

单词 wide
wide 2 ★★
1 as much as possible 充分地;全部地

The door opened wide and people came streaming out. 门大敞着,人潮往外涌出。

Stand with your legs wide apart, then touch the floor. 两腿叉开站立,然后弯腰触地。

wide awake He was now wide awake and sitting up in bed. 他此时完全醒了,坐在床上。

2 over a large area 广阔地;到处

The news spread far and wide. 这条消息到处传播。

3 to one side of the point that was aimed at 远离目标地;偏离地

Gonzalez should have scored, but he shot the ball wide. 冈萨雷斯本应该得分的,但球射偏了。

-   wide open
1 opened as much as possible 大开的;敞开的

He stepped forward and pushed the door wide open. 他走上前去,一把把门推开。

2 not protected against something 无保护的;易受攻击的

Politicians claim that the country is wide open to terrorist attack. 政治家们声称这个国家易受恐怖分子的袭击。

3 consisting of a large area with no buildings on it 开阔的

The region offers wide open spaces and no crowds. 这一地区很开阔,没有拥挤的人群。

4 with no obvious winner yet 还未决出胜负的;比赛结果尚不确定的

With the championship wide open, this weekend’ s matches are crucial. 冠军还未决出,这个周末的比赛很关键。





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