

单词 slip
slip 1 ★★★
1  I  if you slip , your feet slide accidentally and you lose your balance or fall over 滑;滑倒

Margaret slipped and broke her arm. 玛格丽特滑了一下,摔断了手臂。

+on Be careful you don’ t slip on the wet floor. 小心别在湿地板上滑倒。

1a  I  if something that is moving round slips, it fails to stay firmly on a surface 滑动;滑行

The truck’ s wheels were slipping and spinning in the mud. 卡车的轮子在泥里打滑。

1b  I  if something you are holding or wearing slips, it falls from your hands, or falls from position 滑落;脱落

The knife slipped and cut my finger. 刀子滑落把我的手指割破了。

+out of The ball slipped out of my hands as I tried to catch it. 我想接住球时球从我的手中滑落了。

+off Tighten the straps so they won’ t slip off your shoulders. 系紧带子,这样它们才不会从你的肩上滑下来。

1c  T  to become free or no longer held by something 挣脱;摆脱

The boat slipped its moorings and started to drift. 船从缆索中滑脱出来,开始漂流。

2  I  to go somewhere , especially quickly and quietly without people noticing you or stopping you 溜走;悄悄地走

+intoout ofthrough etc Several people managed to slip past the guards and into the concert. 几个人设法混过门卫,溜进了音乐会。

Sarah slipped into the room and carefully shut the door. 萨拉悄悄溜进房间,小心地关上门。

3  T  to slide something into a place or position 悄悄放在;滑落在

slip sth into/around/under etc sth I’ ll slip the letter under your door. 我会悄悄把信放在你的门下。

John slipped his arm around his wife’ s waist. 约翰的一只手臂滑落到妻子的腰部。

3a to put something somewhere or give something to someone quickly and quietly so that other people do not see what you are doing 偷偷塞;迅速给

Michael slipped the bar of chocolate into his pocket. 迈克尔偷偷把那条巧克力塞进口袋。

slip sb sth If you slip him some cash he’ ll get you good seats. 如果你偷偷塞给他一些现金,他会给你好座位。

4  I  to become gradually less strong or good or move into a worse condition 变弱;变坏;恶化

Support for the death penalty has been slipping. 人们对死刑的支持一直在下降。

Profits slipped by 13% last year. 去年利润下降了13%。

Standards have been slipping over the years. 几年来标准一直在下降。

4a if someone is slipping, they are becoming less good at doing something 某人水平下降

I beat you again, George. You must be slipping! 我又赢你了,乔治。你肯定是水平下降了!

-   let (it) slip
to tell someone something secret by mistake

He let it slip that they intended to move to Canada. 他无意中说出他们打算搬到加拿大去。

She let slip something very interesting. 她无意中透露了非常有趣的事。

-   sb’ s mask/demeanour slips
if your mask or demeanour slips, people start to see what you are really thinking or feeling

‘Of course,’ she said quickly, her professional mask never slipping. “当然”,她很快说道,她的职业面具从来没有被看穿。

Glyn’ s calm demeanour seemed to be slipping. 格林冷静的外表似乎要被识破。

-   slip your mind/memory
if something slips your mindmemory, you forget to do it

How could she have let something so important slip her mind? 她怎么会忘记这么重要的事情?

-   slip through your fingers
if something such as a chance , opportunity , or prize slips through your fingers, you fail to get it or take advantage of it

This prestigious award has slipped through their fingers yet again. 他们再次与这份享有盛誉的奖项擦身而过。

let sth slip through your fingers You mustn’ t let an opportunity like this slip through your fingers. 你不该错过像这样的一次机会。

-   slip through the net/cracks
to fail to be caught or protected by the system that was intended to catch or protect you

A lot of poor people are slipping through the net because they don’ t know what they’ re entitled to. 许多穷人没有受到保护是因为他们不清楚自己所拥有的权利。

ˌslip aˈway
1 to leave secretly 悄然离开

We managed to slip away early. 我们设法早早地溜走了。

2 if something such as power or an opportunity slips away , you stop having it 不再有(权力、机会等)

Organizers felt support for the project slowly slipping away. 组织者感到人们逐渐不再支持这个计划。

ˌslip ˈby
if time or an opportunity slips by , it passes and you fail to use it or gain an advantage from it (时间)悄然逝去,不知不觉地过去;(机会)错过

I had the chance to switch jobs, but I let it slip by. 我本来有机会换工作,但我错过了。

ˌslip ˈin
if you slip in a remark , you make sure that you say it in a conversation in a way that is not too obvious (不引人注意地)插入(话语)

He managed to slip in a few comments about his rich father. 他设法插入了几句对他有钱父亲的评论。

ˌslip ˈinto
1 slip into sth: to quickly put on a piece of clothing 迅速穿上(衣服)

Give me a moment to slip into something more comfortable. 给我一点时间穿件更舒适的衣服。

2 slip into sth: to gradually start to be in a bad state or situation 逐渐陷入(不良的状态或处境)

She felt herself slip into unconsciousness. 她感到自己逐渐陷入昏迷状态。

The country is slipping into recession. 这个国家正走向经济衰退。

3 slip sth into sth: if you slip a remark into a conversation , speech etc, you make sure that you say it in a way that is not too obvious 不引人注意地把…插入(谈话或演讲等)中
ˌslip ˈoff
to take a piece of clothing off quickly 迅速脱掉(衣服)

Slip your shirt off and I’ ll listen to your heart. 快点脱掉衬衫,我来听听你的心跳。

ˌslip ˈon
to put clothes on 迅速穿上(衣服)

Ann slipped the jacket on to see what it looked like. 安迅速穿上那件夹克衫试试效果如何。

ˌslip ˈout
if something , especially a secret , slips out , you say it without intending to (尤指秘密)被无意中说出,被泄露

I know you asked me not to tell him, but it just slipped out. 我知道你叫我不要告诉他,但我只是无意中说漏了嘴。

ˌslip ˈout of
slip out of sth: to take clothes off 脱掉(衣服)

I’ m going to slip out of this uniform as soon as we get home. 我打算我们一到家就把这制服脱掉。

ˌslip ˈup
to make a careless mistake 疏漏;出差错




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