

单词 with
with ★★★
1 together
if one person or thing is with another or does something with them , they are together or they do it together 与…在一起;同;跟;和

Hannah lives with her parents. 汉娜和父母住在一起。

chicken pie served with vegetables and mushrooms 与蔬菜、蘑菇一起端上的鸡肉馅饼

I’ ll be with you in a moment. 我一会儿就来。

She was having lunch with the boss. 她正在与老板一起吃午饭。

aproblem you should discuss with your teacher 一个你该和老师讨论的问题

2 having or holding sth
2a used for stating what possessions, qualities, or features someone or something has 拥有(财产);具有(品质、特征)

agirl with red hair 一个红头发的女孩

aroom with a high ceiling 天花板很高的房间

The new prime minister is a man with little international experience. 新首相是一位没有多少国际事务经验的人。

2b used for stating what someone is holding or carrying 拿着;端着

We saw Moore coming back with a drink in his hand. 我们看见穆尔回来,手里拿着一杯饮料。

Servants would arrive with trays of tea. 仆人们会端来几盘茶。

3 by means of sth
used for stating what is used for doing something 用…

Stir the mixture with a spoon. 用勺子搅拌混合物。

Selim sat up, wiping his eyes with his hand. 塞利姆坐了起来,用手擦擦眼睛。

Edward entertained me with stories of his travels. 爱德华给我讲他旅行时的故事来让我开心。

4 towards or concerning sb/sth
used for stating what person or thing you have a particular feeling towards 对于;关于;至于

Why are you angry with me? 你为什么生我的气呢?

Feeling rather pleased with herself, Loretta went back to her office. 洛雷塔自鸣得意地回到了她的办公室。

Of course, we’ re disappointed with the court’ s decision. 当然,我们对法院的判决非常失望。

5 used for stating what causes a particular reaction or state
5a used for stating what feeling causes someone to react in a particular way 由于,因(某种感情而导致某人出现某种反应)

His face was red with embarrassment. 他尴尬得脸红了。

Diana was positively trembling with rage. 戴安娜气得全身发抖。

5b used for stating what causes someone or something to be in a particular state (表示导致某人或某物处于某种状态的原因)

The children were already weak with exhaustion. 孩子们已经累得浑身无力了。

The air was thick with smoke. 空气里弥漫着浓浓的烟雾。

6 against sb
used for showing who you compete , fight , or argue against 与…(竞争、对抗、争论等);对

Don’ t argue with me. 不要和我争论了。

The war with France lasted for nearly twenty years. 与法国的战争持续了大约20年。

Banks are competing with each other in the property market. 银行之间正在房地产市场方面相互竞争。

7 in a particular way
7a used for stating the qualities that someone shows or the feelings that they have when they do something 具有;带有

He spoke with great confidence and charm. 他说话时很自信,也很有魅力。

7b used for stating the sound or expression someone or something makes when they do something 发出(某种声音);带着(某种表情)

The car roared down the drive with a screech of tyres. 伴随着轮胎发出的尖锐刺耳的声音,汽车沿着车道疾驰而去。

‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ he asked with a friendly smile. “你玩得开心吗?”他友好地微笑着问道。

7c used for stating the position of someone’ s body when they do something 以(某种姿势)

Gordon was standing with his back to the window. 戈登正背对窗站着。

7d used for stating how something starts, continues, or ends 以…方式(开始、继续或结束)

The story ends with the death of Jezebel. 故事以耶泽贝尔的死亡作为结束。

8 supporting sb
used for stating who you support 支持

Are you with us or against us? 你是支持我们还是反对我们?

an MP who had voted with the Government for privatization 对政府私有化政策投赞成票的议员

I’ ll go along with whatever you think is best. 只要你认为是最好的我都支持。

9 while a particular situation exists
9a because of the situation that exists 因为;由于

With all this uncertainty about jobs, it’ s difficult to make plans. 由于工作有那么多不确定性,所以很难做出计划。

9b in spite of the problems that exist 尽管;虽然

With all its faults, democracy is still the best system we have. 尽管有种种缺陷,民主仍然是我们最好的体制。

10 covered or filled by sth
used for stating what is in or on something , for example what fills or covers it 用…(装满或覆盖)

Fill the jug with boiling water. 在罐里装满开水。

The hills were covered with snow. 山丘上覆盖着白雪。

streets in Sorrento lined with orange trees 两旁都是橘子树的索伦托的街道

11 sharing or exchanging
used for saying that people share or exchange things 与…(分享或交换)

She shares her food with all the family. 她与全家人分享她的食物。

Most countries had already stopped trading with South Africa. 大多数国家已经停止了与南非的贸易往来。

12 in the same direction
moving in the same direction as the wind , current etc 与…同一方向

Their boat was drifting with the current. 他们的船正顺水漂流。

13 happening , developing , or changing because of sth
13a developing or improving as a result of something 随着…(发展或改进)

Every player’ s performance will tend to improve with experience and training. 随着经验和训练的增加,每位演奏者的演奏水平都将会提高。

13b changing as time passes 随着(时间推移而变化)

The risk of developing cancer increases with age. 随着年龄的增大,患癌症的危险也加大。

13c used for stating what event makes something possible 随着…(某事成为可能)

With the arrival of scientific advances, we have discovered the causes of most diseases. 随着科学的进步,我们已经发现了大多数疾病的病因。

14 relating to sth
used for stating what a particular action or problem is related to 与…有关

There’ s nothing wrong with my eyesight. 我的视力没有任何问题。

We’ re making good progress with our investigations. 我们的调查进展顺利。

The trouble with car alarms is that they often go off accidentally. 汽车警报器的毛病是常常会意外地报警。

15 affected by an illness , injury etc
used for saying what kind of illness , injury , or problem is affecting you 患(病);受(伤)

Anumber of people were taken to hospital with minor injuries. 许多人受轻伤被送往医院。

She has been in bed with tonsillitis for a few days. 她因患扁桃体炎卧床好几天了。

16 used for stating who is involved in a particular relationship
used for stating what people , countries etc someone behaves towards in a particular way 对;与

Iwas very friendly with the manager’ s secretary. 我对经理的秘书非常友好。

US relations with Vietnam have improved recently. 美国与越南的关系最近已得到了改善。

-   be with sb spoken
to understand what someone is telling you

‘Are you with me?’ ‘No, could you explain that bit again?’ “你听懂我的话了吗?”“听不懂,请你把那一点再解释一下好吗?”

-   with it spoken
1 if you are with it , you wear fashionable clothes and know about all the newest music , films etc 时髦的;新潮的

get with it Get with it, Dad – this music isn’ t cool any more. 顺应新潮流吧,爸爸,这种音乐早过时了。

2 able to understand clearly everything that is happening around you 明白情况的;机灵的

I’ m sorry if I wasn’ t quite with it when you phoned. 很抱歉,你打电话时我反应有些迟钝。

-   with that, sb does sth
used in a story for saying that someone leaves immediately after saying or doing something

‘Good luck!’ he shouted, and with that he walked off into the darkness. “祝你好运!”他喊道,随即便走入了黑暗中。





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