

单词 sure
sure 1 ★★★
1 certain that something is real , true , or correct 确信的;有把握的

I think she’ s called Monica, but I’ m not sure. 我想她名叫莫妮卡,但我不敢肯定。

+(that) Are you sure these figures are right? 你确信这些数据是正确的吗?

I was sure that I had left my keys on the counter. 我敢肯定我把钥匙忘在柜台上了。

+about If you’ re really sure about the facts, we’ ll publish them. 如果你真的能肯定这些情况属实,我们就把它们刊登出来。

not sure how/why/if etc No one is really sure why he resigned. 没有人能真正确定他辞职的原因。

pretty sure (=fairly certain) I’ m pretty sure the pool is open until 6.00. 相当肯定

1a certain about what you feel , what you want , or what you have decided (对自己的感觉、想要的东西或决定的事)确信的

‘I’ ll take the blue one.’ ‘Are you sure?’ “我要蓝色的那件。”“你确定吗?”

not sure how/why/where etc They’ re not really sure where they want to live. 他们不能真正确定自己想要在何处生活。

quite/absolutely sure I’ ll certainly support you, if you’ re quite sure that this is what you want. 如果你相当确信这就是你想要的,我一定会支持你。

1b confident and not in any doubt about something 自信的;无疑的;有把握的

+of If you’ re not sure of the answers, say so. 你要是对这些答案没有把握的话就直说吧。

sure of yourself He sounded so sure of himself that I began to believe him. 听起来他是那么自信,我都开始相信他了。

feel sure (that) I felt sure I could do it if only they’ d give me a chance. 我敢担保,只要他们给我一个机会,我就能做好这件事。

2 certain to happen or result 一定会(发生或出现某种结果)的

sure to do sth If you get drunk tonight, you’ re sure to feel rotten in the morning. 如果你今晚喝醉了,明早肯定会有些不舒服。

a sure thing/bet (=something that will definitely happen) Everyone thought it was a sure thing, and we were amazed when they pulled out. 一定会发生的事

for sure One thing is for sure, I’ m never going skydiving again! 有一点是确定无疑的:我再也不会去跳伞了!

2a certain to succeed 一定会成功的

He took sure aim and squeezed the trigger. 他信心十足地瞄准后用力扣动扳机。

a sure path to success 通往成功的十拿九稳之路

3 strong and firm 坚定有力的

in the sure grip of a powerful emotion 在强烈感情的支配下

His handshake was sure and confident. 他的握手坚定有力而且自信。

4 used about something that is definite and cannot be questioned or doubted 肯定的;没有疑问的;确切的

a sure command of the facts 对事实真相的确切掌握

a sure memory for names 对名字的确切记忆

a sure sign/indication (=a clear and definite sign that something is true) The increase in new home sales is a sure sign the recession is over. (表明某事物属实的)确切迹象

-   be sure to do sth spoken
used for reminding someone to do something

Be sure to fasten your seatbelt. 务必系好安全带。

-   make sure
1 to check something so that you can be sure about it 查明;弄清楚

I think I locked it but we’ d better make sure. 我想我给它上了锁,但我们最好再去察看一下。

+(that) I just wanted to make sure you knew where to go. 我只想确认一下你知道往哪里走。

+of Always make sure of your facts before accusing anyone. 在你指责任何人之前一定要弄清实情。

2 to take the action necessary to be sure that something will happen or be done (采取必要行动)确保

+(that) Police were there to make sure there was no violence. 警察守在那儿以确保没有暴力行为。

-   sure thing spoken
1 used for agreeing to something (用于对某事表示赞同)当然,行

‘Can you give me a hand moving this table?’ ‘Sure thing.’ “你能帮我挪一下这张桌子吗?”“当然可以。”

2 AMERICAN  used as a reply when someone thanks you (用于回答某人对你的感谢)别客气

‘Thanks for your call, Joe.’ ‘Sure thing.’ “乔,谢谢你打来电话。”“别客气。”

-   to be sure spoken formal
used for admitting that something is true , before you say something that seems to be the opposite of this

To be sure, most people are law-abiding, but crime remains a problem. 必须承认,绝大部分人是遵纪守法的,但违法犯罪活动依然是个问题。

sureness  noun   U 
Ways of expressing certainty
I’ m sure the most usual way of saying that you are sure about something(表示确信最通常的方式)
I’ m positive/I’ m certain 我坚信/我确信a stronger, more emphatic way of expressing certainty(语气更强烈、更具强调作用的表达方式)
I know 我知道 used for expressing certainty that something will happen, based on a strong feeling rather than on facts(用于表示确信某事会发生,出于一种强烈的感觉而非基于事实)
I bet 我确信 used informally to show that you are confident about the truth of what you are saying(非正式的用法,表示确信你所说的属实)
no doubt 毫无疑问 a more formal way of expressing certainty about what someone is thinking or feeling, often used by people in authority(一种更正式的对某人的想法或感觉表示确信的方式,常为当权者所用)
I am satisfied 我确信 a way of expressing certainty about the facts of a situation, often used in official situations(对某种情况的事实表示确信,常用于官方场合)
I’ m sure she won’ t forget – she’ s very reliable.
I’ m positive I had the keys with me when I left.我很肯定我走的时候带了钥匙。 We’ re certain we made the right decision.
You’ re going to enjoy the show – I just know you are.
I bet they’ ve gone without us!我确信他们丢下我们走了! I bet he’ s not as good a cook as you.
You will no doubt be relieved to hear that the management has agreed to your request.
Having examined the evidence, we are satisfied that safety regulations were not broken.




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