

单词 conventional
conventional ★★★
1 usually before noun of the usual , traditional , or accepted type , instead of being new and different 常例的;传统的;因袭的

You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven. 你可以用微波炉或普通的烤炉烹调这些肉。

He wanted a conventional marriage with a wife and kids. 他想要一种有妻有子的传统婚姻。

the problems associated with conventional methods of energy production 与传统发电方式相关的问题

Her views are remarkably conventional. 她的观点非常传统。

1a someone who is conventional follows the usual and accepted opinions and ways of behaving, especially without questioning them (人)拘泥的,守旧的,(尤指)不质疑常规的
2 usually before noun conventional weapons are guns, bombs etc of the usual type , not nuclear weapons. A conventional war is one that does not involve the use of nuclear weapons (武器)常规的(与核武器相对应)

the deployment of conventional armed forces in Europe 欧洲常规军事力量的部署

3 conventional medical treatments are the type of modern medical treatments based on drugs and operations used by most doctors in Europe, North America etc. The expression conventional medicine is often used when comparing these methods with alternative medicine . (医疗)常规的(指欧洲、北美等地多数医生采用的药物和手术治疗方法
-   conventional wisdom
beliefs or opinions that most people accept as correct

The study challenges the conventional wisdom that exercise is good for you. 这项研究质疑“锻炼有益身体”这一流行的看法。

conventionally  adv 




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