

单词 hero
hero ★★
NOUN  C   
1 someone who has done something brave , for example saving a person’ s life or risking their own life 英雄;豪杰;勇士

a war hero 战斗英雄

The sisters were treated as local heroes after rescuing a two-year-old boy from drowning. 救起一名两岁的溺水男孩后,这对姐妹在当地被视为英雄。

unsung hero (=a hero who has not been praised or recognized) He was one of life’ s unsung heroes. 无名英雄

1a someone you admire for their intelligence , abilities, or personal qualities 偶像

Elvis has been my hero since I was a little boy. 当我还是个小男孩时埃尔维斯就是我的偶像。

2 the main male character of a book , film , or play , who usually has good qualities. The main female character is called the heroine . (书、电影或戏剧中的)男主角,男主人公(通常为正面角色)
3 hero AMERICAN  a type of sandwich that consists of meat , cheese , and vegetables on a long narrow piece of bread (夹有肉、奶酪和蔬菜的)长面包三明治




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