

单词 pay
pay 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to give money in order to buy something 支付;付

+for Let me pay for dinner. 我来支付晚餐费用吧。

pay sb for sth Can I pay you for this? 我可不可以因为这个付钱给你?

+by Will you be paying by cash, cheque, or credit card? 您打算用现金、支票,还是信用卡来支付?

+with I’ d like to pay with my card. 我想用信用卡来支付。

pay in dollars/pounds etc Can I pay in dollars? 我可以用美元付账吗?

pay (in) cash There’ s a reduction if you pay cash. 如果用现金支付,会有折扣。

pay the bill Can I pay the bill, please? 我可以付账了吗?

1a  I/T  to give money to someone who does a job for you 支付(某人)报酬;给(某人)工钱

pay sb for sth We still haven’ t paid them for the repairs to the roof. 我们还没把修理屋顶的工钱给他们呢。

pay sb to do sth We had to pay them over £100 to sort it out. 我们只好花100多英镑让他们去整理出来。

pay to have/get sth done Now I’ ll have to pay to get the car fixed. 现在我只好花钱让别人帮我修车。

1b  I/T  to give a company , institution etc money that you owe them (向公司、机构等)偿付,缴纳

We’ ll probably pay more in tax this year. 我们今年可能要缴纳更多的税金。

Did you pay the gas bill? 你的煤气费交了吗?

1c  T  to give someone their salary 付给(某人)工资

Some of the workers haven’ t been paid for weeks. 有些工人好几周都没拿到工资了。

2  I/T  if a job pays a particular amount of money , you get that amount for doing it 支付(某一数额的)报酬

She was in a job paying over £60,000 a year. 她从事的工作年薪有60000多英镑。

My new job pays well. 我的新工作薪水不菲。

2a  I  if a business pays, it earns money (生意)盈利

We have a lot of hard work ahead if we’ re going to make the business pay. 如果想让生意盈利,我们有很多辛苦的工作要做。

3  I/T  to have a good result 有利;划算;值得

it pays to do sth It pays to cover the pool to keep out falling leaves. 把池塘盖起来防止落叶掉进去是有好处的。

it pays sb to do sth It would pay you to get it properly checked. 让人把它好好核对一下,对你会有好处的。

crime doesn’ t pay The message you get from the film is simple: crime doesn’ t pay. 你从电影中得到的信息很简单:多行不义必自毙。

4  I  to suffer because of something you have done 自食恶果;付出代价

It was an outrage, and somebody was going to pay. 那是暴行,会有人遭报应的。

+for They had made him look like a fool and now they were going to pay for it. 他们让他看起来像个傻瓜,现在他们要自食恶果了。

pay dearly for sth (=suffer a lot because of sth) We may pay dearly for our arrogance. 为某物付出昂贵的代价

make sb pay (for sth) She had ruined his life and now he was going to make her pay. 她毁掉了他的生活,现在他要让她为此付出代价。

-   pay court to sb literary
to try to make someone like you by showing them how much you admire or love them
-   pay sb a compliment
to say something nice about someone
-   pay dividends
to bring you a lot of benefit

Thorough lesson planning always pays dividends. 仔细备课通常好处颇多。

-   pay for itself
if something that you have bought pays for itself , it allows you to save as much money as you paid when you bought it

A more efficient machine would pay for itself within a year. 效率更高的机器会在一年内自己把成本赚回来。

-   pay good money for sth
to pay a lot for somethingused for emphasizing that you spent a lot , especially when it has not been worth it

I paid good money for those shoes, and you’ ve only worn them twice. 买那些鞋子我花了大价钱,而你只穿了两次。

-   pay heed very formal
to consider something or give it your attention

+to The government had paid no heed to agricultural advisers. 政府对农业顾问们不闻不问。

-   pay lip service to sth
to say that you support something although you do not really , especially when you do nothing to prove your support

Most people only paid lip service to the state religion. 大部分人只是口头上支持国教。

-   pay over the odds (for sth) BRITISH
to pay more than usual or necessary for something

They don’ t mind paying over the odds for something unusual. 他们并不介意为不寻常之物而破费一番。

-   pay the penalty/price for sth
to have to deal with the bad effects of something you have done

