

单词 plug
plug 2
VERB  T   
1 plug to fill a hole so that nothing can get through it 堵住,堵塞,填塞(洞)

plug sth with sth Plug the hole with newspaper before applying the cement. 上水泥之前先用报纸把那个洞堵起来。

2 to try to make people interested in a book , film , idea etc by talking about it in an enthusiastic way , especially on a radio or television programme (尤指在广播或电视节目中)力荐,吹捧,宣传(书籍、电影、观点等)

They’ re really here to plug their new album. 他们实际上是来这里宣传他们的新专辑的。

3 AMERICAN  informal old-fashioned   to shoot someone 射杀(某人)
-   plug the gap
to provide what is missing from something

The Home Secretary has ruled out immediate tax increases to plug the gap. 内政大臣已经排除了立即增加税收以填补此缺口的可能性。

ˌplug aˈway
to continue doing something in a determined way despite difficulties 不畏困难地坚持做

I’ ll just keep plugging away and try to get it finished by tonight. 我会一鼓作气争取在今晚就把它做完。

ˌplug ˈin
 T  to connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment 给(设备)接通电源;将…与…连接起来

Then I realized I hadn’ t plugged the TV in. 然后我意识到我还没有接通电视的电源。

a  I  to be connected to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment 给(设备)接通电源;将…与…连接起来

Can you see where it plugs in? 你看得出它是接在哪里的吗?

ˌplug ˈinto
1 plug sth into sth: to connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment 给(设备)接通电源;将…与…连接起来

First plug the keyboard into your computer. 首先把键盘连接到计算机上。

1a plug into sthif a piece of equipment plugs into something , it is connected to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment (设备)连接到(电源或其他设备上)

The mouse plugs into a serial port. 鼠标插进串行端口。

1b plug into sthif you plug into a larger computer system , your computer becomes connected to it and you can get information from it (计算机)与(更大的计算机系统)相连,与…联网
2 plug into sth: to become connected or involved with someone or something and get some benefit from them 与…相连接;参与…

With this latest book, she is clearly hoping to plug into the international market. 显然她希望通过这本新书打入国际市场。





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