

单词 cost
cost 1 ★★★
1  C/U  the amount of money that is needed in order to buy , pay for , or do something 价钱;价格;成本;费用

+of A rise in interest rates will increase the cost of borrowing. 利率的提高会增加借款成本。

cover the cost of sth (=be enough to pay for something) We need money to cover the cost of heating. 支付某物的费用

the cost of doing sth The cost of rebuilding the theatre will be £13 million. 重建该剧院的费用将达1300万英镑。

at a cost of We’ re organizing a trip to London, at a cost of £15 per head (=for each person) . 我们正在组织到伦敦旅游,费用是每人15英镑。

+to This scheme helps homeless people at no cost to the taxpayer. 该计划帮助无家可归者,不花纳税人一分钱。

2  C/U  damage or loss that is caused to something good or worth having 代价;牺牲;损失

+of the serious environmental costs of the new road network 新公路网给环境造成的严重破坏

+to They decided to divorce, whatever the cost to their children. 他们决定离婚,不管会给孩子带来多大的影响。

at a cost of The plant closed down at a cost of over 1,000 jobs. 工厂倒闭了,失去了1000多个工作岗位。

the social/human costs of sth the social costs of unemployment 失业的社会成本

3 costs  plural  money that an individual or organization must spend regularly on things like electricity , rent , and travel 日常花销;日常开支

Higher fuel prices will lead to increased costs for car owners. 燃料价格的上升会导致车主的日常开支增加。

Housing and office costs are very high in Tokyo. 在东京居住和办公的日常开支都很大。

cut/reduce costs New technology has helped us to cut costs. 新技术已经帮助我们降低了日常花销。

3a all the money that a business must spend to produce something or provide a service 成本

At these prices, we are not even covering our costs. 这样的价格我们连成本都收不回。

manufacturing costs 制造成本

4 costs  plural  legal   money that someone involved in a court case must give in order to help pay for the lawyers and the court , usually after they have lost the case (通常在败诉后支付的)诉讼费用

He was ordered to pay a fine of £250 plus £100 costs. 他被勒令交纳250英镑罚款和100英镑诉讼费。

-   at a cost
used for saying that it may not have been worth doing something because so much has been lost or damaged as a result

He got the job, but at a cost. 他得到了工作,但也付出了代价。

-   at all costs
used for saying that something must be done , however difficult it is or however much damage it causes

She was determined to win at any cost. 她决心不惜一切代价要获胜。

-   at cost
if you sell something at cost , you sell it for the same amount that you spent when you made it or bought it
-   to your cost
if you know something to your cost , you know it is true because of a bad experience

George is not always honest, as I discovered to my cost. 乔治并不总是诚实的,我可吃过苦头。

  Words frequently used with cost
  cost 的常见搭配词
  verbs   cover, cut, defray, incur, meet, offset, recoup, recover, reduce,
See also
cost of living
count 1




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