One day you will all pay the price for your selfish behaviour. 总有一天你会为你自私的行为付出代价的。

-   pay sb/sth a /visit/call
to visit someone or something

I think it’ s time we paid the school a visit. 我想我们该去学校看看了。

-   pay through the nose (for sth) informal
to pay much too much for something

In the city centre restaurants, you pay through the nose for your drinks. 在市中心的餐馆里,饮料价格很昂贵。

-   pay tribute/homage to sb
to say or do something that shows you respect and admire someone a lot
-   pay your respects (to sb) formal
1 to visit someone or send them a greeting 拜访(某人);(向某人)致以问候

Please pay my respects to your mother. 请代我问候你母亲。

2 to go to someone’ s funeral 参加(某人的)葬礼

Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to a great leader. 上千人参加了葬礼,向伟大的领袖致以最后的敬意。

-   pay your way
to pay for everything you need or use yourself , rather than allowing or expecting other people to pay for you

Your children grow up and they start to pay their way. 你的孩子们长大了,他们开始自食其力。

ˌpay ˈback
1 to give someone the same amount of money that you borrowed from them 偿还(借款);还(某人)的钱

I’ ll be able to pay you back next week. 我下周就可以把钱还给你。

I don’ t think we can afford to pay the full amount back now. 我觉得我们现在还没办法把所有的欠款都还清。

pay sb sth back She’ ll pay us the rest back when she gets her wages. 她拿到工资后会把剩余的欠款都还给我们。

2 to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you 报复(某人)

pay sb back for sth She knew how to pay them back for the trouble they had caused. 他们惹出了那些麻烦,她知道怎样报复他们。

ˌpay ˈin
to put money into your bank account 把(钱)存入财户

I’ d like to pay these two cheques in. 我想把这两张支票存起来。

ˈpay into
1 BRITISH  to put money into your bank account 把(钱)存入财户

You can pay cash into any one of our three hundred branches. 你可以把现金存到我们300处分行的任何一处。

2 pay into sth, pay sth into sth: to invest money in something such as an insurance policy or a pension fund so that you will receive money in the future 投资到(保险、养老金等)中

She pays into the employees’ pension scheme. 她把钱投到员工们的退休金方案中去。

ˌpay ˈoff
1  I  if something that you do pays off , it brings you some benefit 盈利;得到回报

All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam. 所有那几周的学习都会在考试的时候见成效。

2  T  to give someone all the money you have borrowed from them to buy something 清偿;还清

Only another six months and the house will be paid off. 只要再过6个月,房款就能全部还清。

3  T  to stop employing a worker and give them any money they are owed 付清工资后解雇(某人)

Over 1,000 workers will be paid off if this factory closes. 如果这家工厂倒闭,就会有1000多工人在结清工资后被辞退。

4  T  to give someone money so that they will do something bad or dishonest for you 收买,买通(某人做坏事)

There were suspicions that officials had been paid off. 有人怀疑官员们被买通了。

4a to give someone money so that they will not do something that will cause you problems, especially by telling people about something bad you have done 用钱封住(某人的嘴,尤指为了不让别人知道自己所做的恶行)

They threatened to tell reporters about him unless he paid them off. 他们威胁说如果他不花钱封住他们的嘴,他们就要把他的事情告诉记者。

ˌpay ˈout
1  T  to spend or pay money , especially a lot of money 花费,支付(尤指巨款)

We’ ve paid out thousands of pounds in health insurance over the years. 这几年来我们已经在健康保险方面花费了好几千英镑。

1a  I/T  to provide money from an amount invested over a period of time 得到(投资的)回报

It’ ll be a few years before our investments start paying out. 我们的投资还要过好几年才会有所回报。

2  T  technical   if you pay out a rope , you gradually let it become straight and long so that it is no longer wound in a series of circles 放出,松出(绳索)
ˌpay ˈup
to pay money that you owe , especially when you are unwilling to pay (尤指不情愿地)赔付

We’ re waiting for the insurance company to pay up. 我们在等保险公司赔付。





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