

单词 again
again ★★★
  Again is used in the following waysagain 有以下用法:
  as an adverb 用作副词: I love that tune. Play it again. 我喜欢那支曲子,再放一遍。
  as a way of showing how a sentence is related to what has already been said表示一个句子与上文的联系: Tomatoes are easy to grow. But, again, they need to be protected from frost. 西红柿容易种植,但是,也需要保护免遭霜冻。
1 used for saying that something happens or someone does something one more time when it has already happened or been done before 又一次;再一次

You’ ll have to tell me again – I wasn’ t listening. 你得再跟我说一遍,我刚才没在听。

If you fail the exam you will have to take it again. 你如果考试不及格,就得再考一次。

all over again (=a second time from the beginning) Oh no, now I’ ll have to start all over again. 从头再来

1a used for asking someone to repeat something that they told you before , especially because you have forgotten what they said (尤指忘记别人所说的话时请其)再(说)一遍

That friend of yours – what’ s her name again? 你的那个朋友,她叫什么名字,再说一遍?

1b used for saying that something happens many times 一次又一次;一次次

I read through her letter again and again. 我一遍遍地看她的信。

I’ ve told you time and again, you must wear a helmet. 我告诉你多少次了,你必须戴头盔。

2 used for saying that someone or something is in the same state or condition they were in before something happened (回)到原来的状态

I turned over and went back to sleep again. 我翻了个身,又睡着了。

The streets of the city are quiet again. 这个城市的街道又恢复了平静。

3 used for adding a statement that supports what you have already said , or is similar to something you said earlier 另外;再说

The law on copyright is still unclear. And again, it’ s a complex issue. 版权法还是很模糊。再说,这也是一个复杂的问题。

-   (but) then/thereagain mainly spoken
used for introducing a statement that makes what you have just said seem less true , or that is the opposite of what you have just said

I suppose Elaine might help; then again she might not. 我想伊莱恩可能会帮忙,但也可能不会。

The hotel was awful. But there again, you can’ t expect much for £20 a night. 这酒店糟透了。但话又说回来了,你不能对一晚上20英镑的酒店指望太多。

-   half/twice etc as much again
used for comparing two amounts and saying how much more one amount is than the other

A house in London costs half as much again as a house in Edinburgh. 伦敦的房子比爱丁堡的贵一半。





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