/baɪ/ |
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1 | used for stating who or what does sth |
| 1a | used , especially with passive verbs, for showing who does something or what causes something 被,由,由…引起(尤与动词被动态连用) | | Injured refugees were treated by a Red Cross doctor. 受伤的难民得到红十字会医生的救治。 | | The abbey was founded by Henry II in 1170. 这座大教堂是亨利二世于1170年建造的。 | | Children are fascinated by the idea of magic. 孩子们被关于魔法的想法迷住了。 | | a rebellion by separatist guerrilla forces 主张独立的游击队发起的叛乱 | | damage caused by the storm 暴风雨造成的损失 | |
| 1b | used for saying who wrote a book or a piece of music , who painted a picture etc 由…创作;由…谱写;由…画 | | a novel by Graham Greene 格雷厄姆·格林所写的小说 | | mural paintings by Diego Rivera 迭戈·里维拉所画的壁画 | |
| 1c | used for saying who the other parent of someone’ s child is 与某人所生 | | She had a child by each of her three husbands. 她与她的三任丈夫各生了一个孩子。 | |
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2 | used for stating how sth is done |
| 2a | using a particular method to achieve something (用于表示手段)用,靠,通过,凭借 | | Foreign languages were taught by the traditional method at my university. 我所在的大学里用传统的方法教外语。 | | The palace balcony is shielded by bulletproof glass. 宫殿的阳台用防弹玻璃保护起来。 | | Every bit of lace is made by hand (=not using a machine) . 每一寸花边都是手工制作的。 | | by doing sth By using the Internet you can do your shopping from home. 使用因特网你可以在家里购物。 | | by post/phone/fax etc They exchanged New Year’ s greetings by email. 他们通过电子邮件互致新年问候。 | |
| 2b | using a particular method of transport 乘(交通工具) | | by car/train/bus/air etc Sophie’ s parents arrived by taxi. 索菲的父母乘出租车到达。 | |
| 2c | using a particular road , path , door etc 沿,经由,通过(某条路、门等) | | We returned home by a different route. 我们走不同的路线回到家里。 | | She went in by the side entrance. 她从侧门进去的。 | |
| 2d | using a particular name or title 以,用(名字或称呼) | | Staff generally address each other by their first name. 员工们通常互相直呼其名。 | | The UN refugee agency is known by its initials UNHCR. 联合国难民署以它的首字母缩写UNHCR为大家所熟知。 | |
| 2e | used for saying how you start or finish something 以…作为开始;以…作为结束 | | I’ m going to start off by explaining the purpose of our campaign. 我将以解释我们运动的目的作为开始。 | |
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3 | before or until |
| 3a | not later than a particular time or date 不迟于 | | The meeting should have finished by 4.30. 会议本来应该在 | | Application forms must be received by 31st March. 申请表必须在3月31日之前收到。 | |
| 3b | during the period until a particular time or date 到…时(为止) | | By mid afternoon over 5,000 people had visited the exhibition. 到下午3点左右已有5000多人参观了展览。 | | by the time (that) By the time Charlotte was 15, she had already achieved worldwide fame. 15岁时,夏洛特已闻名于世。 | |
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4 | how sth happens used when saying that something happens in a way that was not planned or intended 由于(用于表示某事并非按计划或预期发生) |
| Take care that you don’ t shoot one of us by mistake. 当心,别误射到我们。 |
| We met quite by chance. 我们的相遇十分偶然。 |
| By a stroke of luck I found the perfect title for my new book. 纯粹是靠运气我为自己的新书找到了极好的书名。 |
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5 | used for saying that time passes used for saying that time passes, or how it passes (时间)过去 |
| As time went by, people’ s attitudes slowly changed. 随着时间的推移,人们的态度慢慢改变了。 |
| The days and weeks seem to fly by. 一天天一周周似乎飞逝而去。 |
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6 | used for stating how large a change or difference is used for showing how much something has changed , or how much difference there is between things 相差(用于表示变化或差异的程度) |
| House prices rose by an average 23% during 1998. 房价在1998年间平均上涨了23%。 |
| Owen broke last year’ s world record by 2.4 seconds. 欧文以快了2.4秒的成绩打破了去年的世界纪录。 |
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7 | moving past sb/sth used for saying that someone or something goes past you 经过;从…旁边 |
| She walked right by me without saying a word. 她从我身边走过时一句话也没有说。 |
| There were angry shouts from the crowd as the president’ s motorcade drove by. 当总统的车队驶过时,人群中发出愤怒的喊叫声。 |
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8 | beside or near beside or close to someone or something 在…旁边;靠近 |
| She was sitting over there by the window. 她坐在那边的窗户旁。 |
| There’ s an ashtray just by your elbow. 就在你的肘边有一个烟灰缸。 |
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9 | according to rules according to rules or laws 按照,根据(规则或法律) |
| Casinos are forbidden by law to contribute to political campaigns. 法律禁止赌场为政治竞选活动捐钱。 |
| In the police force we have to do everything by the rulebook. 在警察部队中我们一切都得按规则办。 |
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10 | according to particular standards used for showing that something is judged according to certain standards of behaviour , quality etc 按照,根据(行为、质量等的标准) |
| It’ s no use trying to judge 18th-century morality by modern standards. 用现代的标准去评判18世纪的道德是没有用的。 |
