

单词 ˌall ˈright
ˌall ˈright 1 ★★★
1 satisfactory or fairly pleasant , but not excellent 还算令人满意的;还不错的;尚可的

Manchester’ s all right, but I’ d rather live in London. 曼彻斯特还不错,但我宁愿住在伦敦。

My teacher is all right, but she doesn’ t really listen to me. 我的老师还不错,但她并不真听我说话。

1a very good or nice 挺好的;很不错的

‘What’ s the new boy like?’ ‘He’ s all right!’ ‘新来的男孩怎么样?’‘很不错!’

2 going well or happening successfully 顺利地;成功地

go all right Did the party go all right? 聚会成功吗?

do all right (=be fairly successful) My brother was unemployed for years but he’ s doing all right now. 比较成功;干得不错

3 used for saying that you will allow someone to do something , or you do not mind if they do it 可以,没问题(用于表达许可或不介意)

be all right to do sth It’ s perfectly all right to skip some questions. 跳过一些问题是完全可以的。

be all right if sb does sth Is it all right if I open the window? 我可以打开窗子吗?

be all right with/by sb (=they do not mind) ‘Is it all right with you if I bring a friend?’ ‘Yeah, that’ s all right by me!’ 某人不介意

4 not hurt or ill 未受伤的;健康的

You look terrible, are you all right? 你看上去很不好,没事吧?

The car’ s a write-off, but he’ s all right. 汽车成了废物,不过他没事儿。

5 used for making someone feel less worried or upset 没事(用于安慰)

It’ s all right, I’ m here. 没事儿了,我在这儿。

Don’ t cry, everything’ s going to be all right. 别哭了,一切都会好起来的。

6 used for admitting that something is true , especially when this is not the most important fact in a situation 的确(尤用于承认不太重要的事实)

He’ s attractive all right, but he’ s not that bright. 他的确有吸引力,不过他不是那么聪明。

-   it’ s/that’ s all right
used when someone has thanked you or said sorry to you , to show that you do not mind

‘Thanks for the lift.’ ‘That’ s all right.’ “谢谢你让我搭车。”“不客气。”

-   (it’ s) all right for sb spoken
used for saying that someone is lucky because they do not have the same problems as you

It’ s all right for you, you’ ve got a car, but I have to carry my own bags home. 你当然好,你有汽车,而我却得自己把包扛回家。

-   (it’ s) all right for some (people) BRITISH spoken
used for saying that you think someone is very lucky

‘Their parents are buying them a house.’ ‘All right for some!’ “他们的父母准备给他们买房子。”“某些人就是运气好!”





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