

单词 alone
alone ★★★
  Alone can be used in the following waysalone 有以下用法:
  as an adjective (never before a noun)用作形容词(不用于名词前): I was alone in the house. 我独自一人在房子里。
  as an adverb 用作副词: Kim prefers to travel alone. 金喜欢自己一个人旅行。 He alone knows where the files are hidden. 只有他知道文件藏在哪儿。
1 without anyone with you
1a if you are alone , there is no one else with you 单独的;独自的

Shelley is divorced and lives alone. 谢利离婚了,一个人过日子。

all alone (=completely alone) She was all alone in a dark forest. 独自一人的

1b used when two people are together and no one else is there 两人独处的

It was forbidden for an unmarried couple to be alone together. 未婚男女不得两人独处。

+with Roger hadn’ t had a chance before to be alone with Therese. 罗杰以前一直没有机会与特丽兹独处。

2 lonely
feeling that you have no friends and that no one cares about you 孤独的;孤单的

Jim said goodnight and left, feeling sad and alone. 吉姆道晚安后离开了,感到很伤心和孤单。

alone in the world (=not having any friends anywhere) I felt completely alone in the world. 无亲无故的;孤零零的

3 without any help
3a if you do something alone , you do it without any help from other people 独自地;以个人的力量

He is so severely disabled that he cannot manage alone. 他严重残疾,无法独自完成。

Was the killer acting alone? 杀手是独自作案的吗?

3b to live , work , or make decisions on your own , without any help from other people 独自做(某事)

More women are going it alone in business. 更多的女性在独自做生意。

4 never before noun without including anything else
without including numbers or amounts from anywhere else 单单;仅

Kazakhstan alone had more than 100 different nationalities. 仅哈萨克斯坦就有100多个不同的民族。

The team earned over a million pounds from television alone last year. 该队去年仅靠电视一项就收入100多万英镑。

5 the only person or thing
5a used for emphasizing that a particular person or thing is the only one that has something or can do something 唯一的;独一无二的

He alone was allowed to make decisions on foreign policy. 只有他被准许就外交政策作出决定。

Time alone will show whether the voters made the right choice. 只有时间会表明选民们是否作出了正确的选择。

5b to be the only person that does something 是(做)某事唯一的(人)

Miller was not alone in his opposition to the war. 米勒并不是唯一一个反战的人。

Am I alone in thinking that Biggs could be wrong? 认为比格斯可能出错的只有我一个人吗?

-   leave/let sb alone
to stop annoying or criticizing someone

I wish they’ d just leave me alone. 我希望他们别来烦我。

You let Peter alone. He’ s not done anyone any harm. 你别再批评彼得,他没给任何人带来什么伤害。

-   leave/let sth alone
1 if you leave something alone , you do not do anything to it or touch it 别碰某物

Leave those flowers alone – you’ re going to spoil them. 别动那些花,你会弄坏它们的。

2 to stop trying to deal with something 别管某事

It’ s not your problem, so why don’ t you just leave it alone? 这不是你的问题,所以为什么要去理它呢?





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