

单词 accident
accident ★★★
1  C  a crash involving a car , train , plane , or other vehicle 交通事故

a fatal accident on the autoroute between Paris and Lyons 巴黎和里昂之间高速公路上的一起致命的交通事故

He was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident. 他在一起摩托车事故中不幸丧生。

The accident was caused by ice on the road. 事故是由路面结冰引起的。

1a a sudden event , usually caused by someone making a mistake , that results in damage , injury , or death 事故;(不幸的)意外遭遇

Seven men were killed in a serious mining accident yesterday. 有7人在昨天的重大矿难事故中丧生。

a riding/climbing/hunting accident 骑马/爬山/狩猎事故

1b a mistake that causes minor damage or harm 意外失误

Don’ t make such a fuss – it was an accident. 别这么大惊小怪的——那只是个小失误。

2  C/U  something that happens unexpectedly, without being planned 意外事件;偶然因素

To be honest, my second pregnancy was an accident. 老实说,我第二次怀孕是个意外。

2a used for saying that something was planned, perhaps for dishonest reasons 这绝不是偶然;这是策划好的

It is no accident that every letter we send is delayed. 我们寄的每封信都延误了,这绝非偶然。

-   an accident of birth
a situation caused by who your family is rather than by anything you do
-   an accidentwaiting to happen
1 a situation likely to cause an accident 可能会出事故的情形

An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen. 老化的核反应堆早晚会出事故。

2 someone who behaves in a way that is likely to cause trouble 可能惹麻烦的人
-   by accident
by chance , without being planned or intended

Quite by accident, she came up with a brilliantly simple solution. 在纯属偶然的情况下,她想出了一个绝妙的简便办法。

Occasionally we would meet by accident in the corridor. 我们偶尔会在走廊上意外碰面。

  Words frequently used with accident
  accident 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   bad, fatal, horrific, minor, nasty, serious, tragic,




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