

单词 account
account 1 ★★★
1  C  an arrangement in which a bank looks after your money . You can deposit (= pay in) or withdraw (= take out) money when you need to (银行)账户,户头

There was only £50 in his bank account. 他的银行账户里只有50英镑。

an overdrawn account (=one from which you have taken more money than you have paid in) 透支的账户

open an account How do I open an account with your bank? 我如何在你们银行开个账户呢?

2  C  usually plural a detailed record that a business keeps of the money it receives and spends in a particular period of time 账;账目

The accounts showed a loss of £498 million. 账目表明有498亿英镑的亏损。

2a  U  the part of an organization that keeps records of the money it receives and spends 会计部
3  C  an arrangement you have with a shop or other business that allows you to pay for goods or services later 赊购账户

I have an account with Marks and Spencer. 我在玛莎百货有个赊购账户。

3a a record showing how much you owe a shop or other business for goods or services you have received 账单;交易清单

settle an account (=pay the money that you owe) I’ ll settle my account in the morning. 付账;结账

4  C  a company that regularly buys goods or services from another company 客户

We now have over 30 major accounts. 我们现在有30多个大客户。

5  C  an arrangement you have with a company or Internet provider to use a service they provide 服务账号;网络账号

Do you have an email account? 你有电子邮箱账号吗?

6  C  a written or spoken report about something that has happened 记述;描述;报告;报道

+of a brief account of the meeting 会议的简要记录

give an account of sth He was too shocked to give a clear account of events. 他惊魂未定,无法清楚地描述事件的发生经过。

eyewitness account (=a description of the details of an event given by someone who saw them) an eyewitness account of a brutal beating 目击报告

6a a detailed description of how or why something happens 阐述;解释

The study aims to give an account of modern attitudes towards democracy. 该研究旨在阐述现代人对待民主的态度。

-   bring/call/hold sb to account formal
to make someone explain publicly why they made a mistake or committed a crime , especially so that they can be criticized or punished for it
-   by/from all accounts
according to what people say

She is, by all accounts, a decent young woman. 据各方面的说法来看,她是个正派的年轻女子。

-   by your own account
according to what you yourself have said

By their own account, the politicians wanted the matter kept secret. 据他们自己所说,政客们想对这件事保密。

-   give a good account of yourself BRITISH
to behave or perform very well

We gave a good account of ourselves, coming second overall. 我们表现出色,总分第二。

-   of no account/of little account
not very important

The colour of someone’ s skin should be of no account. 一个人的肤色应该是无足轻重的。

-   on account
1 if you buy something on account , you take it now and pay for it later 以赊账方式
2 if you pay an amount of money on account , you pay part of what you owe now and you pay the rest later 分期付款地

payments on account for the tax year ending in April 1999 于1999年4月份结束之税收年的分期付款

-   on sb’ s account
if you do something on someone’ s account , you do it because you think they want you to

Please don’ t go on my account. 请不要因为我的缘故要走。

-   on account of
because of someone or something

She can’ t work much on account of the children. 她主要是因为孩子而不能工作。

-   on no account/not on any account
used to say in a strong and definite way that something must not happen or be done

On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened. 士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事情而受到责难。

A doctor should not, on any account, break his confidence. 医生无论如何都不能失去信心。

-   on your own account
by yourself or for yourself rather than with or for someone else

He earned £250,000 last year trading stock on his own account. 去年他靠自己在股票交易上赚了25万英镑。

-   on this/that account
used when giving the reason for something

She was divorced, and on that account alone my mother disliked her. 她离过婚,就因为这个原因我母亲不喜欢她。

-   settle an account/settle accounts
to end a disagreement or argument with someone by defeating them

They threatened to settle accounts with those who opposed them. 他们威胁要与反对者算账。

-   take account of sth/take sth into account
to consider something when you are trying to make a decision

Compensation awards take into account the pain and suffering caused to the victim. 赔偿金的裁定额考虑到了受害者所经受的痛苦和折磨。

If you take inflation into account, we actually spend less now. 如果你把通货膨胀考虑进去,我们现在其实花费少了。





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