

单词 beneath
beneath ★★★
  Beneath can be used in the following ways:
beneath 有以下用法
  as a preposition (followed by a noun)用作介词(后接名词): the ground beneath your feet 你脚下的地面
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): People waved from the bridge as the boat passed beneath. 船从下面经过时人们在桥上挥手致意。
1 mainly literary   directly under something or at a lower level 在…正下方;在…底下;在…之下

We took shelter beneath a huge oak tree. 我们躲在一棵大橡树下。

He looked out of the windows down to the garden beneath. 他从窗户俯瞰底下的花园。

They slept outside beneath the stars. 他们露宿在繁星之下。

1a under the surface of the ground or water 在地面下;在水面下

the waters of the Timor Sea and the coral reefs that lie beneath 帝汶海水域和海面下的珊瑚礁

1b covered by something 被…覆盖

His frail body lay beneath the blankets. 他虚弱的身子躺在毛毯底下。

from beneath She pulled a dagger from beneath her cloak. 她从斗篷下面拔出一把匕首。

2 formal   used for saying that someone’ s appearance and behaviour do not show their real character or feelings 在…掩饰下;在…背后

Beneath his quiet unassuming manner there lies considerable strength. 在他文静谦逊的举止背后蕴藏着惊人的力量。

She seemed quite calm on the surface, but a great deal of anger lay beneath. 她表面上看起来相当平静,但内心却充满怒火。

-   beneath sb
if a particular action or activity is beneath you , you think that you are of a higher social class than people who do this

Burke regarded it as beneath him to trade with such people. 伯克认为和这样的人进行交易有失身份。





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