

单词 payoff
NOUN  C   
1 a payment that you make to someone as part of an agreement so that they do not cause trouble for you 报偿;补偿

His ex-wife pocketed a £20 million payoff after 26 years of marriage. 他的前妻把2000万英镑揣进自己的腰包,作为26年婚姻的补偿。

1a a payment that you make to someone so that they will do something bad or dishonest for you (用于收买别人做坏事或进行欺诈的)贿赂款
1b a payment that you make to someone so that they will not do something that will cause you problems, especially by telling people about something bad you have done (用于收买他人防止散播不利于己的消息的)封口费
2 a final payment that you make to someone when they stop working for you (辞退某人时的)遣散费

He got a big cash payoff. 他获得了一大笔遣散费。

3 the benefit you get from doing something 回报;收效;成果

Until now the payoff of these reforms has not been seen. 直到现在,这些改革措施还不见有什么成效。





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