

单词 accept
accept ★★★
1  T  to take something that someone gives you 收受;接受

I am here to accept the award on Ms Winslet’ s behalf. 我在这儿代表温斯莱特女士领这个奖。

Saunders has been convicted for accepting bribes. 桑德斯被控犯有受贿罪。

1a  I/T  to say yes to an invitation or offer 接受(邀请或提议)

They offered her a job, and she accepted without hesitation. 他们提出给她一份工作,她毫不犹豫地接受了。

2  T  to agree to do what someone asks or suggests 同意;答应;认可

Our clients will never accept this proposal. 我们的客户绝不会同意这个提案。

Most of the report’ s recommendations have been accepted by the government. 报告中的大部分建议已被政府采纳了。

3  T  to recognize that something is true , fair , or right 相信

Sam accepted her explanation without question. 萨姆毫不怀疑地相信了她的解释。

This argument is unlikely to be accepted by the court. 这一证据不大可能被法庭接受。

+that Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions. 大多数科学家都相信气候变化与排放的含碳气体有关。

generally/widely accepted (=believed by most people) His views on genetics are not now widely accepted. 被普遍接受

3a to recognize that you are responsible for something 承担(责任等);承认

accept blame/responsibility/liability We cannot accept liability for items stolen from your car. 我们不能承担你那汽车上物品被盗的责任。

The media must accept their share of the blame. 传媒必须承担部分过错。

4  T  to recognize that a bad situation exists and cannot be avoided or changed 忍受;容忍

I know it’ s not fair, but you’ ll just have to accept it. 我知道这不公平,但你只能认了。

They found it hard to accept defeat. 他们发现很难接受失败。

+that For a long time, he simply could not accept that she was dead. 在很长一段时间里,他就是无法接受她死了的事实。

5  T  to allow someone to join an organization 接纳,吸收(成员)

Under the new law, gay people will be accepted in the armed forces. 按照新法律,同性恋者可以被吸收入伍。

accept sb as sth Mexico was accepted as a member of the OECD in 1994. 墨西哥在1994年被吸纳为经济合作与发展组织的成员。

5a to allow someone to become part of a community or family , and make them feel welcome 接纳(某人为社区或家庭成员)

The local people never really accepted us. 当地人从没真正接纳过我们。

accept sb into sth She was desperate for the children to accept her into the family. 她非常渴望孩子们能把她当作家庭的一员。

6  T  to consider that something is suitable or good enough for a particular purpose 赞同;赞成

A publisher in New York has accepted her novel for publication. 纽约的一家出版社答应出版她的小说。

7  T  to take a particular form of payment 承兑;接受(某种付款方式)

The payphones here accept either coins or phonecards. 这里的付费电话可用硬币也可用电话卡。

We accept personal cheques with proper identification. 如果有适当的证明,我们可以承兑个人支票。

LEFENTRY: accept
If you take something that someone offers you or if you allow something to happen, you accept it表示收受某人提供的某物或允许某事发生,用accept: We accepted her offer of help. 我们接受了她提出的帮助。 They accepted the court’ s decision. 他们接受了法庭判决。If you say that you are willing to do something, you agree to do it表示愿意做某事用agree: She agreed to work at the weekend. 她愿意周末工作。 We agreed to help. 我们愿意帮忙。You accept something, but you agree to do something.接受某事物用accept, 但愿意做某事用agree。




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