| Her performance was amazing by any standard. 她的表演用任何标准衡量都是令人惊异的。 |
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11 | visiting a place used for saying that someone stops somewhere for a short time , especially while going to another place 在…暂停;(尤指)顺路到 |
| drop/stop/come by Why don’ t you stop by on your way home from work? 你下班回家的路上为什么不顺便来坐一下? |
| Peggy dropped by the office this afternoon. 佩吉今天下午顺便来了一下办公室。 |
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12 | used for stating how you hold sb/sth used for saying which part of a person’ s body or thing you take in your hand when you hold them (用于表示抓住身体或某物的部位) |
| Taking me by the arm, she led me into the next room. 她拉着我的手臂,把我领到了隔壁房间。 |
| Always pick up a CD by the outer edge to avoid damaging the surface. 拿CD时记住拿外缘,以避免刮伤表面。 |
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13 | concerning personal details used for referring to someone’ s character , job , origin , name etc 就(性格、职业、出身、姓名等)来说 |
| by nature/profession/birth/name etc She was, by nature, a cheerful and friendly sort of person. 她天生是那种快乐友善的人。 |
| An American by birth, Cassidy had spent much of his life in Bolivia. 卡西迪祖籍美国,但他大部分的时间在玻利维亚度过。 |
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14 | used for giving calculations and measurements |
| 14a | used for saying what units of measurement are used 按…计算 | | Floor coverings are priced by the square metre. 地面覆盖物是以平方米来计价的。 | | Industrial workers are generally paid by the hour. 产业工人通常按小时来付工资。 | | sold by the dozen 按打出售 | |
| 14b | used for saying how a number is calculated 用…除以;用…乘以 | | To convert gallons to litres multiply by 4.54. 要把加仑换算成升,乘以454。 | |
| 14c | used for giving the size of an area , object , or space by stating its length , width , height etc (表示大小) | | The house has a spacious dining room, measuring 18 feet by 15. 这座房子有很宽敞的餐厅,长18英尺宽15英尺。 | | We are able to offer our readers a fabulous 70 by 50 cm souvenir poster. 我们能够为我们的读者提供70厘米长50厘米宽的精彩纪念海报。 | |
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15 | used for showing a gradual process |
| 15a | used when saying that something happens or changes gradually (用于表示某事逐渐发生或变化) | | The company grew by degrees until it controlled over 20% of the telecommunications market. 那家公司逐渐发展,直至控制了超过20%的电信市场。 | | little by little/bit by bit Little by little Philip got used to life on the farm. 菲利普逐渐习惯了农场的生活。 | | day by day/week by week etc His medical condition is continuing to improve day by day. 他的病情一天天地好转。 | |
| 15b | used when things or people do something or are dealt with one after the other (一个)接着(一个) | | one by one/stage by stage One by one the men came forward to receive their medals. 那些人一个一个地上来领取奖章。 | | item by item The finance committee checks through each document, item by item. 财务委员会逐项核对每份文件。 | |
- | (all) by yourself/itself/himself etc |
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1 | alone 独自地;单独地 | The child had wandered off by herself into the woods. 那个孩子独自一人到树林里闲逛。 | | Her story by itself is not enough to convict him. 她的故事本身不足以让他信服。 | | It was miserable spending Christmas all by myself. 我独自一人过圣诞节太可怜了。 | |
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2 | without being helped by anyone else 无人帮助地 | He couldn’ t have planned the whole thing by himself. 他不可能独自计划了整件事。 | | You can’ t carry that big table all by yourself. 你自己一个人搬不动那张大桌子。 | |
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- | by and by literary |
| after a short time |
| 不久以后 |
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- | by and large |
| used for referring to something in a very general way |
| 总的来说;大体上;基本上 |
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| By and large I think the emphasis should be on recruiting the right people. 总的来说,我认为重要的是招聘合适的人。 |
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- | by the by old-fashioned |
| by the way |
| 顺便提一下 |
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- | by God/gum/Jove etc informal old-fashioned |
| used for emphasizing what you are saying or for expressing surprise |
| 老天作证,老天(用于强调所说的话或表示惊讶) |
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| I said we’ d be there and, by God, we’ ll be there. 我说过我们会到那里,老天作证,我们会到那里的。 |
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- | by night/day |
| during the nightday |
| 在夜间/在白天 |
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| In the desert we travelled by night to avoid the blistering heat. 在沙漠里我们夜间旅行以避开炎热。 |
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- | by the way |
| used for saying that a remark is not relevant to the main subject of your conversation . The abbreviation BTW is often used in emails and text messages |
| 顺便提一下(缩写BTW常用于电子邮件和手机短信中) |
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| By the way, Jeff called this afternoon and he wants you to call him back. 顺便说一句,杰夫今天下午来过电话,他要你给他回电话。 |
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