

单词 stand
stand 2 ★★
1  C  usually singular an attitude or opinion about something , especially one that you state publicly 立场;见解

+on I couldn’ t vote for them because of their stand on social issues. 由于他们在社会问题上的立场,我不能投他们的票。

take a stand (on sth) (=state your opinion clearly) The president has not taken a stand on this issue. 表明(对…的)立场

2  C  usually singular a determined attempt to oppose someone or something that you consider to be wrong 反抗;抵抗

+against support for their stand against racism 对他们反抗种族主义的支持

take/make a stand (against sb/sth) The Prime Minister must take a firm stand against extremists in his party. 首相必须坚决地反对其党内的极端主义者。

3  C  a large table or temporary structure used for selling things, especially food or drink 售货亭;售货台;摊位

a hot-dog stand 热狗摊

3a a large table at an exhibition where an organization offers information , goods , or services 展台

the Porsche stand at the recent Paris show 保时捷汽车在最近巴黎展览会上的展台

4  C  an object or a piece of furniture used for holding , supporting , or storing something 架;座;台

a cake/mike stand 蛋糕架/麦克风支架

an umbrella stand 伞架

5  C  often plural a part of a sports stadium where people sit or stand to watch a match or event 看台
6  singular  MAINLY AMERICAN  the part of a court of law where people stand to answer lawyers’ questions. BRITISH usually witness box 证人席
6a to go into the stand and start to give evidence 到证人席作证
7  C  usually singular the period during which a particular pair of batsmen play together in a cricket match or the total number of runs they make together (在一局板球赛中两个击球员的)坚守时间,总计得分
See also
one-night stand




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