

单词 sweet
sweet 1 ★★★
1 tasting like sugar 甜(味)的

I’ d like something sweet, like a piece of cake. 我想吃点甜的东西,比方说一块蛋糕。

This tea is too sweet. 这茶太甜了。

She doesn’ t really like sweet things. 她并非真的喜欢甜食。

2 pleasant in smell , sound , or appearance 悦耳的;芳香的;芬芳的;漂亮的

The room is filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers. 房间里弥漫着花香。

The entire audience was entranced by her clear sweet voice. 所有观众都被她那清亮悦耳的嗓音迷住了。

a sweet little kitten 可爱的小猫咪

2a kind , gentle , or nice to other people 和蔼可亲的;温柔的;体贴的

Caroline was the sweetest little girl I have ever looked after. 卡罗琳是我照看过的最温顺的小女孩。

+of It was so sweet of you to do this. 你这么做实在是太体贴了。

2b making you experience a pleasant feeling 令人愉快的

The victory was sweet revenge for the team’ s defeat last season. 这次的胜利为该队上个赛季的失败报了一箭之仇,这令他们感到很开心。

the sweet smell of success (=the pleasant feeling of success) We have yet to experience the sweet smell of success. 成功的喜悦

-   be sweet on sb old-fashioned
to be attracted to someone in a romantic way
-   keep sb sweet informal
to do good things for someone so that they will continue to support you or be friendly to you

They want to keep us sweet so that we won’ t make a fuss. 他们想讨好我们,让我们不再抱怨。

-   sweet FA/Fanny Adams very informal
nothing at all
-   your (own) sweet time informal
if you take your own sweet time , or do something in your own sweet time , you take a long time to do it

He certainly took his own sweet time getting here. 他到这儿来一定花了很长时间。

-   your own sweet way
the way that you choose to do something , especially when this annoys other people

He’ s determined to do it his own sweet way. 他执意以自己的方式做这件事。

See also
home 1
short 1
sweet nothings
sweet tooth




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