’ ve got to stand up for what you believe in. 你要捍卫你的信仰。

stand up for yourself I learned how to stand up for myself early on in life. 在年轻的时候我学过如何维护自己的权益。

stand up for your rights The only crime they’ ve ever committed is to stand up for their rights. 他们所犯的唯一罪行就是维护自己的权利。

ˌstand ˈup to
stand up to sb: to not allow yourself to be treated badly , especially by someone in authority 拒绝接受(某人或某组织的)不公正待遇;抵抗

Nobody thought he would be brave enough to stand up to her. 谁也没想到他会有足够的勇气顶撞她。

See also
fast 2
leg 1
ground 1




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