

单词 alongside
alongside ★★
  Alongside can be used in the following ways:
alongside 有以下用法
  as a preposition (followed by a noun)用作介词(后接名词): A police car drove up alongside us.
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): Peter was riding on a donkey with his father walking alongside.
1 close to the side of sth
along the side of something or close to the side of it 在…旁边;沿着…

The railway runs alongside the road. 铁路顺着公路延伸。

The Russian flag was flying alongside the American Stars and Stripes. 俄罗斯国旗飘扬在美国星条旗旁边。

2 working with sb
2a if you work alongside someone , you work with them in the same place and for the same purpose 与(某人)一起(工作)

Volunteers worked alongside professional builders in a massive reconstruction programme. 在一个大型的重建项目中,志愿者与专业建筑人员并肩工作。

Leslie Caron starred alongside Maurice Chevalier in the musical Gigi. 在音乐剧《金粉世界》中,莱斯利·卡伦与莫里斯·切瓦力亚同台演出。

2b if you play or fight alongside someone in a game or war , you play or fight in the same team or on the same side with them 和…一起(比赛或作战)

In the battle, British troops fought alongside US marines. 战斗中,英国部队与美国海军陆战队并肩作战。

3 as important as sb/sth
important enough to be considered as being in the same class as someone or something else that is well known 与…同等重要的

When he dies he will take his place alongside Shakespeare and Dickens as one of the truly great writers of his time. 他死后会成为他那个时代真正的伟大作家之一,与莎士比亚和狄更斯齐名。

4 existing together
if different systems, processes, or ideas exist alongside each other , they exist at the same time 和…共存

In Hong Kong a communist government and a capitalist economy operate alongside each other.

5 in comparison with sb/sth
used for showing that you are comparing one person or thing with another 与…相比

Our profits seem small alongside those of the big multinational companies. 与那些大的跨国公司相比,我们的利润似乎很少。





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